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Mortal Kombat Character Select Screen Leaked (Spoilers) [Update: Stage Renders]


Uzumaki Goku said:
Quan Chi isn't supposed to get those tatoos until Deadly Alliance.. I don't know why they always ignore that...

Isn't that quan chi model very similar to the one from MKvsDC? I think quan chi is only in because they had the model lying around and never got to use it for DC because of the whole midway dying thing.

Really hope his MK4 costume is his alt.
SapientWolf said:
I get the feeling that they're going to be ignoring a lot of the continuity for this game.
Either Quan Chi got the amulet early, or perhaps they have decided to skip the MK4 timeline entirely. I wouldn't be surprised if the next game circles around Onaga anyway since Shinnok was so forgettable... or they goofed and forgot.
In case anyone is wondering what levels they are:

The Armory

The Belltower

The Training Dojo

The Courtyard (Day)

The Courtyard (Night)

The Deadpool

The Desert

Flesh Pits/The Lab

Goro's Lair

The Graveyard

The Nettherrealm/Hell

Kahn's Arena

The Living Forest

The Pit (Night)

The Pit Bottom

The Pit (Day)

The Rooftop (Dawn)

The Rooftop (Day)

The Rooftop (Dusk)

Shang Tsung's Throne Room

Shao Kahn's Throne Room

The Flame of Olympus

The Soul Chamber

Shang Tsung's Garden (Day)

Shang Tsung's Garden (Night)

The Street

The Subway

The Temple

The Tower/Evil Monastery

The Wastelands


HeresSomeWeapons said:
Wat. How? How does Mortal Kombat doing well mean that people who are currently buying Capcom fighting games and DLC will stop doing so? Capcom's success is completely independent of Mortal Kombat. The two are not mutally exculsive.

Because in the end? This is a "battle" for the casual market. Said market already started to gnash its teeth when Capcom went back to its 90s style "disc updates" for Super, last year. They were more than a bit nonplussed by MvC3's rather bare-bones content, as well.

So, all it would take is for decent competition to show up, and showcase a different, if not possibly better way of doing things, and the market will inevitably set the tone for what is expected in the years to come.

Case in point: MK Deception and DOA Ultimate were the first two fighting games that had online functionality in a way that actually started to address Western desires for such. Now, to have online features is not only something that is a nice bullet-point to have for your fighting game release, it's expected. That's what the market wanted, and it had its way.

So what I'm saying is, don't be surprised if what this MK does, inevitably forces Capcom to take at least some notes. Reptile DID preempt Akuma/Gouki, after all... :lol
strideramc said:
The courtyard is awesome! These stages are really cool. God why can't it be 4/19 yet. Time to go play the demo again.
Ya know whats funny bout the demo? That we got more than 50% of MK1 and better looking for free.
The Lamonster said:
I'll never understand why they feel the need to release multiple versions of the same game. I'd be pissed if I were an SF fan and had to buy the same game over and over. I thought we were done with that shit after the 90's. But anyway, that's for another thread I guess.
Here you go.


Throne Room stage fatality should be Shang Tsung stealing their soul like in the movie.

Him doing it on himself would be a bit odd though...
The Lamonster said:
I'll never understand why they feel the need to release multiple versions of the same game. I'd be pissed if I were an SF fan and had to buy the same game over and over. I thought we were done with that shit after the 90's. But anyway, that's for another thread I guess.

They aren't the same game though.


About the arenas ... they told wich one has specific fatalities like the subway and the taxi cab ?

Also, where is Kratos' arena ?
FallingEdge said:
They aren't the same game though.
The engine is already there. It shares the same system mechanics and graphical style. It is admittedly referred to as [Super] Street Fighter 4 instead of Street Fighter 5.

They are very similar, is the point trying to be made.

And the content that is added or changed can be added or changed without a new disc, as seen in many other games.

But all that's for the other topic.


HeresSomeWeapons said:
The two games are not mutually exclusive. Meaning you are allowed to enjoy both.
Gravijah said:
are you sure

Yeah, in my experience, liking SF on a "serious" level kind of makes people become angry and mean-spirited.

Similarly, I believe you are also required to go to "douchebag camp" if you ever decide you want to get into PC gaming. :p

I think a lot of people will come around to Smoke's design when the finally see him in motion. (not that I've seen him in motion, but his portrait just looks like some action shot which is why his hair looks funny)


RustyNails said:


Criminal Upper said:
Uh, alot of people like Quan Chi, dude.

I retract my prior statements about Quan Chi as clearly a lot of people lit him. I'm just sweet of Rain because he was one of the first characters I discovered a loop with in my youth along with Orchid from KI.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
a Master Ninja said:
Fuck me that's a lot of stages. This game is loaded with content. What are they going to do for Mortal Kombat 10?

Probably fuck it up, this one feels very much like a stars aligning thing.


Super Member
a Master Ninja said:
Fuck me that's a lot of stages. This game is loaded with content. What are they going to do for Mortal Kombat 10?
Probably refer to Deadly Alliance/Deception/Armageddon if they decide to match the amount of story progression in 1 game.

I'm amazed and sort of glad they did the equivalent of 1-3 already

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
The story of Mortal Kombat is definitely a guilty pleasure for me, but its a good thing that theyre starting from scratch again, they had been too sloppy in adding elements as the years went by.

I mean, go read all the characters bios and damn theres a lot of characters that "witnessed the events of the original Mortal Kombat in the shadows" they must have had snacks and member only jackets.
Raging Spaniard said:
The story of Mortal Kombat is definitely a guilty pleasure for me, but its a good thing that theyre starting from scratch again, they had been too sloppy in adding elements as the years went by.

I mean, go read all the characters bios and damn theres a lot of characters that "witnessed the events of the original Mortal Kombat in the shadows" they must have had snacks and member only jackets.
I definitely agree. I thought the Sub-Zero/Scorpion dynamic was way more interesting then Liu's story, for example.


commedieu said:
I want more difficult fatalities....

Enjoyable none the less :)
It's not that the inputs are easy, it's just that they give you so much damn time to zone right, make sure you know which one you want to do, then input it; with time to piss before hand, if you want.

plus you can pause. Old MKs didn't have pause and UMK3 gave you like 2 seconds to input the fatality. Bullshit back when I was a wee lad.


Unicorn said:
It's not that the inputs are easy, it's just that they give you so much damn time to zone right, make sure you know which one you want to do, then input it; with time to piss before hand, if you want.

plus you can pause. Old MKs didn't have pause and UMK3 gave you like 2 seconds to input the fatality. Bullshit back when I was a wee lad.

I don't mind the longer fatality window. I have been playing UMK3 lately and you need like twitch reflexes and some luck to get a fatality inputted before it times out.
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