Yahoo probably gets a lot of visits due to Yahoo Finance. Got to be the most popular site for stocks going back to the dot com phase in 2000. I never use Yahoo, but still use Yahoo Finance since then.
Never heard of Webcrawler ever.
Didnt know Xvideos was the biggest porn site. Thought it'd be Pornhub.
As for Google blowing everyone away, back then when everyone was doing search engines and Google just arrived, main reason why I used it wasnt due to the search results. I dont think the average person even cared or compared results. It was just that Google was a clean fast site when all the other typical search companies tried to be that be all and end all home page of news, videos, sports, search etc.... Cluttered junk that could slow down your surfing. Yahoo still does it.
I just want to search for shit and not be hit with media.
Yahoo home page when I visit it