Kind of offtopic, but it's dog related.
My grandparents used to take care of my uncle's golden retriever named Kai. (He [the dog, not my uncle] died before I was born.)
I wish I was able to meet him, because he sounds like he was an AWESOME dog (and, according to pretty much everyone in my family, incredibly smart for a dog).
Just a few facts/stories about Kai that I've heard:
1. Never barked, ever. :O
2. This happened the first time my mom came over to my grandparents' house ( my dad's parents, that is.) and met Kai for the first time. She played with him a bit during the visit. At some point, she thought he had to go out to go to the bathroom, so she asked him, "Do you want to go outside?"
You NEVER say that to Kai. My dad told my mom, "Oh, now you have to talk him out for a walk around the block!" as Kai came up to her with his leesh in his mouth, and continued to nudge her hands until she took him out for a walk (Kai always did that if you left him waiting for his walk.) Now, this was in the middle of winter, here in Minnesota, and on that particular day, there was a huge snowstorm. So my mom had to walk Kai through like 10 inches of snow, subzero degree temperatures, and like 20 mph winds, just because she didn't know that "Do you want to go outside?" was used when you wanted to take Kai out for a walk. :lol
3. After my dad and mom got married (but before my mom got pregant), they lived in a condominium. Of course, there were no pets allowed. But one night, my grandparents went out to dinner, and my dad didn't feel like leaving Kai all alone at their house. So my dad went to the house, took Kai and one of my grandfather's coats and hats, and drove to the condominium. He put the coat and hat on Kai, and took him into the condominium. They didn't get caught. (I have a picture of Kai with the coat and hat on. :lol )
4. My grandparents and parents went out to lunch one day. When they came back, the back door's glass covering was shattered, and Kai was standing outside next to a pile of his vomit. Apparently, he didn't want to get the carpet dirty, so he jumped through the door.

(he wasn't injured.)
5. My family members would often play tug o' war with Kai, who would always growl while playing tug of war. My dad in particular loved to play with Kai. Kai would have one end of the blanket in his mouth, and my dad would put the other end of the blanket in his own mouth, and they'd both give out little playful growls while pulling. (Of course, Kai held back against everyone, because he could have easily beaten them all.)
Anyways, Kai was always very gentle with my brother when he played with him (Kai died around the time my brother was 3 and a half). My brother wasn't exactly careful with Kai. He would, according to my dad and mom, crawl all over Kai and everything when playing with him. But Kai never did anything. Unlike when he played tug o' war with anyone else, Kai never growled when playing tug o' war with Phil (my brother). In fact, he never growled at all around Phil, according to my parents.
6. Kai didn't like baths. (Or maybe it was all a game to him) My dad would tell him it's time for a bath, and then have trouble getting him outside. He'd have to grab him and drag him out, usually. And then, my dad would scrub him down and TRY to rinse him off with the hose, but Kai would run around dodging the hose as my dad ran after him. (Of course, my dad always found a way to catch Kai. He thought of ways to outsmart him and always get him with the hose) After the bath was over, no matter where my dad was, Kai would run after him and shake himself off right next to my dad. And he wouldn't shake until he got next to my dad. If my dad ran away, Kai chased after him, even into the house, until he could get next to my dad to shake himself dry. :lol
I wish I was around when Kai was.
</Kai Appreciation post>