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Motivational speaker goes off after being disrespected by high school kids

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It's becomes a problem when a lesson can't get through. I remember in high school we'd miss an entire lesson and get left behind because most of the class was loud and disrespectful. And those teachers tried their hardest to get the lesson done.

I can't even recall a time even with a sub where our classes got sidetracked like that. Definitely another fairly intangible benefit about going to a good school in a good neighborhood, I guess, when the usual focus on troubled schools and troubled kids is on grades or home life.


That's untrue as hell. I was poor in the ghetto (still in the ghetto) as a kid. Our parents beat the hell out of us if we fucked up. Every kid had a "my momma/daddy beat the hell out of me because I ___ in school" story. I got beat for not doing homework (I was the "good one" of my mom's 6 kids). Every black comedian has a momma/daddy beat me growing up story. We get the shit disciplined out of us, however, our environment, our society teaches that hustling is simply better than going to school. And growing up in the hood, people will turn their backs on you instantly and fuck you over. You can't trust a stranger on the street because you don't know if someone you know fucked with someone he knows and now him and his boys are about to jump you, so we don't trust anyone that easily.

I just said they get the shit beat out of them and you replied and said you got the shit beat out of you.

Beating up kids doesn't teach kids anything except that hitting solves problems.

Bubba T

But he is specifically saying that these kids have a problem:

No, I'm saying it's a problem that you need to address to these kids.

Impoverished kids have very different home lives than those who grow up in privilege, and many do not learn basic things like manners, not to hit people, not to steal from people, or why you shouldn't take revenge against every person who displeases you.

They don't trust easily, and like most kids, they are very self-interested. They need all the guidance you can give them because they're used to being yelled at, hit, and put on the bus.

Impoverished kids' parents expect you to play a large role in raising their kids, so you have to let them know how kids are supposed to act.

Speevy explained it beautifully. This is an issue tied to how kids are raised rather than a race thing. I wish he had not of marginalized the kids but sometimes that's how you get through to them.


goes off?

It seems like he handled that fine. No matter how much injustice is out there in the world. You have to treat yourself right. You have to cover your bases. He said white students are quiet for his speeches, but even if they are quite during an assembly, there are problems with anti-intellectualism all across American schools. I'd like to see this change in youth culture.


Been at schools like Thomas?

Probably in all honesty, and maybe even worse, and the reality remained that kids of all ethnic backgrounds were capable of disrespect when they were in crowds and bored. You don't build pride by dropping shit like that on kids.

Being embarassed is not the same thing as self loathing. Everything has the capacity to look bad if you quote mine though.

I don't care about him being embarrassed, I didnt even mention it.

I mentioned the bullshit about "White,Latino, and Jewish" kids being saints ready to take notes from the hip hop preacher while the blacks were the only ones supposedly disrespecting him. He is spouting straight up bullshit there.


Probably in all honesty, and maybe even worse, and the reality remained that kids of all ethnic backgrounds were capable of disrespect when they were in crowds and bored. You don't build pride by dropping shit like that on kids.

I don't care about him being embarrassed, I didnt even mention it.

I mentioned the bullshit about "White,Latino, and Jewish" kids being saints ready to take notes from the hip hop preacher while the blacks were the only ones supposedly disrespecting him. He is spouting straight up bullshit there.
He never said other races were incapable of disrespect, only that his experience has shown him receive disrespect almost entirely from black kids. It's not really fair to call it a lie when it can very well be his experience.


I mentioned the bullshit about "White,Latino, and Jewish" kids being saints ready to take notes from the hip hop preacher while the blacks were the only ones supposedly disrespecting him. He is spouting straight up bullshit there.

I agree with you. It is bullshit. I don't think it was very productive to even say that. I am saying that this is a quote mine though. It looks awful out of context. In context it isn't as bad. It's still bad, but I think the overall message outweighs it.
Great speech. High school students can be such little shits, irreverent of everything.

When I got my PHD, what embarrassed me, they’re asking me like, ‘What’s wrong with our urban schools?’ I’m like why are you asking me? I’m in class just like you’re in class. The teachers want to know, professors want to know why are your kids, what’s the problem in the school system? I’m embarrassed, ya’ll. I’m a grown man and I’m embarrassed that they talk about ya’ll and you want to know why I’m embarrassed? Because what they don’t know is that you ain’t even trying when you take the test. You didn’t give your best. They think you dumb. You ain’t dumb. You can’t take our people from Africa and put us in a diaspora and spread us all over the world. We survived slavery, and we can’t pass a test? Come on!

I'm not entirely kosher with the blaming the kids rhetoric to be fair, but given the circumstances, I won't blame him.

To be honest even when I was in high school I found the work unappealing and not engaging. Felt like it was about just doing enough to have everyone pass, not letting people who were. I had basically no work ethic coming out of high school. Still haunts me through university.

If I had been fortunate to have been sent it a private school or simply a better public (or Canadian Catholic school in my case) school it feels like I would have been set up to succeed more. I kind of resent my high school education.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I can see racists using this as justification for their beliefs because a black man said it.
Probably in all honesty, and maybe even worse, and the reality remained that kids of all ethnic backgrounds were capable of disrespect when they were in crowds and bored. You don't build pride by dropping shit like that on kids.

I don't care about him being embarrassed, I didnt even mention it.

I mentioned the bullshit about "White,Latino, and Jewish" kids being saints ready to take notes from the hip hop preacher while the blacks were the only ones supposedly disrespecting him. He is spouting straight up bullshit there.

I agree with this. I'm sure there were plenty of kids there not showing any disrespect, but then he had to go and shame everybody with some "other races are doing it better" shit.

It was powerful outside of that though, but a blight nonetheless.

- J - D -

Thing is though is that, from watching the video, most of the students there seem very much focused on what he had to say even before he got real. So going broad with the race comparisons feels unnecessary shaming to me. But otherwise great speech.


Yeah I work in a school, he kept it real with them. Nice bait an switch OP, not going to lie I may not have even read the thread if it was labeled differently.


I can see racists using this as justification for their beliefs because a black man said it.

I dunno. You're probably not wrong, but this strikes me as the most cynical way to look at this speech. I think it might be more productive to see this as an opportunity for reflection.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Christ, that motivated me and im just reading the speech.

Sometimes you got to be real. And maybe just a spec of that speech will be ingrained in a students mind enough to make a difference.


I can see racists using this as justification for their beliefs because a black man said it.

Racists don't need much justification, tho.

That said, you can't solve problems without addressing they exists.

Also unruly crowds are just a superficial symptoms of large issues, which is something ET was alluding to.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I mean this might be a bit controversial but maybe the whole bit about race was to get the kids attention, and not just a momentary glance before cracking another joke, but hitting a bit close to home to perhaps get them to actually do a bit of listening. Sure it could have been worded better or he could have tried a different tactic but sometimes stating something like that especially with everything else he said might have been his way of really getting this kids to pay attention.
I expected a meltdown but this was great.

"Rapper came and took all your money and he didn't invest nothing back to you, he didn't come to your school"

" You sit quiet when your watching videos"



He never said other races were incapable of disrespect, only that his experience has shown him receive disrespect almost entirely from black kids. It's not really fair to call it a lie when it can very well be his experience.

Its highly unlikely all of these other hormone filled kids are acting like saints around him, while only those with melanin are disrespecting though. It isn't passing the bullshit test.
Do you know that if I go to a Jewish school, them kids are quiet. If I go to a white school, them kids quiet. If I go to a Latino school, they quiet. The only kids that disrespect me is black kids. That’s it, my own, are the only ones who disrespect me.

He was saying this to get their attention and get them to summon some pride/competition. But for the jokesters or those not concerned with school even getting one to pay attention is the goal.

He wouldn't go to these schools and be like yall are so well behaved compared to...
While I agree with the man that there's a very defined level of personal responsibility in education I can't act like there might not be issues with how schooling is setup world wide. And while I'm not sanctioning buffoonery I am aware that the outlook for most of these kids, academically, is rather bleak regardless of personal effort levels.


Its highly unlikely all of these other hormone filled kids are acting like saints around him, while only those with melanin are disrespecting though. It isn't passing the bullshit test.
The only thing we know either way comes from the guy that actually goes to these schools and talks to these kids. It mirrors negative stereotypes but he's offering an anecdote.

Yep, good speech. Sit your little ass down somewhere and shut up.

Speak for yourself. People who beat their kids can kiss my ass, passing along that slave shit to future generations.
This too. If you think hitting dependents is okay, you probably didn't turn out as well as you thought.


Speevy explained it beautifully. This is an issue tied to how kids are raised rather than a race thing. I wish he had not of marginalized the kids but sometimes that's how you get through to them.

People really need to understand this in the context of the "jewish, white, latino" comment. Whether or not he was exaggerating is completely irrelevant.


These kids aren't assholes because they are sheltered, they are assholes because society doesn't give a fuck about them and has left them behind.
It looks like he follows up with this too. He begs them to listen because if how badly society wants to destroy them.


These kids aren't assholes because they are sheltered, they are assholes because society doesn't give a fuck about them and has left them behind.

Why can't they just be normal kids talking to each other during an assembly? Its normal behavior. We always use to have boring assemblies during school full of things we didnt care about. They are kids.
Why can't they just be normal kids talking to each other during an assembly? Its normal behavior. We always use to have boring assemblies during school full of things we didnt care about. They are kids.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It could be a symptom of a greater problem. I don't know, and I don't necessarily agree with ET 100%, and I totally get the issues you have with what he said, just pointing out that in a lot of instances it's not these kids fault, it's the environment they are brought up in. That doesn't mean they aren't normal kids. They don't know any better. If what he is saying is true that in this particular district/school 70% of students read at a grade school level, that to me represents a complete systemic failure at every level, not just a few rowdy teenagers.
These kids aren't assholes because they are sheltered, they are assholes because society doesn't give a fuck about them and has left them behind.

Yessir. And it's not just society leaving them behind; it's the parents too. As such these kids are hardened and hard to reach out of necessity; not because they are inherently bad. They're fuckin KIDS after all. They are the product. The fruit. Gotta fix the soil and the roots to fix the fruit. You become hardened to protect yourself from external pains.

So many teachers I know eyes would well up watching this. Most of my friends that are in education are teaching in the inner city and struggle just to retain control of class long enough to get something done. They are great teachers and passionate, but are also close to being broken in many cases. Not everyone is gifted to motivate as he is. But he's getting paid $30-$50k for a reason. I can also speak from some measure of experience as a regular volunteer tutor and member of a Fraternity chapter of black men that would speak at high schools whenever we could about finishing high school and going to college, with our goal being 2x a month.
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