My CBR that sits rotting away now because the DMV refuses to give me a license without a car license...even though i spent 250 on the safety class and passed it, and then took an observation test and passed it. They keep making up rules everytime i go concerning this situation, they just make stuff up on the spot. Last time i went for the observation test..passed...then when i came back around the block he asked me to do serpentine...i argued i didnt have to...nothing was mentioned at any point ever about it until i came back around the block. Ive looked it up..theres no was stuff made up on the spot. So yea i didnt pass i put my foot down of no idea how i can go above the dmv or who to call. This is actually the brief version...full version is this has taken two years and the dmv says something new each time i go to take care of this.
Welcome to California incompetency....