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Movie Memorization?

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How many of you can recite entire films from memory? When I was a kid, I used to watch movies all the friggin time at home. I practically wore through the standard editions of Star Wars and memorized them line for line. I know I can also recite half of Back to the Future, but it's dispersed throughout the movie and not really sequentially. I can also do Star Trek II. Are there any you guys could recite from memory? Useless facts, I know as it never really comes up ever, but I'm just curious.


Batman, Big Lebowski, and a few others. Yeah, there are some movies you watch so many times, you can't help it. Batman alone I must have seen at least 20 times now. Watched it 13 times the first week it hit HBO. Yeah, I had a lot of free time then. ;) PEACE.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail was ruined for me because the first time I saw it, it was with people who could recite the movie from memory:

"We are the knights who say: Ni!"
"Thanks for ruining another joke. Would you shut the fuck up?"

Disney's Beauty and the Beast was ruined for me on opening night because I saw it with a girl who had bought the soundtrack album the week before, memorized all the songs, and sang along to every one.
When I was a kid, me and my friends could recite the dialogue to Fist of Fury and Return of the Dragon. Hell, to this day I can still recite Bruce's lines from Enter the Dragon.
Pee-wee's Big Adventure.

I vividly remember entire scenes just listening to this soundtrack I ripped the other day thanks to some help from some guys here heh.
The original


i know every damn line in the movie and still watch in once in a while and recite the lines lol


The Naked Gun
Jurassic Park
The Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Boondock Saints
The Goonies
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The Burbs
Joe vs. the Volcano
The Princess Bride
The Big Lebowski


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
When I was a kid, I had a number of movies memorized. The one I knew the best was always The Breakfast Club. My favorite line was always...

"No good, goddamn, free-loading, son-of-a-bitch. Retarded, big-mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk."

"You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful..."

"Shut up bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie!"

"What about you Dad?"

"Fuck you."

"No, Dad, what about you?"

"Fuck you."

"No, Dad, what about you?!"

"Fuck you!"

Ah, youth.


I can more or less, recite the dialogue from Once Upon A Time In The West, though I guess that's sort of easy since there's like 45 minutes of dialogue for a 3 hour movie. :p My brother can recite all of the cartoon The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
Nice to see I'm not the only one who's got much of Back to the Future (and II and III) etched into my brain. My brother is also a huge fan of the movies, so even lines that wouldn't seem outstanding will be used between us. Like the other day I said "I got it in my hands!" a particular way, and he picked up on it immediately.

way more

I can recite the dialogue form Matrix Reloaded while facing away. My roomate watched that movie like twice a day, I would just sit at my computer and mouth the words.

"Yes, me."
"Me too."

"You always told me to stay off the freeway. "
"Yes, that is true."
"You said it was suicide. "
"Then let us hope I was wrong. "

I also made pshoooow noises during the explosions. Same with
Lord of the Rings I and II


Ryu said:
How many of you can recite entire films from memory? When I was a kid, I used to watch movies all the friggin time at home. I practically wore through the standard editions of Star Wars and memorized them line for line. I know I can also recite half of Back to the Future, but it's dispersed throughout the movie and not really sequentially. I can also do Star Trek II. Are there any you guys could recite from memory? Useless facts, I know as it never really comes up ever, but I'm just curious.

Off the top of my head, I know I can recite:

Better off Dead
The Goonies
Back to the Future 1 & 2 and some of 3


"It's Pat"
"Don't Be a Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood"
"Boyz N The Hood"
"Pee-wee's Big Adventure"
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

off the top of my head


The only one I really know is Jay and Silent Bob Strike back(perfectly i might add), but i used to know alot of them, especially animated Disney movies like Lion King and Aladdin, but have since forgot them.

The thing is, once you know it verbatim when you here people try and quote it and they do it wrong you get super pissed. NOTHING annoys me more then hearing someone who saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike back for the first time try and sing Jay's Quick-Stop song in the beginning of the movie and butcher it HORRIBLY. Shut the hell up people, you sound dumb as shit.

I can also pretty much recite ALOT of the Family Guy episodes because I have seen them hundreds of times.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm not that great at reciting entire movies but I do have the uncanny ability to name the title of any movie after watching just a couple of seconds of it... even if I've never seen the movie. It's pretty neat.


The Ring, since I fapped over it for a few months and bought the DVD twice (different regions) - same with Lost in Translation.
Dumb and Dumber
Tommy Boy
Old School
Kung Pow: Enter The Fist
Billy Madison

I'll probably be working on Dodgeball pretty soon here.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Some friends and I used to be able to perform The Blues Brothers and Animal House. We were so obsessed with them that we listened to them on audio tape on road trips until we were in high school.


I used to be able to do:

Back to the Future
Little Giants
Austin Powers
Dumb and Dumber

Over the years, I've forgotten them. I think now I could manage a large portion of Requiem for a Dream and that's about it.
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