For me...right now...I honestly dont know of much that is coming out, but one movie I have been really waiting for and will try to see opening day is..
I believe in Robert Rodriguez.
Now there are other movies that I am interested in....but not sure if I am going to see them at the theatre or not.
-The Longest yard (hate adam sandler all you want, but this looks alright, and chris rock is the man......i wish nelly wasnt in it tho)
-War of the Worlds (i dont know, looks like it could be good)
-Chronicles of Narnia (looks interesting i guess...nope, never read the books)
-Alone in the dark (eh? i dont know...RE2 was so bad, that im kinda worried about this one)
-Fantastic Four (i dont probably see it just cause my future wife is in it.)
So what movies are yall looking forward to gaffers? I know i havent listed many cause I dont know of much that is coming out honestly.
I believe in Robert Rodriguez.
Now there are other movies that I am interested in....but not sure if I am going to see them at the theatre or not.
-The Longest yard (hate adam sandler all you want, but this looks alright, and chris rock is the man......i wish nelly wasnt in it tho)
-War of the Worlds (i dont know, looks like it could be good)
-Chronicles of Narnia (looks interesting i guess...nope, never read the books)
-Alone in the dark (eh? i dont know...RE2 was so bad, that im kinda worried about this one)
-Fantastic Four (i dont probably see it just cause my future wife is in it.)
So what movies are yall looking forward to gaffers? I know i havent listed many cause I dont know of much that is coming out honestly.