mango drank
If you've seen Vanilla Sky, odds are you had one of two reactions: "that was awful," or "I tripped balls and I loved it." In my case, it was the latter. I saw it in theaters when it first released, and the effect it had on me is probably exactly what Cameron Crowe intended: a mix of delirium, euphoria, and generally being weirded the fuck out. Like experiencing a fever dream. Or like a mild drug high without needing the actual drugs. I love movies that can do that. In Vanilla Sky's case, it was probably down to Crowe's masterful use of music, paired with the surreal plot.
I'm still chasing that high. For those who know what I'm talking about, what other movies have made you feel something similar? Is there a formula for it? Some combo of expertly-fit music, dream states, bittersweet feels, and surreal worlds? I dunno, but I can point to a few other movies that brought out shades of it for me:
Never Let Me Go
Hereditary / Midsommar
Dark City
Mulholland Drive / Lost Highway / Blue Velvet
The City of Lost Children
I'm still chasing that high. For those who know what I'm talking about, what other movies have made you feel something similar? Is there a formula for it? Some combo of expertly-fit music, dream states, bittersweet feels, and surreal worlds? I dunno, but I can point to a few other movies that brought out shades of it for me:
Never Let Me Go
Hereditary / Midsommar
Dark City
Mulholland Drive / Lost Highway / Blue Velvet
The City of Lost Children
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