What's the spoiler policy after airing?
I'll despoilify this if the policy is we can discuss spoilers after airing, but:
- Hot damn, Angela turned cold. Christ, her brushing off of the lawyer and just annihilating all the people who thought of her as a bitch was something else. It's good to see that Sam is setting the stage for a whole lot of inner conflict this year. Angela's going to turn full on Price this season, and it is going to be amazing to watch.
- TYRELL LIVES. Hallelujah, best character is going to return in style. I wonder what the hell Tyrell has been doing since the hack. 33 days away with the ability to freely call people implies that Tyrell has been working on something big, possibly global financial meltdown big?
- The directorial style of Esmail is too fucking good. That cut between Elliot nodding off and him waking up with the phone in a random apartment was amazing, the shot through the fish tank was amazing, the gorgeous gray and steel of New York was amazing.

He was the only guy I was rooting for to survive but their ain't no rest for the good. The man lost his company, his husband, his reputation, and now his life to what Elliot did. I wonder if Brock is going to continue on, and what his deal is regarding the hack. Curious to see what they're going to do with him.