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Music Recommendations?

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I thought I should make a thread where you could recommend a couple songs and then everyone else could check out your picks and make their own. Then people could voice their opinion on your choices. Rate their recommendations kind of thing.

Just a thread for everyone to broaden their musical horizons a bit. And be told if they have bad music taste or not :)

I'll start first.

01) "Cathedrals" by Jump, Little Children

02) "Virgin State of Mind" by K's Choice


Yeah, I'm trying to get all these songs.

Some of you are guys are super "indy" :) So it'll take a bit.

Definitely get "Cathedrals" by Jump, Little Children. It just took my 2nd favorite song ever spot. In like one day. I rarely ever change up my favorite song list :)


^^indeed Rahxephon op rocks.

I recommend:

Broken Social Scene - Space=Time
Yeah Yeah Yeah - Modern Romance (MAF recommended it. It's awesome.)


Mugen said:
Broken Social Scene - Space=Time
Yeah Yeah Yeah - Modern Romance (MAF recommended it. It's awesome.)

I didn't like the first one too much, it was alright.

I definitely liked the second one, but it's definitely the type you could get sick of quickly.


Tabris said:
I didn't like the first one too much, it was alright.

I definitely liked the second one, but it's definitely the type you could get sick of quickly.

Yeah Yeah Yeah's style is like that. They mainly have 2-3 riffs throughout the song and most of the lyrics are on repeat. Same can be said for 'Maps' too. :p

Though "Cathedrals" by Jump, Little Children is preety cool song.

Justin Bailey said:
Lodger - I Love Death (as featured in this awesome flash: http://koti.welho.com/alaari/lodger/)

Modest Mouse - Float On

Float On is a great song but I have eyt to hear the other one.
Galaxie 500 - Tugboat : I've been quietly advocating this band for a while now. They have a slow, dreamy quality to them. I guess I would consider them "my" band, as I completely relate to their music and not too many people, for the most part, know of them (a neccessary quality IMO in choosing "your" band). From interviews and such, I also gather that the lead singer is a lot like me.

Television - Elevation : I'm sure a lot of people here know them, but for the rest of you, check these guys out. They're a technically great and fun to listen to old school punk band from the 70s.


Chicago - Poem 58
Don't let the band or the title put you off... this was back when Chicago had Terry Kath, one of the only guitarists to floor Jimi Hendrix.

Galactic - Running Man
If you're not familiar with the Houseman's voice, this is a good introduction.
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