Perpetually Offended
So... With the X-Men and mutants set to come into the MCU, I was thinking of mutants that haven't really had a chance to be onscreen yet. I thought this would be a fun thread for everyone to post a favorite mutant(s) they'd like to see in the MCU. Post a picture, the name and the wiki page explaining their powers and origins and a side note detailing why you want that character or some kind of other fact pertaining to them...
I'll start off ...
Idie AKA Oya
(Side note: I've never liked how she was supposed to be 14 but they drew her as an adult...but that's a whole other thread)
Maya Lopez AKA Echo
(Side note: a deaf superhero is a novelty but I would LOVE to see this brought to the big screen! I'm deaf, so this is one of my wishes!)
I'm going to sleep so I'll come back to this later.
I'll start off ...
Idie AKA Oya

Idie Okonkwo is one of five mutants whose powers manifested post M-Day. She is known as the Third Light, as she was the third new mutant sought out by Hope, along with the help of Storm. Idie Okonkwo was a fourteen year old girl living in Nigeria when her powers manifested, burning her village...

Oya (comics) - Wikipedia
(Side note: I've never liked how she was supposed to be 14 but they drew her as an adult...but that's a whole other thread)
Maya Lopez AKA Echo

Echo (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia

Maya Lopez | Characters | Marvel
The official Marvel page for Maya Lopez. Learn all about Maya Lopez both on screen and in comics!
(Side note: a deaf superhero is a novelty but I would LOVE to see this brought to the big screen! I'm deaf, so this is one of my wishes!)
I'm going to sleep so I'll come back to this later.