Yes, but the ideology of living one life is baffling concerning I have one father. Had one childhood. Had one teenagehood. Will have one long-ass adulthood. Will remember him when I die. Being 20, I don't have too long to go before I'm not really considered a "youngin'" anymore. I don't want this shit to go to waste before too long, moreorless, I want him to hold himself accountable and stop being this way, but in my right mind, I know he won't. I can hardly accept it either. And it fucking sucks.etiolate said:My dad was an alcoholic, got into trouble with the law, went to prison, left the country and been married three times. He had troubles, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. He may never rise above where he is now, forever in a debt of child support that he didn't pay so long ago. I don't hate him. I feel bad about where he is, I forgive him. He's a better person now than he was when I was young. Hating your dad won't get you much, even if he keeps giving you reasons to hate him.
Catalyst said:His line of thinking is HIS way, he only knows what he's told, and only follows a standard set of rules. He doesn't have a personality. He borrows.
He's further to the right than I am. But normally he doesn't know what he's talking about, just follows a long, with no personal stance. Or so it seems. It's kind of funny when we're both conservatives (I guess I'm more republican, but I'm more of something else since I don't really agree with a lot of republican ideology), yet we butt heads like hell on a lot of issues. The difference between my dad and I: he doesn't "understand" things, whereas I do. He has liberal thinking cooped up with republican ideology. ...whoa, what a clusterfuck.Cerebral Palsy said:Oh, your father is a Republican too? There could be some father/son bonding potential here.
Jesus is the man. It'll be rather nice to have him to look up to someday .Jesus is the only father you need. /religious kook
That's because Bill O'Reilly is cool.Warhammer 40k said:My dad is a conservative nut who watches bill o'reilly. I've been avoiding his phonecalls..
Hahaha, my dad is about five inches short than me (he's 5'7", :lol), and about five to ten pounds less. If I wanted to, I'd crush him....but I don't know how skilled of a brawler he'd be since I've never seen him fight. He headlocked me once when I was 14 because I talked back to him, but he was obviously drunk :lol.Teddman said:Has anyone here ever gotten into a straight-up fistfight with their old man? Now that would be an interesting situation, emotionally charged for sure.
I never went there, seeing as how my dad has about half a foot and 80 pounds on me.
Has anyone here ever gotten into a straight-up fistfight with their old man? Now that would be an interesting situation, emotionally charged for sure.
How I wish I was a mud puddle, ready for evaporation.
Joe said:"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."
I've felt sorry for my dad until recently, when I realized how much of a fuck-up he was. I can't have compassion for a fake and a liar. He wants to actually lower child support for my brothers so he can have more money for his girlfriend. What a total loser.Drexon said:Hehe, I remember when mom started dating again after they divorced. That was great, he was sooo mad and fucked up.