suaveric said:
I've always wondered this- can't you set it up so that you and a buddy join the same game and then via the phone or IM clean everyone else out?
Yep. But you have very distinct betting patterns when doing this. Alert players can report you and the sites are pretty good at checking your recent games and banning colluders (and seizing their funds).
It's difficult to execute well, but it's possible to do it without getting caught.
The best way to protect against this is to:
A) Play lower level games. The risk-reward ratio in lower-level games is way too high for serious colluders to risk playing. As for casual (can't think of a better word) colluders, they won't be good enough to damage the game. If anything, you'd be able to exploit them.
B) Play exclusively in tournaments. Your seat is randomly assigned, so nothing to worry about there.