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My full Mario 64 DS Review is now Live!

Hey guys,

I hope this hasn't already been posted. *crosses fingers*

Anyway, last night I posted my full review of Super Mario 64 DS. Let me know what you think!

Gamerz-Edge Super Mario 64 DS Review

I will try to answer any questions sometime later on when I check back in, but man, am I ever busy! So many reviews to write, so little time! ;)

Hope you like it!



Haha, someone else posted it earlier.

Anyway, decent review... although personally if control issues were so major as it sounded, I would have scored it a bit lower.
Well, fortunately, the D-Pad almost completely makes up for this set of issues, and the gameplay for everything else (all 36 mini-games) is absolutely flawless!

I think you will come to agree when you get your copy! :)



Maybe. Although I cannot possibly believe that the d-pad could make up for the fantastic control offered by an analog stick.

No, scratch that, I know it doesn't. Still, the game sounds like a blast and I have it pre-ordered so there's no going back anyway ;)
I know it's hard to believe, but it honestly works well for the most part. The touch screen interface for SM64DS is a disappointment, also, but at least it works when you really need it as well.

So yeah, you fight with the controls occasionally, but overall, and considering the mini-games, I would say it's above average! :)



I've played Mario 64 with a d-pad/keyboard before, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, I'm sure it will work well enough on the DS. Will find out Sunday anyway.
Mumu, indeed you can, even with the D-Pad, as there is a separate run button for walk/run control when you're using it.

It really is sufficient for the most part... though I know that's hard to believe.

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