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My Girlfriend is boring, should I break up with her?

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Gold Member
Time to call


then go



Your whole situation sounds weird. She shouldn't feel bad or scared about telling this other guy that she has a boyfriend. Obviously, he's there for one thing and one thing only...to hit it. And if she IS naive like you say, then you better get your ass back to Montreal ASAP before that happens.


You're both 16 what the fuck? 10 years from now you'll look back on this and think what an idiot you were for worrying about this shit so much. Is this the chick you think you'll end up with? You have YEARS and many more experiences ahead of you. Move on and enjoy your life and stop worrying about some teenage fling.


Date of Lies said:
My Girlfriend is boring.

Her response when asked to tell her she's already committed in a relationship with you..

Girlfriend of Date of Lies said:
"Yes...but he might not invite me to cool parties anymore if I tell him."

It sounds like YOU are the boring one...
I agree. You definitely are the boring one. For her to need to find someone else to bring fun into her life is a sign that YOU aren't providing to her needs. You're always on this God forsaken forum anyway, I can't imagine you spending much time with her at all.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Alucard said:
Your whole situation sounds weird.

well, they're 16, don't bother trying to comprehend it, I doubt you could understand much of what you did or thought at that age.

And the line, "if he asked me nicely I'd just give her to him" cracked me up. Maybe you can trade her for future considerations.


Lisa: its allowed in laval but not montreal, sorry if somebody already anwsered. HAH YOU THUNK I WOULD READ ALL THIS STUHPID THREAD?
levious said:
well, they're 16, don't bother trying to comprehend it, I doubt you could understand much of what you did or thought at that age.

And the line, "if he asked me nicely I'd just give her to him" cracked me up. Maybe you can trade her for future considerations.

Or failing that, some nice lawn furniture.


I normally try to be the supportive type in these threads, but even I have to roll my eyes at this one.

Dude, the truth has been told to you at least three times in this thread already: He's already banging her. I don't care how hot you think you are, playa...this guy is already drilling for oil in your wildlife preserve. He's older, he has money and a hot car, you're out of town for a long period of time, and she's not willing to own up to having a boyfriend? Do the math.

Also, you REALLY need to adjust your attitude. Earlier in the thread, you state that "this might be your first real relationship," and a couple of posts later, you're telling some guy that you know more about women than he does? You're SIX-FUCKING-TEEN, and you're asking for advice on a message board. 'Nuff said.

And, oh yeah, break up with her. If you think she's boring, why even hesitate?


i concur. Hit it a few times and then let go of her. Watch her transformation to complete slut in about a year or less. It's a tried and tested formula - cause once you get the cock, you could never have enough.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Vormund said:
Fuck up the guys car.

Ok maybe not.

He could have just dumped her...but instead Date of Lies decides to keep ot real!
-jinx- said:
I normally try to be the supportive type in these threads, but even I have to roll my eyes at this one.

Dude, the truth has been told to you at least three times in this thread already: He's already banging her. I don't care how hot you think you are, playa...this guy is already drilling for oil in your wildlife preserve. He's older, he has money and a hot car, you're out of town for a long period of time, and she's not willing to own up to having a boyfriend? Do the math.

Also, you REALLY need to adjust your attitude. Earlier in the thread, you state that "this might be your first real relationship," and a couple of posts later, you're telling some guy that you know more about women than he does? You're SIX-FUCKING-TEEN, and you're asking for advice on a message board. 'Nuff said.

And, oh yeah, break up with her. If you think she's boring, why even hesitate?



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
He's already banging her. I don't care how hot you think you are, playa...this guy is already drilling for oil in your wildlife preserve.

lol! You owe me a new LCD man!

*attempts to clean root beer off screen*
Guys please, enough nonesense.

Fact is: I know he has not banged her.

This guy couldn't attract her. He's weaksauce. She has affection for him, as a FRIEND. She's not "scared" to tell him, she just doesn't wanna.

What I ask myself is: Is there a chance that, even though they're just friends, with the right amount of alcohol and all, that something might happen?

She tells me exactly what the parties were like, who was there, and so on.
This guy is "really nice" to her all the time. So no game. She might see him as a big brother.

Why would she write me letters and all that if she really wants some other guy on the side? I've told her many times that if she wants to go with someone else, to just tell me and we'll start dating other people. She wouldn't hide it from me. That's not her.

Cubs: nice one, I'll use it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
If you're just going to sit there and say that everyone at GAF is wrong and you're right... why did you ask for help? It seems to me that you're using this as some subconscious attempt for you to be forced to defend her and consequently convince yourself that it's all a-okay. You're just justifying everything she does and pulling the wool over your own eyes.


Has it ever occurred to you that if she dumped you cold for that lame guy you speak off, you could cause more damage then if it were the other way around. That she is just watching out for herself by kissing up to you making you believe what your telling GAF?

The guy is 20, bmw, and doesn't go to your highschool. She can dump him straight up and forget he ever existed. I mean come on, everyone would say she was in the right and fuck that idiot for being lame.

However, if she dumps you cold for that guy, you have ammunition to make every day a living hell for her at school (at the very least). You ever wonder how bad her rep would be if they knew? How would everyone at school look at her knowing that this 16 yearold dumped you to be banged by a 20 year lame tard because he has a BMW? Or that she lets this lame tard drunk her up, a 16 yearold, at parties and strip clubs to be violated 20 different ways?

Your 16, break this and move on. This may not be the case but then again you don't know for sure whats going on and your obviously bothered. Afterall, it shouldn't be a problem if your willing to "let him have her"..


Junior Member
I'm not reading what others have said, so this maybe redundant:

I'm not sure if you could have found a better way to let her know that you are okay with this. What will be a good lesson for all future woman is that any chick worth her salt loves for you to get jealous. It's not that the majority do shit to make you jealous but when they clearly do, you should be. It's a sign that you care. Not overly jealous where you don't allow her to go out but when it's necessary, you should be yelling/calling her out on shit like this. She's hanging out with some other dude that has come onto her plenty of times and has finally succeded to get her to go out. Now, he's asking personal questions (about her sex life), she's hasn't admitted to your relationship to Mr. Douchebag and she's open to the idea of the three of you hanging out and continuing the lie of you and her just 'being friends?'

I don't want to call you a tool but from the outside, it's Tools-R-Us at your house and it's a clearance sale. Seriously, what the fuck will make you mad? Does he need to kiss her to get you upset? Do you care about her at all? I'm asking cuz these type of things are in a book but guys would be much better off if some girl would put down all her wants and desires on paper. Most guys like to play the 'cool' role and act indifferent but in the long run, it's not gonna score you points. Many chicks like to feel like her man is gonna fight for her, either in defense or to save her relationship. This may not be your girls intention but you have to put your foot down. You have to demand that people, including your girlfriend respect you. For me, respect borders somewhere in the area of not hanging out with guys who try to holla at them. It doesn't mean dropping all contact from her previous male friends but she had bet to know that going on personal 'dates' ain't cool. She had bet to know that if she wants that, I'm likely to leave to. Right now, your gf has her cake and is about to eat some more.

WTF can't she tell that guy about you? Probably cuz you aren't making it known that is what she should be doing. Not to sound chauvanistic but this is something you have to do or let her confused emotions figure it out with a cock in her mouth. You either yell now before the cock goes in or after but if you do it after, you risk her inhaling some cock juice and killing her when she starts crying. BTW, this isn't gonna be your cock juice. You come off like a chump. You haven't put your foot down and she's taking advantage. She's enjoying the situation and she's being honest. I'm not implying that she's a slut but many women like the attention. The mileage between y'all isn't helping and now she has another source of attention.

I say, confront the issue and don't let her play it off. There are other options, like taking some time off or opening up the relationship with restrictions or whatever. Just confront the issue cuz it's getting to you and you should be man enough to let her know this. It's not the end of the road but y'all need some resolution.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
skinnyrattler said:
I'm not reading what others have said, so this maybe redundant:

I'm not sure if you could have found a better way to let her know that you are okay with this. What will be a good lesson for all future woman is that any chick worth her salt loves for you to get jealous. It's not that the majority do shit to make you jealous but when they clearly do, you should be. It's a sign that you care. Not overly jealous where you don't allow her to go out but when it's necessary, you should be yelling/calling her out on shit like this. She's hanging out with some other dude that has come onto her plenty of times and has finally succeded to get her to go out. Now, he's asking personal questions (about her sex life), she's hasn't admitted to your relationship to Mr. Douchebag and she's open to the idea of the three of you hanging out and continuing the lie of you and her just 'being friends?'

I don't want to call you a tool but from the outside, it's Tools-R-Us at your house and it's a clearance sale. Seriously, what the fuck will make you mad? Does he need to kiss her to get you upset? Do you care about her at all? I'm asking cuz these type of things are in a book but guys would be much better off if some girl would put down all her wants and desires on paper. Most guys like to play the 'cool' role and act indifferent but in the long run, it's not gonna score you points. Many chicks like to feel like her man is gonna fight for her, either in defense or to save her relationship. This may not be your girls intention but you have to put your foot down. You have to demand that people, including your girlfriend respect you. For me, respect borders somewhere in the area of not hanging out with guys who try to holla at them. It doesn't mean dropping all contact from her previous male friends but she had bet to know that going on personal 'dates' ain't cool. She had bet to know that if she wants that, I'm likely to leave to. Right now, your gf has her cake and is about to eat some more.

WTF can't she tell that guy about you? Probably cuz you aren't making it known that is what she should be doing. Not to sound chauvanistic but this is something you have to do or let her confused emotions figure it out with a cock in her mouth. You either yell now before the cock goes in or after but if you do it after, you risk her inhaling some cock juice and killing her when she starts crying. BTW, this isn't gonna be your cock juice. You come off like a chump. You haven't put your foot down and she's taking advantage. She's enjoying the situation and she's being honest. I'm not implying that she's a slut but many women like the attention. The mileage between y'all isn't helping and now she has another source of attention.

I say, confront the issue and don't let her play it off. There are other options, like taking some time off or opening up the relationship with restrictions or whatever. Just confront the issue cuz it's getting to you and you should be man enough to let her know this. It's not the end of the road but y'all need some resolution.

This man knows what he is talking about... if you should listen to anyone in this thread about what you should do it is this man!
skinnyrattler said:
I'm not reading what others have said, so this maybe redundant:

I'm not sure if you could have found a better way to let her know that you are okay with this. What will be a good lesson for all future woman is that any chick worth her salt loves for you to get jealous. It's not that the majority do shit to make you jealous but when they clearly do, you should be. It's a sign that you care. Not overly jealous where you don't allow her to go out but when it's necessary, you should be yelling/calling her out on shit like this. She's hanging out with some other dude that has come onto her plenty of times and has finally succeded to get her to go out. Now, he's asking personal questions (about her sex life), she's hasn't admitted to your relationship to Mr. Douchebag and she's open to the idea of the three of you hanging out and continuing the lie of you and her just 'being friends?'

I don't want to call you a tool but from the outside, it's Tools-R-Us at your house and it's a clearance sale. Seriously, what the fuck will make you mad? Does he need to kiss her to get you upset? Do you care about her at all? I'm asking cuz these type of things are in a book but guys would be much better off if some girl would put down all her wants and desires on paper. Most guys like to play the 'cool' role and act indifferent but in the long run, it's not gonna score you points. Many chicks like to feel like her man is gonna fight for her, either in defense or to save her relationship. This may not be your girls intention but you have to put your foot down. You have to demand that people, including your girlfriend respect you. For me, respect borders somewhere in the area of not hanging out with guys who try to holla at them. It doesn't mean dropping all contact from her previous male friends but she had bet to know that going on personal 'dates' ain't cool. She had bet to know that if she wants that, I'm likely to leave to. Right now, your gf has her cake and is about to eat some more.

WTF can't she tell that guy about you? Probably cuz you aren't making it known that is what she should be doing. Not to sound chauvanistic but this is something you have to do or let her confused emotions figure it out with a cock in her mouth. You either yell now before the cock goes in or after but if you do it after, you risk her inhaling some cock juice and killing her when she starts crying. BTW, this isn't gonna be your cock juice. You come off like a chump. You haven't put your foot down and she's taking advantage. She's enjoying the situation and she's being honest. I'm not implying that she's a slut but many women like the attention. The mileage between y'all isn't helping and now she has another source of attention.

I say, confront the issue and don't let her play it off. There are other options, like taking some time off or opening up the relationship with restrictions or whatever. Just confront the issue cuz it's getting to you and you should be man enough to let her know this. It's not the end of the road but y'all need some resolution.

Ok, I read what you had to say.

I could've put my foot down, it's true. But she's quick to say that they're just friends.

I've told her that if they really are friends, she should tell him straight up. I didn't get any solid response, something like "but it's none of his business." or some crap like that. I didn't see it as a big deal at the time, since he was going to find out eventually.

Anyway, the thing about the rep shit is true. But in the end, I don't want to come off as jealous. From what I know, they haven't been out on 'dates'. She's still innocent and all, I do not believe she would be able to cheat and lie to me. And I thought this guy was really poor in his approach and acted needy, so they couldn't have been much more than friends.

Ok, I will tell her to tell him about it, or else if she refuses.

You're right, I am being too loose and generous about it, but I didn't think much about it (get jealous and so on) until lately and then it sort of struk me. I always saw it as being fair, since I have female friends. But then again, I do tell my good female friends that I have a gf.

This problem would have probably never have occured in the first place if I spent my summer at home. Besides, she was really eager for me to come back so I could come to these parties.

advice taken, thanks. She either spills it or I pack my balls.


It's all about the pumps dude...all about the pumps. Girls don't want a guy that will try and impress her with "worm" and "spoon" techniques. Like the lass in my avatar...she'll tell you:

"I like it hard!!!"

I get the feeling you're too much of a worm and spoon master when every young lolita just wants to get rocked.
Lisa Lashes said:
It's all about the pumps dude...all about the pumps. Girls don't want a guy that will try and impress her with "worm" and "spoon" techniques. Like the lass in my avatar...she'll tell you:

"I like it hard!!!"

I get the feeling you're too much of a worm and spoon master when every young lolita just wants to get rocked.

Do you speak a language called english?


Do you speak a knowledge called truth?

The BMW boy has spat many a litre of cum up your gf's pussy. You shouldn't care, you've already said as much.

My advice, hit her once more, with a condom, and cut your losses. Or just cut your losses. You've been passed up my friend. Better luck with the next virgin, but you lost this whore.

J2 Cool

Oh, also, just telling you. Going on break is bullshit. You're either dating or you break up. Going on break only to get to back later is simply a window for fair cheating and believe me she will take advantage of that. So if she spills or you pack make sure your packing for good, not some vacation


J2 Cool said:
Oh, also, just telling you. Going on break is bullshit. You're either dating or you break up. Going on break only to get to back later is simply a window for fair cheating and believe me she will take advantage of that. So if she spills or you pack make sure your packing for good, not some vacation

[She could never cheat on me, I'm the man. I made her who she is. She wouldn't even get wet over a guy I thought looked like a nerd with a BMW. I can flirt with many girls but flirting wouldn't even cross her mind. I own this bitch, even though she's covered in man-seed. It makes no sense, but know this G-A, I can cut her lose at any time. I don't care about her, but she wouldn't cheat on me!]/end jackass}


And even i am moderately surprised
"you're telling some guy that you know more about women than he does? You're SIX-FUCKING-TEEN, and you're asking for advice on a message board. '"

lol - it's one of those life things though. At 16, you think you know more than you do.

By the time you are hitting 30 it's like "holy shit, if i knew all this stuff when i was 16, i'd have been rocking asses every night!"


I have a feeling she's either Filipino or Vietnamise. Japanese girls have more class than this ;)


*drowns in jizz*
She's 16. Don't expect too much out of her. She doesn't know what she wants, and will take what she can get. Have fun with her, then leave her.


isamu said:
I have a feeling she's either Filipino or Vietnamise. Japanese girls have more class than this ;)

I'm Vietnamese and have two sisters.......

The responses from most of you just sickens me, not only you guys are encouraging him, you making him the victim of this.
tenchir said:
I'm Vietnamese and have two sisters.......

The responses from most of you just sickens me, not only you guys are encouraging him, you making him the victim of this.

I don't get the general responses either. I mean common, it's clear mr "player" here is full of himself and caused the situation with his attitude.


tenchir said:
I'm Vietnamese and have two sisters.......

The responses from most of you just sickens me, not only you guys are encouraging him, you making him the victim of this.

Encouraging him? He's the one who originally stated his girlfriend is "boring" and he's thinking of leaving her. Most people on this thread were of the opinion that the girl is at best attracted to the BMW driving older guy, or at worst sleeping with that guy. Either way, Mr. smooth 16-year old who 'knows more about women than most' posters on this thread should just break up with her since he already has doubts about the whole situation. It would be better for him, and better for her in the long run.

It's been brought up that he's asking for relationship advice on a gaming forum -- how much experience can he possibly have with women? I think most people are trying to save him and her the useless jealously and fighting that are bound to happen if he continues to see her.
isamu said:
I have a feeling she's either Filipino or Vietnamise. Japanese girls have more class than this ;)

Dude seriously STFU, I'm Vietnamese/Korean and I found your post to be full of shit. Stop basing your opinions on stereotypes.


isamu's always full of shit especially when it comes to Asian girls =P.

Anyway, it's been said but he probably is already riding her caboose.

You're 16, you got plenty of time for other girls and I'd highly recommend it. Girls at your age (although I really shouldn't be saying that, I'm only 5 years old than you) are full of shit when it comes to relationships. Way too many emotional states are fluctuating within them to honestly hold a relationship down with any sort of fidelity. I watched relationships amongst my peers at my high school rise and crumble faster than a GAF catchphrase.


lol@none of your business. What does that most likely mean? It means she's keeping her options OPEN with him. If she abhorred the guy, she wouldn't pay him one iota of attention. Do you have a boyfriend? YES, I do, so please leave me alone. << That's a disinterested response. What it sounds like to me is that he's a back-up. You best believe that once she gets 'mad at you' for being an 'asshole of a boyfriend', he's getting a piece of ass.

Moral of the story:
Stop taking women so seriously, especially at your age.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Girls at your age (although I really shouldn't be saying that, I'm only 5 years old than you) are full of shit when it comes to relationships.

This comment, along with others, really should refer to both sexes... it's not like all guys in high school get frustrated cause they cannot find a girl their age with a level head... both sexes are prone to fucking up a relationship due to their own flaws.

My point is, it's not that girls that age are whores, or won't be straight with you, or don't know what they want... the only thing that matters in this situation is that she doesn't think enough of Date of Lies to tell another guy that he's her boyfriend.

My moral:

People suck, good luck finding ones that don't.


Date of Lies said:
Most good looking girls don't tell you when it's the first thing you want to know about them.

They either say: "Why do you want to know?" and not tell you. Or just "None of your business." Because it is none of his business and it's a retarded question.

FACT: Most good looking girls are don't make sense. Hell I can stub her in every argument or debate we've ever had. The facts are against her. I always win. I always prove to her that she makes no sense. But she'd still rather push her "I dont know why I did that" or "I don't know" replies. I dont get angry at her because you can't expect more from them.

FACT: I do it all the time.

wow you are cocky. Maybe she deserves better than someone like you. Let her be and stop being an ass. It's up to you if you want to dump her or not. Not the internet community. You think she appreciates you talking about her on the net? It's pretty lame how every male seems to think his actions are correct and that they are always right while the woman is below them. Whatever.
Sorry to bust your orgy but she hasn't done it with him, so you can give it a break.

I think that she has class, which is why she isn't some 16 year old skank that would jump on some guys dick only cause he's 4 years older (I found out that he doesn't actually own the BMW, his friend lent it to him).

I was feeling a bit jealous nonetheless, so I was wondering if I should act on it or not, even if I knew that she wouldn't be the type of girl to go around cheating.

And I did act on it, like I said, and it's going fine.

Isamu, are you japanese?


Date of Lies said:
in the end, I don't want to come off as jealous. From what I know, they haven't been out on 'dates'. She's still innocent and all, I do not believe she would be able to cheat and lie to me. And I thought this guy was really poor in his approach and acted needy, so they couldn't have been much more than friends.


Date of Lies said:
Ok, I will tell her to tell him about it, or else

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