im sorry to say this but furries are all over MLP
and some of this art just reeks of it
only a matter of time before you stumble on something truely disturbing
If anyone is interested in using this as a wallpaper, here's the artist's DA page where there is a 1920x1200 version. It looks great as a desktop.
Uchip said:
im sorry to say this but furries are all over MLP
and some of this art just reeks of it
only a matter of time before you stumble on something truely disturbing
I think this is true for pretty much everything, you just have to avoid the bad parts of the fan base. Hell, I like the old and more recent Sonic games but that series has probably the worst fan base of all game series.
If anyone is interested in using this as a wallpaper, here's the artist's DA page where there is a 1920x1200 version. It looks great as a desktop.
I think this is true for pretty much everything, you just have to avoid the bad parts of the fan base. Hell, I like the old and more recent Sonic games but that series has probably the worst fan base of all game series.
I wouldn't equate Sonic fandom with furries - they're their own niche. Same with MLP.
And the problem is the internet itself. Have an anthro character? ZOMG WHY IS THERE A FURRY THERE! Thankfully Japan has no problem like that so I have this awesome avatar for it
You know, I'm trying to figure out what kind of play that is. I see one pony that's covered in fruit, another that's covered in feathers, one that's a cake, one that's a bail of hay with a hat, and a flower. And they're bobbing left in right in something that might resemble a dance if people couldn't move their arms and legs.
I mean, maybe it's the pony food groups, but what about the one in feathers? And ponies don't eat gemstones!
I wouldn't equate Sonic fandom with furries - they're their own niche. Same with MLP.
And the problem is the internet itself. Have an anthro character? ZOMG WHY IS THERE A FURRY THERE! Thankfully Japan has no problem like that so I have this awesome avatar for it
Remember how Winter Wrap Up turned out to not just be an Earth Pony festival, but more of a civic duty, like building a sandbag wall before a river flood, or fixing roofs before a rainstorm, or boarding up windows before a tornado? A duty that Ponyville regularly failed?
Ponyville was initially an Earth Pony settlement. Their traditions are automatically Earth Pony traditions. That's why they often fail things like Winter Wrap Up. Magic and wings can be extremely useful in certain situations, but Ponyville was built without significant access to them.
Now Celestia's world-shaping agenda currently involves cramming ponies from other races into Ponyville to diversify it, and Applejack really doesn't like what's happening. She tolerates it, to a point. She can't do anything about all the blacks and Chinese moving in next to her, but she'd prefer it if they at least don't act black or Chinese around her.
Twilight was new to the event and tried to use her magic to help Applejack's farm, and Applejack said "No way, at least, not on MY property that's not happening." It's like if two black guys were helping her fix her roof, and one black guy says to the other "Hey, why should I climb this ladder to bring you a box of nails, why don't I just toss it up to you, three-point style." And then the black guy throws and misses and breaks something, and Applejack comes over and doesn't care that there was an accident or that something got broken or someone could have gotten hurt... no, she says "How dare you act so black on my property? Basketball is completely off-limits. You can climb up and down this ladder the same way my white ancestors did or you can get the hell out."
And partly because of that bad attitude, Applejack failed to get her roof fixed in time for the rain.
And the black guy's lesson was "Just leave her alone and go help the job foreman for a while, because we've noticed that this hick over here can't read a blueprint."
I'm being deliberately harsh. I like Applejack just fine.
googleplex said:
No matter how you slice it, using your wings in a long jump contest is cheating.
Also, Rainbow Dash made her intention to use wings clear, Applejack didn't object to the test before or even after it was performed, and two independent referees thought it was legal.
Hell I'm disturbed by Gadget too but not everyone is into it - just a minor thing especially those "cute" stuff. I personally prefer mature/bara-style anthro over cutesey-wutsy ones
Hell I'm disturbed by Gadget too but not everyone is into it - just a minor thing especially those "cute" stuff. I personally prefer mature/bara-style anthro over cutesey-wutsy ones
Like I said, I don't really think MLP "obsessed fans" belong to furries much like Sonic "obsessed fans". I mean, I'm a furry but I only see MLP as a good show and as a fan, nothing more.
Hell I'm disturbed by Gadget too but not everyone is into it - just a minor thing especially those "cute" stuff. I personally prefer mature/bara-style anthro over cutesey-wutsy ones