this show just gets worse and worse don't itshaowebb said:I've spotted gags referencing the olsen twins slowed down pizza party, benny hill, derped eyes, feinting goats said:The show is made by Lauren Faust. Could you expect something less than entertaining? I'm so amazed they took such a dead weight license that streamlines to only one audience and turned it into something genuinely entertaining for any demographic to watch.
Kids, parents, boys or girls.
I've spotted gags referencing the olsen twins slowed down pizza party, benny hill, derped eyes, feinting goats, and all sorts of things in this and they're always well timed and unexpected.
I particularly thought the intro of Sonic Rainboom was hilarious as well as Rainbow dash having a panic attack so bad that she was found curled up in a fetal position and nearly going into shock.
Great stuff. Have a watch and see if you find anything funny. I know I did.
Awesome outfit there.shaowebb said:Hey everybody just thought I'd stop by and announce my custom Arcade stick is done!
360 Gamertag: Dynasty Penguin
My parts store was all out of them thar' pretty lil' pink buttons n' sticks but I'll post as soon as I find them lil cutey babies!
shaowebb said:I've spotted gags referencing the olsen twins slowed down pizza party, benny hill, derped eyes, feinting goats, and all sorts of things in this and they're always well timed and unexpected.
DuckRacer said:derped eyes references, hallmark for a quality show!
FTH said:This thread reads like a parody. I like the show and all, but some of you can not be serious. The "no one must know my secret" picture is so me. I had to go to the very top floor and sit against a wall to make sure no one found out.
Check the top viewer demographics on YouTube from some pages back. The fanbase is almost entirely men and it's weird. Cliquey too, with "bronies."FTH said:This thread reads like a parody. I like the show and all, but some of you can not be serious. The "no one must know my secret" picture is so me. I had to go to the very top floor and sit against a wall to make sure no one found out.
Thnikkaman said:Check the top viewer demographics on YouTube from some pages back. The fanbase is almost entirely men and it's weird. Cliquey too, with "bronies."
It's precisely that, the internet fandom. Looking back on Something Awful and /co/ banishing the bronies just backs up how I feel about this. The show is for kids, grown men on the internet making this show almost a religion is creeeeeepy.Belfast said:Yeah, the fanbase on YOUTUBE. You are aware this airs on regular television correct?
MLP combined with Joss Whedon and Peter Jackson? I will try very hard not answer that question.DarciisFyer said:Who could hate MLP/Dr. Horrible crossovers?
No wait, don't answer that.
DarciisFyer said:Who could hate MLP/Dr. Horrible crossovers?
Or even MLP/LotR crossovers.
No wait, don't answer that.
meltingparappa said:
Regulus Tera said:The Ticket Master: omg fluttershy is so cuuuute
Less epic and more hijinx is for the betterment of this show.
Mechanical Snowman said:I'm not in a position where I can search at the moment, but if anyone can post a link to the theme tune download I'd be very grateful.
I'd like to have it as my phone ringtone.
Myke Greywolf said:Another piece of awesome humanifying fan-art, for those who like it:
Regulus Tera said:The Ticket Master: omg fluttershy is so cuuuute
Less epic and more hijinx is for the betterment of this show.
It'd be really nice if you went easy on the giant pictures, especially when the post you're quoting leaves the image tags out.Stallion Free said:
Celsior said:This thread has gotten like 5000 times more creepy then when I originally posted.
Celsior said:This thread has gotten like 5000 times more creepy then when I originally posted.
Master Milk said:It'd be really nice if you went easy on the giant pictures, especially when the post you're quoting leaves the image tags out.
Tence said:Maybe I should just watch an episode. There must be something I am missing.
El Sloth said:Thread has been a great, if at times strange, read. Thanks for the laughs Pony-GAF.
I would also like to commend Jenga for his masterful trolling. Well done, sir.
Laughed out loud at this part when I watched it.Myke Greywolf said:Fluttershy: "Hummingbirds that can really hum, and buzzards that can really buzz!"
Tence said:Yeah, Gomez-Gaf has nothing on Pony-Gaf.
Okay, that's just categorically wrong. This is make believe, and animated.Yeah, Gomez-Gaf has nothing on Pony-Gaf.
Dai101 said:Well, we had a good run
I for one welcome or new pony overlords
Foxix said:I suppose with us around you don't have too feel so bad now? Bah I'm sure something even nerdier will rear it's head in a few months and GAF will have a new thing to hate on. And when that happens I'll have 50 avatars ready for the inevitable Strawberry Shortcake-GAF.
Foxix said:Anyway since people seemed to like the first batch of avatars, and since we have these new juniors, I took some gifs I had lying around and cropped them and removed frames til they fit the gaf constraints. As always, feel free to abuse:
Bravo, sir.Foxix said:I think if you read through the entire thread you can actually watch my sanity devolve into the blathering pony macro posting state its become. I don't understand how people think pony-gaf is worse than pedo-gaf though, I don't think anyone has implied any kind of attraction to the ponies. It's just normal fandom so far as I can tell... if at times a little on the foamy mouth side of fandom.
Anyway since people seemed to like the first batch of avatars, and since we have these new juniors, I took some gifs I had lying around and cropped them and removed frames til they fit the gaf constraints. As always, feel free to abuse:
I Am Now said:
Amibguous Cad said:TF2 ponies!
Apparently we have a Steam group and a server for reasons that escape me, but I haven't had a chance to check them out.
March 1st is Derpy Day!
Be sure to remember the observances of this most Pony of Hoofidays.
-Muffins. At least one must be consumed by days end, lest Pinkie's tail twitch for you.
-The Muffin shaped cake is fine even if you are not Orthodox Derpy.
-An article must be moved from one area of the house and placed in the wrong one for the entire Hoofiday.
-Letters must be hoof written and delivered to those you love within delivery distance. E-mails have now been recognized for those too far for this observance.
At least try to deliver one RL letter.
The Letters are to be about why you love them or are thankful they are your friend. (Bonus writing a loving friendship letter to an enemy.)
-Anytime a picture of you is taken or you see yourself in a mirror, you must give the traditional Derpy Occular salute. 9_6
Be well and Happy DERPY DAY!
(Other observances are always being created by the vast and diverse Pony culture. Post them if you got em!)
Myke Greywolf said:This show's most secretly hated character needs some recognition.
Princess Celestia wants the whole world adorably bowing at her hooves!
As a representative, I humbly request that you don't refer to creepy-gaf as pedo-gaf.Foxix said:I don't understand how people think pony-gaf is worse than pedo-gaf though
afternoon delight said:Okay, that's just categorically wrong. This is make believe, and animated.
Just found my new favorite cross over! (Thank you google.)