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My method for killing spiders

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For some reason or another, spiders love my room, I catch one crawling on almost a daily basis... and my favorite way of killing them is grabbing a bottle of cologne and a lighter, point the spray nozzle at the spider, light fire, spray! POOF! Instant kill, and it's fun.

Works on other crawling insects too, some need more than one flame shower though.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I just suck'em up with the vacuum cleaner. I'm sick of people telling me not to kill them because they kill other bugs.....they're the only fuckin bugs I ever seen in my room. They can go to hell and die for all I care!


adelgary said:
For some reason or another, spiders love my room, I catch one crawling on almost a daily basis... and my favorite way of killing them is grabbing a bottle of cologne and a lighter, point the spray nozzle at the spider, light fire, spray! POOF! Instant kill, and it's fun.

Works on other crawling insects too, some need more than one flame shower though.

Someone didn't catch the news item about a guy burning down his entire store using that approach.
demon said:
I just suck'em up with the vacuum cleaner. I'm sick of people telling me not to kill them because they kill other bugs.....they're the only fuckin bugs I ever seen in my room. They can go to hell and die for all I care!


xsarien said:
Someone didn't catch the news item about a guy burning down his entire store using that approach.

That guy sounds like a retard. Fortunately I'm not.
demon said:
I'm sick of people telling me not to kill them because they kill other bugs.....they're the only fuckin bugs I ever seen in my room.

Isn't that good? Seems the spiders are doing their job...


Spiders suck. One time I was lying on my couch watching TV and a spider came rushing from the ceiling ever so smoothly down in front of my face and was just twirling in midair.

Sick fuck.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Once, when I was about ten, a spider got into my ear. For like four years afterward, I wore a ninja mask on my head in order to block my ears from their advances. I've gotten over it somewhat since then but whenever I see one, I fucking go to battle. If one somehow escapes my wrath, I'm pretty much unable to sleep.


I currently have an ant trapped under a glass (but it's still has room to move, just can't escape) and I ain't letting it out. If I had the steady hands I would put it's head on a toothpick and put it outside my house to make sure no more fucking ants were in my house.


Minotauro said:
Once, when I was about ten, a spider got into my ear. For like four years afterward, I wore a ninja mask on my head in order to block my ears from their advances. I've gotten over it somewhat since then but whenever I see one, I fucking go to battle. If one somehow escapes my wrath, I'm pretty much unable to sleep.

my sister once got a tick in her ear overnight and when she woke up it was all bloated with blood and stuck.


I always run into them in the bathroom. They all die. Toilet tissue + squish if they're small enough, or spray bleach cleaner if they're huge, or if that's not around, a flyswatter usually works.


Scary Euro Man
adelgary said:
I once read that on average, a human swallows 8 spiders during sleep in their lifetime.

I refuse to be a statistic :(

Don't make me hurt you.


Claim: The average person swallows eight spiders per year.

Status: False.

Origins: Oh, yuk!
It's hard enough to avoid those horrible wriggly things while we're awake, and now we have to worry that they're crawling into our mouths while we sleep? Little Miss Muffett was a piker.

Fear not. This "statistic" was not only made up out of whole cloth, it was invented as an example of the absurd things people will believe simply because they come across them on the Internet.

In a 1993 PC Professional article, columnist Lisa Holst wrote about the ubiquitous lists of "facts" that were circulating via e-mail and how readily they were accepted as truthful by gullible recipients. To demonstrate her point, Holst offered her own made-up list of equally ridiculous "facts," among which was the statistic cited above about the average person's swallowing eight spiders per year, which she took from a collection of common misbeliefs printed in a 1954 book on insect folklore. In a delicious irony, Holst's propagation of this false "fact" has spurred it into becoming one of the most widely-circulated bits of misinformation to be found on the Internet.


Hah! I've had a device like that, but more like a tennis racket...I take it camping to dispose of misquitos.

My method for spiders is my dog. Why, not 10 minutes ago I knocked a spider off the wall and he caught it midair, devouring it in seconds.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
jiji said:
I always run into them in the bathroom. They all die. Toilet tissue + squish if they're small enough, or spray bleach cleaner if they're huge, or if that's not around, a flyswatter usually works.

Same here, its the technique I picked up from my mom. I stand to have them laying around dead, so I just have to flush 'em down the toilet.
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