So my previous neighbors from above finally left some time ago and I thought I'd be able to live in peace.
Guess not. New one took over and he's the son of the landlord. Apparently in his mid 40s, guy is somehow even worse, yet different. He lives alone with some sort of little dog that can't stop barking at the first sound (he barks even when I plug/unplug something from the wall, I let you imagine the frequency of the barking) but whatever, dogs will be dogs.
Guy is apparently unemployed and is staying at home all day and only goes out during some nights to at least drink and probably much more but I can't say for sure, in any case he always comes back drunk and/or high and yells in the building stairs at weird hours.
What's fun is this: sometimes, at irregulars intervals, he will open his window and yell something like (roughly translated) "HEY OH! WHEN ARE THE PUBLIC WORKS STARTING??". In fact these days it's always the same sentence. In plain day, plain night, it doesn't matter.
Before that it was "SARKOZY, GET FUCKED!" or just "GET FUUUCKED!". He also has another window on the other side of the appartment and sometimes he just switches windows. Same routine.
My personal favorite was last sunday morning. He came back very early (probably after a wild saturday night), opened up the building door, started to climb the stairs and yelled in a woman voice "Oh god I took the wrong stairs! I took the wrooooong staaaairs. Help meee! Oh god!" and proceeded to enter his own apartment. There is only one stairs in the building.
Of course once inside he conitnued yelling using the same voice. Also opened the window and yelled at soem imaginary dude "You there! Yeah you! You're a faaaag!" and closed the window.
Dude also listens to music at weird hours but boy has he ecclectic tastes. It ranges form 80s music to modern Celine Dion to dubstep, techno, or some sort of r'n'b.
He also sometimes randomly punches my door very hard when he goes out, which is something I really don't like.
Bottom line is, dude is a shitty neighbor, probably has issues, and never answers his door, even when he has visit. I tried to knock to talk about it but he never answered despite being obviously here. Sometimes I hear him cry or throwing things in his apartment so I guess he's not a happy dude.
Other neighbors are also fed up about it but no one apparently managed to have a chat. That said, if he has mental issues, I don't know how to bring it up without being rude (and I don't really care about being rude, but it might not help)
I don't know what to do. This time it's worse since he'll probably never move out, being the son of the old landlord lady. And the guy is creepy as fuck. He's also clearly using drugs (as well as growing his own weed) and drinking a lot, which I guess coupled with his quirks is not a good cocktail.
How should I approach him? My only idea is a letter in his mailbox, I'll probably ask the other nieghbors to join me.
tldr;" What the fuck is wrong with people : yet another thread"
Guess not. New one took over and he's the son of the landlord. Apparently in his mid 40s, guy is somehow even worse, yet different. He lives alone with some sort of little dog that can't stop barking at the first sound (he barks even when I plug/unplug something from the wall, I let you imagine the frequency of the barking) but whatever, dogs will be dogs.
Guy is apparently unemployed and is staying at home all day and only goes out during some nights to at least drink and probably much more but I can't say for sure, in any case he always comes back drunk and/or high and yells in the building stairs at weird hours.
What's fun is this: sometimes, at irregulars intervals, he will open his window and yell something like (roughly translated) "HEY OH! WHEN ARE THE PUBLIC WORKS STARTING??". In fact these days it's always the same sentence. In plain day, plain night, it doesn't matter.
Before that it was "SARKOZY, GET FUCKED!" or just "GET FUUUCKED!". He also has another window on the other side of the appartment and sometimes he just switches windows. Same routine.
My personal favorite was last sunday morning. He came back very early (probably after a wild saturday night), opened up the building door, started to climb the stairs and yelled in a woman voice "Oh god I took the wrong stairs! I took the wrooooong staaaairs. Help meee! Oh god!" and proceeded to enter his own apartment. There is only one stairs in the building.
Of course once inside he conitnued yelling using the same voice. Also opened the window and yelled at soem imaginary dude "You there! Yeah you! You're a faaaag!" and closed the window.
I was laughing so hard I thought I might break something, because fortunatley I was awake. Otherwise I'd probably have been very angry but well, I'm kinda glad I was here to hear that.
Dude also listens to music at weird hours but boy has he ecclectic tastes. It ranges form 80s music to modern Celine Dion to dubstep, techno, or some sort of r'n'b.
He also sometimes randomly punches my door very hard when he goes out, which is something I really don't like.
Bottom line is, dude is a shitty neighbor, probably has issues, and never answers his door, even when he has visit. I tried to knock to talk about it but he never answered despite being obviously here. Sometimes I hear him cry or throwing things in his apartment so I guess he's not a happy dude.
Other neighbors are also fed up about it but no one apparently managed to have a chat. That said, if he has mental issues, I don't know how to bring it up without being rude (and I don't really care about being rude, but it might not help)
I don't know what to do. This time it's worse since he'll probably never move out, being the son of the old landlord lady. And the guy is creepy as fuck. He's also clearly using drugs (as well as growing his own weed) and drinking a lot, which I guess coupled with his quirks is not a good cocktail.
How should I approach him? My only idea is a letter in his mailbox, I'll probably ask the other nieghbors to join me.
tldr;" What the fuck is wrong with people : yet another thread"