My sister is like the epitome of female irrationality. Bordering on retarded, maybe. Perhaps that's going a bit too far. Perhaps.
So a week ago I get a fancy-shmancy new cellphone, a Sanyo with a camera and everything. It's kool. Turns out my 15 year old sister got the exact same thing a month ago.
Anyhow, my emotionally nutty 17 year old sister has been in dire need of a new cellphone for some time, and decides to get the same one we have, except a different color. So my mom goes out today and gets it for her at Radioshack.
20 minutes ago she calls me up to yack about the typical shit, and tells me how she got a new phone, yay! But oh, she doesn't want the camera....she's "never going to use it, fer sure". So she insisted that my mom take it back to Radioshack and return it for a model that is the exact same, except without the camera. Oh, and it costs the exact same too. Mom says "hell no, that's retarded, take yo own bitch ass down to da Shack and return it yoself". Whining and bitching on part of my sister ensues.
So she's telling me about she she absolutely does not want the camera in her phone, even if it means having to take it back for the exact same thing without the camera feature for the same fuckin price, and she doesn't understand what the big deal is because it's her decision. So I call her out on her retardedness and she blows up, says "why do you always have to be so rude?" (translation: why do you always have to call me out on my bullshit illogical thinking skills) and hangs up the phone, of course as always, before I have time for my retort that is sure to make her feel as stupid as she is.
So a week ago I get a fancy-shmancy new cellphone, a Sanyo with a camera and everything. It's kool. Turns out my 15 year old sister got the exact same thing a month ago.
Anyhow, my emotionally nutty 17 year old sister has been in dire need of a new cellphone for some time, and decides to get the same one we have, except a different color. So my mom goes out today and gets it for her at Radioshack.
20 minutes ago she calls me up to yack about the typical shit, and tells me how she got a new phone, yay! But oh, she doesn't want the camera....she's "never going to use it, fer sure". So she insisted that my mom take it back to Radioshack and return it for a model that is the exact same, except without the camera. Oh, and it costs the exact same too. Mom says "hell no, that's retarded, take yo own bitch ass down to da Shack and return it yoself". Whining and bitching on part of my sister ensues.
So she's telling me about she she absolutely does not want the camera in her phone, even if it means having to take it back for the exact same thing without the camera feature for the same fuckin price, and she doesn't understand what the big deal is because it's her decision. So I call her out on her retardedness and she blows up, says "why do you always have to be so rude?" (translation: why do you always have to call me out on my bullshit illogical thinking skills) and hangs up the phone, of course as always, before I have time for my retort that is sure to make her feel as stupid as she is.