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My take on the Village (aka, how I loved the most love/hate movie ever)

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I thought it was phenominal, and I think that many people who dont like it... just couldnt get over their original dissapoitment... for about 10 minutes I was sooo pissed, but then... when they pull out the box, I was like... BINGO. I honestly dont see how someone would have gotten that ending before they presented it. I'm impressed that some people picked up on the "WALKER Wild Life Preserve" being there to protect the people of the village. I thought the acting was incredible, and the actress who portrayed Ivy has a very bright future for herself. I didnt like the whole color thing because it wasnt played out well in the end, but that is very easily put asside by how amazing the whole movie was.

MAJOR THING NO ONE HAS MENTIONED: In the picture of the people in modern times (the elders), Sigourney Weaver is holding a baby, who is Lucious. This completely explains why he is not as scared as others, because deep down he has seen the truth... he just doesnt know it.

I would give this movie a 9/10 and cannot wait to see it again. A great movie, and easily my favorite of all of M's. People, just give this movie a chance!!!!!!!


Knows the Score

*In before Jill Sandwich*


I'd have to agree to some extent. I don't think it could be considered a BAD movie (mind you I watched House of the Dead on TV right after this :p), but like the rest of Night's films...seem like an extra long episode of The Outer Limits or the Twilight zone.

Maybe you should put some of that stuff with spoiler tags? I dunno, maybe some people who haven't seen it are clicking on this thread to decide whether it's worth their time...


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but yours in particular, stinks, just like the movie.

Are you telling me your asshole doesn't stink?

*slaps head* oh yeah, forgot about those banana scented condoms your boyfriend uses.


Kills Photobucket
I think most the hate for his films now comes from the fact that everyone goes in expecting a plot twist, so it's not surprising anymore. We can't have the 6th sense experience again where the twist came as a surprise. Regardless if we had an idea what the twist might be, we know it's comming, and that ruins it's effect.

Overall I enjoyed the film. I didn't think the plot twist was all that good, but I enjoyed how they ended it with her still thinking there is something out there. Not as good as The 6th Sense or Unbreakable. I hated Signs so that may have put my expectations low for me to enjoy this more.
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