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My thus far doomed hunt for a non-Ebay Planescape: Torment


OK, so since I'm actually liking the Infinity Engine games now (who knew that would happen!!) I've decided I really want to try Planescape: Torment, but it's nowhere to be found, and out of print as far as I know. I heard it was available in one of those cheapo double-packs like you'd find at Wal-Mart or CompUSA, but no luck at any of those. No luck with a used one at the one EBgames I've been to, and this one Gamestop I tried had NO GAMES AT ALL FOR THE PC!!!! What's up with that? Are all Gamestops PC-less?? I couldn't believe it!!! I'll try another Best Buy, Circuit City, and CompUSA tomorrow, but it's looking more and more like Ebay is my only option.


In other news, Amazon.com has Gothic 2 for $9.99 so no one has any excuse not to play it now. :)


They have a lot of those double packs at the Wal-Mart here, I believe I've seen one with Planescape and something else, Fallout 1 & 2, etc. While browsing around the PC section.


Best Buy has a few in those little flip out cardboard/plastic crap cases for 10$ it might come with some other game, I dont remember. Ive seen Target carry them also.
Alex said:
They have a lot of those double packs at the Wal-Mart here, I believe I've seen one with Planescape and something else, Fallout 1 & 2, etc. While browsing around the PC section.

Same. I still have my copy lying around, so I'm happy heh.
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