My wife just bought the most disgusting, rotten bag of grapes... an animal that loved grapes would puke looking at these things.
ME: "We are either taking these back or tossing them."
WIFE: "We can pick around them, I've been eating them."
Which means she was feeding them to our daughter while walking around the store.
ME LOUDLY: "These are fucking disgusting, we are not keeping these."
WIFE: "Why are you treating me like this over grapes."
IN MY HEAD: "Maybe because any fucking life form with any fucking sort of intelligence would have inspected that rancid bag before buying it and feeding it to our child."
These things were red grapes, over 3/4's of them were black or white with mold, the other quarter which were possibly edible if plucked off the neighboring puke were a day away from molding.
She wastes more money on grapes, and no there are no other major problems in our relationship... but fuck... our daughter (18 months) was eating these fucking things...
ME: "We are either taking these back or tossing them."
WIFE: "We can pick around them, I've been eating them."
Which means she was feeding them to our daughter while walking around the store.
ME LOUDLY: "These are fucking disgusting, we are not keeping these."
WIFE: "Why are you treating me like this over grapes."
IN MY HEAD: "Maybe because any fucking life form with any fucking sort of intelligence would have inspected that rancid bag before buying it and feeding it to our child."
These things were red grapes, over 3/4's of them were black or white with mold, the other quarter which were possibly edible if plucked off the neighboring puke were a day away from molding.
She wastes more money on grapes, and no there are no other major problems in our relationship... but fuck... our daughter (18 months) was eating these fucking things...