Why are you afraid to bend over in your own house? It's okay, you're in a safe place, you can talk about anything here.She will pick up my other dirty clothes but refuses to touch my socks, so there is a collection of them just sitting in the corner of the room. How do I solve this problem?
Good idea.Train her to associate the smell of your socks with positive things.
For example, surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, then while she's sniffing them and smiling, gently shove your dirty socks in her face.
Keep doing things like that until she loves your dirty socks.
NoStop jerking off into them
Maybe because they have 2842646537 type of animals that can sleep in your shoes and killing you with a byte?Why the fuck are you wearing socks in australia in the first place?
This is mean and i love itGood idea.
When she's starting to orgasm shove a dirty sock in her face.
*Edit: This is assuming you catch her masturbating.
This is probably reason enough to consider a divorce.
She will pick up my other dirty clothes but refuses to touch my socks, so there is a collection of them just sitting in the corner of the room. How do I solve this problem?
She will pick up my other dirty clothes but refuses to touch my socks, so there is a collection of them just sitting in the corner of the room. How do I solve this problem?
She will pick up my other dirty clothes but refuses to touch my socks, so there is a collection of them just sitting in the corner of the room. How do I solve this problem?
It's actually his mom he mistypedYour married?
It's actually his mom he mistyped
Stuff them into her pillow case.
But why does she pick up his other dirty clothes but just not his socks?Pickup all your dirty clothes and hers and do the laundry one time (I'm assuming you don't do the laundry). I bet if you do that she will pickup your socks next time around.
My thought process was do something nice for the wife and she will return the favor.But why does she pick up his other dirty clothes but just not his socks?
I bet at least one person viewing this thread got turned on by thisCunth's cumsock collection