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Name that old Sci-Fi movie!

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So several years ago (I was pretty young IIRC), I remember watching a movie on TV with my dad about a crippled space ship that was making its way home or something. I don't remember too many specifics, but I'll name a couple:

1. One of the crew was doing something in radiation that was killing her (I think it was a black lady, I can't remember for sure)
2. They thought they found another ship to get aid from, but as it spun around the other half was missing. Whoops!

I remember liking it a lot when I was little, but I can't quite put my finger on when I saw it or what it was called. I'd like to check it out again and see if it's worth a rent or something. Anyone know?


First tragedy, then farce.
that is really vauge..

it would be nice to know about how many years ago you saw this, and how old the movie was at the time (even if simply a guess).


10+ years I'd say, not much else I can say. One of the crew stayed in the radiated area to guide the ship or something, and they were limping along. I remember it being pretty dark as far as the mood goes. And I think all hell broke loose when they got to the blown up station/ship/thing

I figure if someone has seen it, they'd be able to identify it by those two things.
I know which one you're talking about though I don't know the name.

+It wasn't really a ship, but more of a life pod.

+There was a separate "cockpit" where that black woman had limited control of the ship.

+There was a gamma ray burst (or something like that) and she was taken out by it.

+The pilot could communicate with the occupants with a two-way monitor that also provided two-way audio.

+There was a scene where micro meteorites (or something) hit the life pod and one of the female occupants put her hand on the resulting hole to cover it. Blood and whatever was sucked out of her hand. A guy pulled her away and someone used some kind of device to seal the hole. She had a huge sore on her hand where she blocked the hole. She had to wrap her hand with cloth and had limited use of it after that.

Does that sound like it?


Is that it?
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