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Naruto 3 for GC

king zell

Naruto : encore un de plus

Alors que la série Naruto devrait prochainement débarquer en Europe grâce à Nintendo, on parle aujourd'hui dans la presse japonaise d'un nouvel épisode qui serait actuellement en développement et dont la sortie serait programmée avant la fin de l'année au Japon. Après le succès de la version GameCube, on peut facilement se laisser aller en déclarant qu'il s'agira d'un troisième volet du jeu de combat en cel-shading sur le cube 128 bits : réponse d'ici quelques semaines.


Naruto 3 for GC before year end as expected

Zoids III also from Tommy for September



GC in Japan's starting to look better with Naruto 3. Wonder if it will perform like Naruto 2 or better with there being less games than last year.


AniHawk said:
GC in Japan's starting to look better with Naruto 3. Wonder if it will perform like Naruto 2 or better with there being less games than last year.

How well did Naruto 2 do?
I love the two Naruto GC games. If this is as big an improvement over part 2 as 2 was over part 1, then I must get it. I would assume that it has the true forms of Gara and Orochi-maru, as well as the characters who show up after episode 80. I would also love to see Anko, Kurenai, and Sarutobi in it.

I wonder if it will follow the story shortly before episode 80 or afterwards.


I'd like to import this game as well as Naruto 2; what options do i have in playing it on my US GC? sorry if this question has been answered many times.


moowear said:
I'd like to import this game as well as Naruto 2; what options do i have in playing it on my US GC? sorry if this question has been answered many times.

Easiest thing would be to order off Lik-Sang IMO for the free worldwide shipping (I don't know NCSX's shipping to the States, assuming that's where you live). Just order Naruto 2 + Freeloader (1.06B I think, well whatever's the latest revision).
I just ordered Naruto 2 last week as well.

It hasn't shipped though. I wonder if I should cancel the order and just wait...


Thanks for the info Miyuru. Started watching the series recently and now i'm hooked. they need to hurry and speed sub episode #93 :)


Yeah, I've been meaning to import the first Naruto for a long time now. But I still haven't gotten around to buying Freeloader. Anyway, is not following the anime going to be a big problem with the storylines and whatnot?
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