Ēarendel is traditionally taken to personify in
Crist I either
John the Baptist or
Christ himself, figuring him as the rising sun, morning star, or dawn.
[40] He is portrayed in the poem as the "true(st) light of the sun" (
soðfæsta sunnan leoma) and the "brightest of angels [≈ messengers]" (
engla beorhtast), implying the idea of a heavenly or divine radiance physically and metaphorically sent over the earth for the benefit of mankind. The lines 107b–8 (
þu tida gehwaneof sylfum þe symle inlihtes), translated as "all spans of time you, of yourself, enlighten always", or as "you constantly enlighten all seasons by your presence", may also suggest that Ēarendel exists in the poem as an eternal figure situated outside of time, and as the very force that makes time and its perception possible