NateDrake: "Flight Simulator 2024 will come to PS5 and Switch 2, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection will come to PS5 and Switch 2 as well"


Gold Member
From interview;

I suspect Oblivion is a multiplatform release, no reason to doubt that. Games that I have heard from that will release multiplatform on 2025, beyond the obvious, Flight Simulator will come to PS5 and Switch 2, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection will come to PS5 and Switch 2 as well.

Microsoft will be a big supporter of Switch 2. They will be porting and patching the current Switch 2 lineup. So games like Grounded, Pentiment, the Ori games will eventually make their way to Switch, be patched for 4K support, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see Sea of Thieves, maybe Hi-Fi Rush to make its way over. Just expect a lot of MS games on Switch 2 and PS5 moving forward.

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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Godamn Im gonna play Halo 2 with a playstation controller.

throw up jim carrey GIF


Halo on Ps5 means Sony didnt need to buy Bungie after all. Microsoft is going to release it on Ps5 anyway xD

Now Microsoft should talk with Sony and let Bungie develop a new Halo game and release it on Ps5, Pc, Switch 2 and Xbox Series SX.


I want access to all my XBOX BC games on PSN…now that would be an amazing announcement!
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You shut your filthy mouth, Halo Combat Evolved is an all-timer. I don't expect modern Playstation over-the-shoulder walk-n-talk zoomers to appreciate such a masterclass in action game design.

Halo has got to be one of the most overrated franchises out there. I have MCC and can hardly play 30min at a time before I'm tired of the slowness, lack of run, lack of ADS, clunky vehic controls, etc.
You zoomers just had nothing else when the OG Xbox came out.


Gold Member
Halo has got to be one of the most overrated franchises out there. I have MCC and can hardly play 30min at a time before I'm tired of the slowness, lack of run, lack of ADS, clunky vehic controls, etc.
You zoomers just had nothing else when the OG Xbox came out.
Us old people grew up playing tactically and were not conditioned by Fortnite and Call of Duty SMG spray and pray running around like a hummingbird in a shoebox game mechanics


Gold Member
Us old people grew up playing tactically and were not conditioned by Fortnite and Call of Duty SMG spray and pray running around like a hummingbird in a shoebox game mechanics
Makes me miss Rainbow 6 Raven Shield even more so in the modern bubble gum shooter era.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Flight Simulator on Switch 2 sounds suspect.
Not just from the power requirements - but having a game that streams gigs of data seems like a bad fit for a mobile device.


Halo has got to be one of the most overrated franchises out there. I have MCC and can hardly play 30min at a time before I'm tired of the slowness, lack of run, lack of ADS, clunky vehic controls, etc.
You zoomers just had nothing else when the OG Xbox came out.

Us old people grew up playing tactically and were not conditioned by Fortnite and Call of Duty SMG spray and pray running around like a hummingbird in a shoebox game mechanics
I agree with Gamer_By_Proxy Gamer_By_Proxy . When Halo came out I could care less because I was playing Tribes 2 which is so much more fast paced and fun. I get that it was good for console at the time but on PC it was outclassed.
Halo MCC coming to PS5 instead of Shitfinite is very surprising and also very welcome.
Infinite is basically dead at this point. Takes like 2-3 minutes to find a BTB match and over a minute for quick play most of the time.

MCC will bring in more players by virtue of being much better games (outside of 4) and nostalgia.

MCC will 100% sell more than Infinite even though they stopped support.
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