My inner archaeologist screamed with joy at this article crossing my feed. The thing has fossilized skin.

Some 110 million years ago, this armored plant-eater lumbered through what is now western Canada, until a flooded river swept it into open sea. The dinosaurs undersea burial preserved its armor in exquisite detail. Its skull still bears tile-like plates and a gray patina of fossilized skins.

In life this imposing herbivorecalled a nodosaurstretched 18 feet long and weighed nearly 3,000 pounds. Researchers suspect it initially fossilized whole, but when it was found in 2011, only the front half, from the snout to the hips, was intact enough to recover. The specimen is the best fossil of a nodosaur ever found.
My inner archaeologist screamed with joy at this article crossing my feed. The thing has fossilized skin.