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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Welcome to the game! We are in the character creation stage right now. By this point it's likely that most of the spots have been filled, but if you're interested in playing, please PM me and we'll talk.

For this game, we will be using the Pathfinder roleplaying system. However, all printed material from Dungeons and Dragons v. 3.5 is also allowed (the systems are compatible, don't worry). When there is conflicting information, the Pathfinder rules will take precedence (sorry, Druid players).

The Backstory

You have just died.

In the mortal realm, you were larger than life, and wildly successful at what you did. Maybe you were the king of a mighty nation. Maybe you were the head honcho of the thieves' guild. Maybe you were an indefatigable warlord, a world-famous bardic legend, or a master necromancer who overran an entire continent with your undead minions.

You owe your success in no small part to the god you worship, and you know it. You are a paragon of the virtues your god espouses, and the god has rewarded you with the power to forge your destiny.

However, like all mortals inevitably experience, you're dead now. Maybe it was from old age; maybe you died in glorious battle; maybe a trusted friend stabbed you in the back. Too bad, so sad.

Whatever happened to you, you now find yourself in the afterlife, face to face with the god that brought you to power. You have been recognized as worthy, and your god has something of utmost importance to discuss with you....

The Mechanics

This is a Gestalt game. That means at each level, you'll gain the abilities of two classes of your choice, and for values that are present in both classes (hit dice, saving throws, etc), you take the better of the two.

You're going to start your character at Level 10, so it's going to take some work to build from the outset. I will allow level-adjusted templates, but I have veto power if a specific one seems too strong.

You will start with a stat block of 18, 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, and you will also have two additional points to allocate however you'd like (from Levels 4 and 8).

Your character will start with 75,000 gold worth of either gold or equipment. You don't have to worry about the weight of the gold you carry, and honestly carrying weight is never something that will come up unless I detect you trying to abuse it and go overboard. In short, don't worry about it.

Alignment and Other Restrictions

By design, this game will include a mixture of good and evil player characters. Currently we have two evil, one neutral, and one good character locked in. It's my strong desire that at least one more good character joins the fold.

You must either be Lawful, or be completely devoted to a Lawful god. This will be necessary to keep the party from killing/abandoning each other (as you'll see shortly after we begin).

Your character must be able to fly for an extended period of time. This may come through racial abilities, class abilities, flying mounts, spells of adequate duration (the normal duration Flight spell won't cut it), or items. In the case of items (or in some cases, mounts), this will require purchasing something with your starting gold.

There are some risks in including both good and evil characters in a party like this. I have included some safeguards to prevent serious impasses, but I can't foresee everything. I trust that everyone here is able to act out ideological differences between characters without that tension seeping through into the relationships between the actual players. Please always be aware of this as the story unfolds, and don't get mad at your fellow NeoGAF members. We're all adults.

A Note on Power Level
This is by design a very high-powered game. Some players are better at designing high-powered characters than others, and there is a chance that there could be wide disparities in the capabilities of the party.

To mitigate this somewhat, combats will be less frequent than in previous play by post campaigns. You won't run into random mobs on your way to destination X. I will work hard to make sure that the battles that you do encounter are meaningful, memorable, and we'll constructed, but just be cognizant that this campaign will be much more drama-oriented and PC-driven. I'll elaborate on this as appropriate over the course of the game.

I don't anticipate actually starting before March. It could happen a little bit earlier than that, but not by much. So, you can take your time.

That's all you need to start building, I think. If I already know you're playing, have fun building. If you want to play and I don't know about it, shoot me a PM. I'll add more stuff in here as I think of it. I'm hoping for a fun ride.

For those interested in brushing up on the history of our group, here are some links to the last two campaigns we completed.

Quest for the Holy Relics (GM'd by me)
Excalibur (GM'd by KittenMaster)

Each one contains about a novel's worth of material, but I think they're both good stories with great characterization. Of course I'm a little biased on that point :)
Hmm... you seem to be missing rules on stats. I guessing you will be going with a stat array like last time, but you might wanna make that clear just in case.
Just posting here to bring to people's attention that I made one last important post in the Excalibur thread, in case people already unsubbed and didn't notice it getting bumped.

Mike M

Nick N
Locked and loaded with my character, but I had just about everything but stats, skills, and equipment done since August, so it didn't take long : )

*Writes seven novels about character while waiting for the game to start.*
I still need to give my stats a few more look overs to see if I'm missing anything, but I should be getting close to done with my Chaotic Good Drow Ranger that died fighting an army of Archdemons.

Mike M

Nick N
Heh, I remember looking up ranger build guides when putting Dreadstone together and getting a lot of sources saying something to the effect of, "Everyone wants to be Drizzt. Don't be Drizzt."
Heh, I remember looking up ranger build guides when putting Dreadstone together and getting a lot of sources saying something to the effect of, "Everyone wants to be Drizzt. Don't be Drizzt."
Didn't you make Dreadstone because you wanted to be Muun?

Oh, I am also revising my backstory. Instead of dying to the hands of Archdemons, my character dies to a level 1 adventurer that spammed summoned creatures by reading a scroll out in the middle of a quaint forest.


Hey Everybody! I'm Back!

Quick questions,

Do we add our racial bonuses to the stat array?

HP on level up. How do we handle it for the first 10 levels?

Pathfinder traits or no?

(Really I'm hoping no on traits. There's more than enough to deal with smooshing two different classes and all their crazy abilities together)

Mike M

Nick N
Didn't you make Dreadstone because you wanted to be Muun?
Hey, none of them said, "Don't be Muun."

Oh, I am also revising my backstory. Instead of dying to the hands of Archdemons, my character dies to a level 1 adventurer that spammed summoned creatures by reading a scroll out in the middle of a quaint forest.
Heh, I gave momentary consideration to a Bard/Master Summoner gestalt, but just doing two characters in a battle is overwhelming for me. Couldn't imagine the pain a whole swarm of summoned creatures would be.
Heh, I gave momentary consideration to a Bard/Master Summoner gestalt, but just doing two characters in a battle is overwhelming for me. Couldn't imagine the pain a whole swarm of summoned creatures would be.
You know, I'm already pretty set on my character for this campaign, but if I ever end up in another gestalt game, this has me thinking of making a monk/summoner spec'd with an unarmed melee eidolon just to have what amounts to Kenshiro with a stand.
BTW I should probably mention, that I won't be playing a neutral as I mentioned to ThLunarian before, as I am now playing a completely different character, who is in fact lawful good. A female changeling(kinda redundant since changelings can only be female...) Shaman/bard(oh god so much shit to keep track of, what have i done to myself) of Erastil.


I could switch my guy to Lawful Neutral. He's done some shit. He thought he was doing good. So he could go either way.
I would prefer a mix of good and evil. One neutral character is okay, and we already have that (KM).

Also, our party is now solidified, so I'm currently not accepting additional players. If you feel like going on a waiting list, you are welcome to PM me. Thanks for your interest!

Mike M

Nick N
Look at all these Lawful chumps...


You don't even know man. I haven't even started writing my backstory, but my current plans have it ending with a (great)grandmother dieing of old age. She won't look it because i figure she's already dead she can look however the fuck she(or i) wants, but first chance i get I baking everyone some of the best mother fucking cookies ever(and now I have to take a craft or profession skill to pull that off, god damn it what am I doing to myself)!
You don't even know man. I haven't even started writing my backstory, but my current plans have it ending with a (great)grandmother dieing of old age. She won't look it because i figure she's already dead she can look however the fuck she(or i) wants, but first chance i get I baking everyone some of the best mother fucking cookies ever(and now I have to take a craft or profession skill to pull that off, god damn it what am I doing to myself)!

This might be one of the greatest things any of us have ever written
I think it might be useful to make a list of what people will be playing, without giving too much away, just for everyone's general reference.

We currently have:

-A Psion/Warblade (male)

-A Bard/Shaman (female)

-A Ninja/Ranger (male)

-A Witch/Investigator (male, I think, though I'm not 100% sure on that)

-A Monk (male)

-One undecided

Mike M

Nick N
Draco was an Investigator in Excalibur.
I know, but mine was expressly a witch hunter, so the combination caught my eye (I realize it's the functional opposite of an investigator who is also a witch, but whatevs).

I was basically playing the protagonist from my NaNo book, and it didn't go well.

PS: Read my book!

What is a Warblade?
A blade used in war?
I know, but mine was expressly a witch hunter, so the combination caught my eye (I realize it's the functional opposite of an investigator who is also a witch, but whatevs).
Still, I consider the Investigator pretty good because having Alchemy turns a Rogue class from being just a Rogue into being concentrated Batman.

EDIT: I guess Warblade is a 3.5 class.


Yup my Investigator/Witch is male. He's going to be VERY BAD AT HITTING THINGS GUYS.

Inquisitors are a pretty awesome class that are a bit more suited to being witch hunters though.
Yup my Investigator/Witch is male. He's going to be VERY BAD AT HITTING THINGS GUYS.
Yup, when I think BURN THE WITCH, I think inquisitor.

It's ok, my ninja/ranger should be able to poke things for two.

Assuming he's not too busy poking innocents and redefining collateral damage.


Mike M

Nick N
Yup my Investigator/Witch is male. He's going to be VERY BAD AT HITTING THINGS GUYS.

Inquisitors are a pretty awesome class that are a bit more suited to being witch hunters though.
But I wanted to be a Victorian era Batman : P

My knowledge of classes is far from comprehensive. I was lucky Lunarian pointed me toward the Swashbuckler class in the first game, worked out spectacular for the character concept.

Yup, when I think BURN THE WITCH, I think inquisitor.

Burn her! Stone her!
I should generate a Sorceress that specializes in frost magic and gestalt with Summoner and have a Snowman as an eidolon. ThLunarian could roleplay her younger sister NPC exactly the same as QftHR's Lucille.

Mike M

Nick N
I should generate a Sorceress that specializes in frost magic and gestalt with Summoner and have a Snowman as an eidolon. ThLunarian could roleplay her younger sister NPC exactly the same as QftHR's Lucille.
It took me entirely too long to get that.
Yup my Investigator/Witch is male. He's going to be VERY BAD AT HITTING THINGS GUYS.

Inquisitors are a pretty awesome class that are a bit more suited to being witch hunters though.

Investigator actually have great attack and a decent damage bonus for a 3/4 bab class, and thats just from studied attack alone(studied strike means you can pump out even more damage). pick up mutagen as a talent and make good use of extracts(and witch has a couple decent buff spells, plus a hex that can reduce ac by 2 or 4). and if you're a real ass hole like me you can pick up a dex to damage feat and be able to pretty much leave str as a dump stat.


Investigator actually have great attack and a decent damage bonus for a 3/4 bab class, and thats just from studied attack alone(studied strike means you can pump out even more damage). pick up mutagen as a talent and make good use of extracts(and witch has a couple decent buff spells, plus a hex that can reduce ac by 2 or 4). and if you're a real ass hole like me you can pick up a dex to damage feat and be able to pretty much leave str as a dump stat.

Action economy is kind of rearing its head here. Witches are awesome at pretty much just using their actions for support and do NOT like any sort of armor both of which take away from what investigators could be doing near the front lines. Plus Investigators can be really good support themselves and well... they both really like Int... and it's all running together in a very specific direction right now. I think probably best if other people do the killing.
Action economy is kind of rearing its head here. Witches are awesome at pretty much just using their actions for support and do NOT like any sort of armor both of which take away from what investigators could be doing near the front lines. Plus Investigators can be really good support themselves and well... they both really like Int... and it's all running together in a very specific direction right now. I think probably best if other people do the killing.

You can get around the problem with the proper armor and/or feats, but if you are gonna focus on support, I guess it won't be an issue... although I'm not sure how you are gonna use investigator abilities as support and stay out of range, unless you are doing stuff out of combat(handing out extracts pre-battle is always fun).
Investigator actually have great attack and a decent damage bonus for a 3/4 bab class, and thats just from studied attack alone(studied strike means you can pump out even more damage).
And unlike the Rogue you're not required to flank or find a way to get your opponent flatfooted. It's just straight up extra damage.
HP on level up. How do we handle it for the first 10 levels?

Pathfinder traits or no?

BTW these are good questions... I know at level 1 you get max hp, but for the other 9 levels should we just do average rolls (which in my case would be 4.5x9)?
BTW these are good questions... I know at level 1 you get max hp, but for the other 9 levels should we just do average rolls (which in my case would be 4.5x9)?
I just rolled mine as if I started at lvl 1 and saved the URL for the rolls. Not sure what everyone else is doing or if that'll be the norm.


Got way too much to deal with with all the rest of it so I just went average for 9 levels and max for the first + Con + fcb to at least keep the hp tracking simple.
I'm giving you all the option to either roll HP separately for each level or take the average, but whatever you choose now, you'll have to stick with going forward.

(This is excluding level 1, which is maxed)
I wish I could've went with my Dark Souls inspired character idea, but couldn't due to it being incapatable with the backstory requirement for a simple reason:
The Legend Never Dies


After almost five days of reading rules and stuff my character is still nowhere near from finished... I thought picking a race and classes was already hard, but now I somehow find myself confronted with skills/feats/traits and whatnot.

And don't get me started on coming up with a backstory for my catfolk druid/ranger.
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