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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Baldur's eyes widen. He leaps up from the wooden chair and perches himself on the table, drawing some attention from others nearby.

He has no memory of entering this place. It was known as a "bar," and it was where men would come to socialize and drink things that dulled their senses. Scanning the room, he recognizes one man - a boy, really. The rest are foreign to him.

"How did I got here?!" he demands loudly.

"Please, relax," a voice chimes in from the next table. A dark-skinned man, wearing robes. "I don't think any of us knows what 's going on. Judging by the surprised looks on everyone's faces, it's safe to assume that we were all brought here against our will at the same time. Let's stay calm and figure out what happened."

Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea, says another man, wearing fancy traveling wizards' clothes. Perhaps we can start by introducing ourselves. I am Menek Intart, and I -

"Oh, gods," another man interrupts him. "Not again. I know what's going on here."

"Val?" says the same dark-skinned man from before.

Val sighs dramatically. "I've been through this before. We've all been summoned here by the one I've taken to calling the Mastermind."

"Mastermind?" says a cat-lady. "You mean like a god?"

"No. Far worse. More like.... an author." He is about to look away from the cat-lady, but her expression is frozen in place, and it registers as peculiar. "Hello? Miss, are you alright?"

Still she remains frozen.

Val stands up and moves closer, peering at her. "Is she...?"

"There's no need to worry," booms a threatening voice. All heads turn to see an imposing, undead Drow, wearing armor and sporting a gun. "She is prone to long periods of silence. She'll come out of it eventually. There is no need to worry. I must insist that you continue with your explanation of this Mastermind. As a matter of fact, unless any would object, I propose that I take the lead in this matter, for I am Lord Shulmor, and my will is abs...."

Shulmor stops talking and starts listening, perplexed. Everyone else can hear it, too; there is the sound of a scream, far off in the distance, but slowly and steadily getting louder and louder.

"I think it's coming from outside," says a red-haired wizard-type, whose hand is skeletal for some reason.

Shulmor steps to the window and looks outside. His eyes widen as he realizes what's happening, but it's too late.

A half-naked, screaming, muscle-bound man leaps through the window feet-first, in slow motion. His booted feet smash into Shulmor's torso, sending the lich flying improbably through the bar. He smashes clear through the opposite wall and careens into the distance, rapidly disappearing into a dot on the horizon.

The newcomer hops to his feet and dusts his hands off. He then poses in such a way to maximize the flex of his muscles and grins. "THAT, boys and girls," he shouts, "Is what it means to be a MAN!"

The bar patrons look at each other. A few offer token applause, which Tiberious readily drinks in.

"Wait a second," says the bone-handed wizard. "What the hell was that?! The physics for that don't even make sense! At BEST that should've sent that Shulmor guy crashing through the wall, and then he should've stopped. Nobody is THAT strong."

Perhaps that mystery can be saved for another time, says the bold-faced traveling wizard. Mister Val, would you mind continuing your explanation?

Val steeples his hands. He then becomes acutely aware that he's steepling his hands, because he hasn't done so in a very long time, and he finds it strange that it's being focused on so heavily. In the end, he stops steepling his hands. "The short of it is that all of us, and this place, were dreamed up by someone from another plane of existence. We're all puppets in the story of a person - or perhaps a group of people - who dreamed us up."

The cat-lady snickers. "I bet Shulmor wouldn't be too happy about that!" She then freezes in place once more.

Val nods. "Yes, I try not to think about it. Existentialism isn't exactly my style. Regardless, I think that's what's happening here. The last time, it was all to celebrate some poor sap's birthday. The gods know what it must be about this time."

"I just want to go on record that I think it's ridiculous that I'm here," says a woman with purplish hair, wearing smart clothing. "I left you jokers in the dust a LONG time ago."

Val looks at the woman and blinks. "Avalyra," he says. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again. You're looking well."

She sniffs and rolls her eyes, then turns around and stares intently at the nearest wall.

"I didn't expect to come back, either," says another wizard-type. "The name's Evaneth. I thought I got killed off a long time ago. I did get to summon a giant celestial alligator though, and it killed Tarkus and Muun, may they rest in peace... That was pretty cool."

"I'm a little surprised I'm here, too," says a pint-sized elf, armed with a bow and arrow. "But I want to go on record and say that I have more street cred than ANY of you. I've been here since the very very beginning! The genesis of the world, even!" As he says this, he tries to discretely scratch his nether regions. It's not as discrete as he would like.

"Yeah but you were around for like, five minutes," says Quintus. "That barely counts at all. I stuck it out almost the entire way. A lot longer than you, anyway."

"As have I," says the dark-skinned man. "Sarm Santee, at your service. And is Ivor around? He and Quintus were in the original group, too."

"You guys just... just stay away!" says a dwarf who has backed himself into a corner of the room. A single bead of sweat is running down the side of his face. "I don't know who's behind it all, but there's something sinister going on here!"

"Not exactly sinister," says the bartender, and everyone turns to look at him, because he directed them to. "But yes, there is something going on here. We're moving on to a new era."

"A new era?" says the youngest character in the room - one with an impeccable fashion sense. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, Nico, it means that someone else is taking the reins going forward. In a completely new world. I'm pretty sure that means all of you are getting left behind, unless Mike M decides to do cameos. But I have a feeling that's not his style."

"Oh yeah?" Nico challenges. "And just who do you and this Mike M guy think they are? I think someone ought to take you down a few pegs."

The bartender just smiles. "Each of you were being controlled by a different player. I'm borrowing you for this snippet because you're my favorite character that any particular player played. I'm giving each of you one last hurrah before it's time to move on. Kind of like the last episode of LOST."

"I'm your favorite?" Sarm says uncertainly. "Somehow I have a hard time believing that. Sometimes I just feel like I'm too idealistic for my own good."

"You would," says the bartender. "Your player felt the same way about you. But I think you're great, so you're in this story whether you like it or not.

"Anyway, like I said. I want to thank you all for letting your players step into your shoes and participate in these silly games we play. I've had a lot of fun with all of you, and I'm looking forward to whatever awesome adventures Mike M puts us through. And all the new characters we'll meet along the way."

"Are you sure we're not going to appear in this Mike M's stories?" asks Val. "Oh, the things I could get up to in an all-new setting with all-new people to swindle..."

"You should probably ask him yourself. He's the one who created you, after all. Well... I guess technically he derived you from another story, but..."

"WHAT?!" Val shouts indignantly. "Are you saying I'm not an entirely original creation? That I am some kind of.... of.... of COUNTERFEIT?!"

"I think that's about all the time we have for now," says the bartender. "This might have been a little premature anyway, since we still have to find out what happens to Viss and Menek."

"I'll get around to it tomorrow. I promise!" says Viss.

"Really?" says the Bartender.

Viss doesn't reply.

Yes, I am quite interested in knowing how I turn out myself, says Menek.

"Right," says the Bartender. "I really hope I didn't forget anyone. I'd feel awful if there were any players I left out. If I did, sorry about that! I might just have to edit them into this story later."


Mike M

Nick N
Val steeples his hands. He then becomes acutely aware that he's steepling his hands, because he hasn't done so in a very long time, and he finds it strange that it's being focused on so heavily. In the end, he stops steepling his hands.

((Oh God, this got me good.))
Strikes Dreadstone/Fleshbane buddy cop cameo from next game
<Even though Muun didn't appear, there will still be an arrow lodged in Dreadstone's bedroom desk with a message attached describing how much better he is at archery... and a reminder to pick Pokemon Moon over Pokemon Sun.>
((Good shit right there, Lunarian!

Ciel will compete in the neglected character archery Olympics with Muun and Dreadstone, provided she isn't busy eating turkey legs in front of starving orphans at the time or something.))
((Good shit right there, Lunarian!

Ciel will compete in the neglected character archery Olympics with Muun and Dreadstone, provided she isn't busy eating turkey legs in front of starving orphans at the time or something.))

((I wonder if this means I have a subconscious thing against archers...))
<I never saw the show 'Archer', but I assume Satra is like the titular character in some way so that counts right?

Now I am questioning who was better: Han Solo Satra or Laguna Satra. Pretty even matchup>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That was hilarious. And I'm glad someone liked my goofy attempt at a sorcerer. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.))
<Everybody will be happy to hear, we are moving onto a universe where Lovegood doesn't exist.>
((Nevermind, he was trash.))


((Man, no idea why but this was exhaustingly hard to write.))

Viss sat on the floor of the simple hut her legs crossed, her eyes closed. She breathed in and focused her mind on the sounds surrounding her, the beat of the forest, and then one by one muffled them until they no longer could be heard and there was nothing in her mind but silence and her own thoughts. And then she focused even more, pushed away every thought, pushed it into some dark corner until there was nothing left and... somewhere a bird chirped. Was that Pilari? Maybe something had happened? Should she go and have a look? No, wait that wasn't Pilari, it was just a pair of parakeets.
She had watched them yesterday as they had build their nest. Viss thought they were adorable but Pilari had been a little bit jealous and mocked their inability to properly sing. Viss had half jokingly scolded her and told her that just because their song might be different it didn't mean that it wasn't music. But when she had seen the little bird hang her head she had quickly added that of course she still preferred listening to her songs. Which hadn't even been a lie since it was about the only form of entertainment that was to be head in their remote part of this jungle and...

"Your mind is wandering again, child."
Curai's words caused Viss to open her eyes. "It totally wasn't. At least not until you talked."
The old elf crossed his arms and shook his head. "I don't know how many times I have told you that you are a terrible liar and yet somehow it doesn't keep you from trying it over and over again."
"It's probably because of that thickheadedness and stubborn behavior you also like to point out so very much."
"Don't get glib with me young lady." He sighed. "I think we are done for the day."
"But we have just started.”She paused. “Or haven't we?” There was hope in her voice, maybe for once time had not crawled at a snail's pace during meditation.
“Yes, but you've made good progress over the past months. You deserve a day off I think.”
It took all her willpower not to jump up and run out of the hut cheering.
“Thank you, father.” she said as she got up deliberately slow and bowed her head before she turned around and left the small hut they used for her daily lessons.
She crossed the clearing that let her to the entrance of the little house they were living in. Right next to the door Tessa was lying curled up, vast asleep, as she was so often lately. Viss gently nudged her on the head. “Hey there, sleepyhead. Wake up?” With a growl the T-Rex opened one of her eyes. “How you feel about a little hunting trip?” The grace and speed with which the massive reptile jumped to her feet was remarkable. If she'd wagged her tail she would have looked like a dog eager to chase after a thrown stick. Viss couldn't help but laugh though she felt a little sting of bitterness. It really had been too long since the two of them had spent time together like this. She patted her friend on the head. I'll just go and get my bow and then we're off.”

Shirox sat on the table and eyed Viss with great annoyance as she rummaged through various chests in search of her bow, throwing clothes, scrolls and whatever else came in her way around.
“Oh, never mind, just trash the place, after all I'll just put everything back to where it belongs, no problem. I love tidying up after you. No really! I couldn't think of anything better to do.” The lemur dug under a carelessly thrown piece of armor.
“How about instead of sitting there and lecturing me, you tell me where I put my bow, huh? The sooner I find it the sooner I'm out of your feet.”
Shirox sighed. “I think you put it in that box over there. “ He indicated a box on the opposite of the room. Viss got over there and after a few seconds of rummaging let out a sound of triumph. “There you are!” She tested the string and found in good condition. “Well, then me and Tessa are off for a little hunt. Care to join us?”
“Heavens no! After all I have to clean up the mess you just made and after that I'll continue with my research. On my latest trip to the Raven Queens library I have discovered some really interesting philosophical essays I can't wait to discuss with Master Curai. This one author is suggesting a hypothetical conduction of...”
“That sounds super thrilling and I bet father will love to hear about that. But I have to be going now. See you later Shirox!”
She waved her hand in a gesture of goodbye and was through the door before the little lemur even had time to throw her a hurt look.


Curai watched as Viss and Tessa strolled into the forest, accompanied by Pilari who had been fluttering around them with great excitement. The old elf's face was caught somewhere between a frown and a smile and he still stood there long minutes after they had vanished out if sight.
He was still lost in his thoughts when the summoning came. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and when he opened his eyes again he stood before the Lady Melora's throne.
He immediately sank to one knee and bowed his head. “My Lady. How can I be of service to you.”
Melora laughed. “Get up old friend, how often do I have to tell you that those formalities are quite unnecessary.”
Curai got up again. “You are to kind my Lady.” The goddess laughed again and shook her head. “You’ll never change, will you? But fine. I have not summoned you here to discuss matters of courtesy.”
“Is there a problem, my Lady?”
The goddess sighed. “Curai, has there ever been a time when there wasn’t a problem?” When she saw his worried face, she shook her head. “Nothing of immediate importance old friend. The wounds that have been inflicted to the planes by Zerome were severe and it is still some time before they will be healed completely but they are healing and that is the most important. Order has been restored and for the moment we are enjoying peace. However fragile it may be.
“No, for once it is not your counsel I seek. I wanted to talk about your daughter. I was wondering how is her training proceeding?”
“Wonderful, my Lady. She is a good child and her mind is right place. There might be some minor bumps in the road but I’m sure she’ll overcome them with no difficulty.”
The goddess eyed the elf for some very long moments. “Curai, promise me you’ll never take up gambling. You are a terrible liar.”
Curai’s shoulder’s slumped a little bit. “I’m sorry my Lady, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“I know you didn’t. Now tell me, how is it really going?”
He sighed. “I fear I’ve come to my limit of what I can teach her. She’s trying. I know she is, but I fear that her mind isn’t cut out for the search of deeper knowledge. She’s just too easily distracted. But she’s trying so hard. I don’t have the heart to tell her that it’ll be in vain.”
Melora nodded to herself. “I see... Well that is quite wonderful to hear.”
“Excuse me?” Curai was so startled that for a moment he forgot about curtesy.
“Curai, when you asked me to train the child after the fight with Zerome was over I allowed it. I knew how much you loved her and how much you regretted that your time had been cut so short in your living days. I also sensed that a bit of peace and quiet would be good for her. She had deserved it afterall. But if you really believed that she’d ever be content with a life of meditation and study… well I can see why you’d want to believe that but maybe it is time to ask yourself whether or not to admit that her talents might lie somewhere else.”
Curai sighed once more and slowly sat down on a treestump. “You are right of course but…” He didn’t want to admit that part of the reason he still held up the pretense of Viss’ training because he was simply happy to be able to spent time with her. He knew it was not fair to her but still…
“It wouldn’t be goodbye forever, old friend. But you have to see that this is not what she is meant to be... “
“In know it is just…”
“I understand old friend. I really do.”


When Viss had returned from her hunt she had sensed that Curai was in a strange mood but when the elf had just kept evading her question she had soon let the matter go and instead focused on preparing the deer she had shot.
The hunt had been a pleasant change and part of her wished that she could just go out again tomorrow but she probably shouldn’t let her training slip any further.
They ate in silence, the major part of the meat quickly vanishing between Tessa’s jaws and Shiroy and Pilari limiting themselves to some fruit and herbs.
When everyone had finished Curai finally turned to Viss. “The Lady Melora wishes to speak with you.”
Viss didn’t hide her surprise. “Why has something happened? Have I done something wrong?”
“No, no, child. Nothing of this sort. I’m sure. Don’t worry.”
“Well, what is it then?”
“You’ll find out tomorrow. Now, let’s put out this fire and go to sleep.” He stood up without any further words and after emptying a bucket of water on the fireplace went into the house, leaving Viss and Tessa looking at each other questioningly.

It had been a while since Viss had last been to Melora’s throne chamber, but not much had changed. The place was still bristling with life. Small mammals happily frolicking about flowers opening and closing their petals to an unheard rhythm.
Viss approached the goddess and dropped to one knee, bowing her head just like Curai had taught her. For a second she thought she heard an annoyed sigh but when she looked up Melora was smiling.
“Get up child. It is good to see you again. I have heard from you father that your training is progressing quite satisfactory. Would you agree to that?”
Viss hesitated for a moment. “Erm, yes… yes. I think so.”
“Wonderful. And I’m sure you enjoy it quite a bit, right? The meditation and the reading and the meditation again.”
“Of course… it is… erm… quite peaceful and… erm… enlightening.”
“I’m sure it is. Which is why it pains me to ask my next question. Viss what would you say if I were to ask if you’d come back into my service?”
Viss frowned not quite sure what the goddess was talking about. “My Lady, but I’m always in your service. I…”
“That’s not what I meant, child. No, I would ask of you a more active role in my service. One you are quite familiar with actually.”
“Active? But S.A.E.D. has been disbanded and…”
“I’m not talking about S.A.E.D.. I’m offering you a chance to do what you do best. What you have done before that little accident with that demon.”
Viss couldn’t believe her ears. “But… I’m… well… dead...and everything.”
Melora just waved her hand. “Death is such a flimsy condition. I already talked to the Raven Queen and she has agreed to help things along a little bit. All you have to do is agree.”
Viss’ head was spinning. Could that really be. Was she really going to get yet another second chance. Her mind wandered to the years she had spent on the road. The battles she fought, the people she helped, the wonders she had seen. A smile spread on her face and she had opened her mouth to happily agree when she remembered Curai. She turned around and even though he was trying to hide it the sadness in her father’s eyes almost broke her heart.
“I appreciate the offer, my Lady, but my training here is not yet finished, there is still much I need to…” The gently touch of Curai’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. “It’s alright child. Your training is as good as it ever can be. You don’t need to read anymore books or wreck your brain over philosophical questions. You need to be out there.” He smiled and this time it did reach his eyes. “You need to get angry at the things that need getting angry about.”
Viss swallowed hard. “But what about you?”
“Me? What about me? Child I’ve been getting by for centuries long before you were born and I’m sure I can do so for a few more decades until that stubborn head of yours get you killed again.” He laughed. “You don’t worry about me. And besides, I have Shirox, I might make him my next apprentice. I feel he has the potential.”
Viss realised that tears had started running down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away and turned back to Melora.
“My Lady. It seems like I’m at your service. When do you want me to start and is there any particular mission you have in mind?”
“You can start right away. Go and pick up your, dinosaur friend, and everything else you might need. Say your goodbye and then return here. As for your mission… yes I think there is something I have in mind.” The goddess smiled an enigmatic smile and Viss wasn’t sure whether she should be happy with anticipation or concerned.


The creatures tentacle darted through the air, leaving the man only a split second's notice to throw himself out of the way. He rolled to his feet elegantly and turned sword in hand looking for an opening before he had to quickly jump aside once more or risk getting hit by yet another tentacle.
“God curse that idiot and his experiments,” the man cursed under his breath as he got to his feet once more and started circling the creature. And God curse myself for breaking that stupid vial.
He kept circling the creature trying to find out what would be the best point of attack. If he had least been able to tell where the head was, but apart from the raging mass of limbs there didn’t seem to be much in terms of a body, though he thought he spotted something resembling a mouth though he couldn’t tell with certainty.
Again the creature’s limbs darted forward and again his escape was way too close for his taste. He needed to attack and end this or his energy would soon leave him.
Absentmindedly he adjusted his eye patch, what a stupid habit and studied the movement of the whirling mass of flesh before him.
There! A slight shutter moved through the creature’s body before two of its limbs shot forward. But this time he had anticipated it and instead of rolling to the side he dashed forward and dug under them, raising his sword in the process and slicing through one of the two attacking tentacles. It fell to the floor, still twisting, grayish brown blood spraying in every direction.
The man was about to let out a triumphant cry but it got cut short when one of the tentacles gripped his leg and swept him from his feet. He fell on his back. The air was pressed from his lungs, and he lost the grip on his sword. Helplessly he felt around for it on the ground but his fingers found nothing but dust. When he looked at the creature he saw an opening appearing between the slithering tentacles and this time he really was certain that he was looking at the creature’s mouth, even though he would have happily passed on this information. Once more he searched for his sword for he knew that it would be the only way to free himself from the creature’s grip. This time he finally spotted it. It lay a good two arm’s length away in the dust. He wouldn’t reach it.
He relaxed. There comes a time when one had to admit defeat. True, he would have hoped for a less stupid and possibly less painful death, but if that was to be his ending than he would accept it with grace and…
There was a buzzing sound, followed by a shriek. The grip around his leg was suddenly released and he didn’t waste a moment on wondering why but quickly clambered to his feet, grabbing his sword as he sprinted into safety.
He turned around just in time to see a second arrow pierce through the monster’s flesh, followed by yet another angry shriek. Making use of the creature’s interrupted attention, he darted forward, attacking the limbs relentlessly while more and more arrows swirled past him. Not long and the creature was peppered with arrows and half a dozen of its tentacles lay twitching on the ground. Sweat was running down his back and he knew he was getting to the limit of his strength. But so was the creature. It’s movements had become more and more sluggish and the stinking blood was streaming from several severe wounds.
He raised his swords once again, determined to give the beast its death blow when there was a sudden roar behind him. He turned around just in time to see a T-Rex rush past him launching itself at the creature and tearing it to shreds between its massive jaws.

Hartur stood there, looking at the scene before him, his mouth hanging wide open.
“You’ve become slow old man. You shouldn’t spend so much time drinking cheap beer.”
Hartur slowly turned around and stared. He must have inhaled some of the crazy alchemist’s chemicals because clearly he was hallucinating. He rubbed his eye and shook his head but still when he looked again, she was still standing there. Just like the last time he had seen her. How long had that been now? A year, two years? Some things were different, her tail seemed considerably shorter and there were a couple of new scars but otherwise…
“Viss… is that really you?”
She smiled and in a mocking tone answered. “Really, this is how you greet me after all this time. Tss. I wonder why I even bothered saving you.”
Hartur shook his head. “Goddamnit Viss, what do you expect. You just took off without saying why and you don’t return… Honestly I was sure you were dead. Hell, I even had a kind of funeral. Without a body of course but… you know... just… where the fuck have you been?”
For a moment he thought he spotted something like sadness in her eyes but then it was gone and she was smiling widely again. “That, my bearded old friend is a long story and one I’m not gonna tell on an empty stomach.”
Now it was his turn to smile. “Good thing my camp is only a ten minute walk away then I guess.”
“Will there be stew?”
“Of course there’ll be stew.”
“Well then let’s hurry.”
She was about to turn around but before she could Hartur embraced her in a bone crushing bear-hug. “You don’t believe how good it is to see you again.”
“You too,” Viss answered, her voice muffled by his embrace. “You too.”
((Yeah, I struggled a bit getting Shulmor's ending written too, so I know that feel.

Also, good stuff everyone! It's been fun reading all the endings posted so far.))


((Funny enough my main problem was that I felt that Viss' story arc had finished sometime after she killed that demon, which was why I was struggling with the ending, I just didn't know what else to do with the character. And by the time I reached the scene with Hartur I've come up with at least five different adventures for the two...
Still, despite some minor procrastination incidents on my partand a bit of a rough start (sooo many rules!) I too really enjoyed this and can't wait for the next campaign.))


((Screw editing))

As the other members of SAED move on to the next, exciting, chapters of their afterlives. Menek lingers in Esperia for a while longer. He helps locate the surviving Esperians and offers them the assistance of the now formidable engineering corps of the Isle of Enlightenment to start the long slow process of rebuilding their consumed world. It is a time for the people of the world to pull together and, under the leadership of the dedicated and competent construct Joshua, they do. It takes a few generations of a human life span for the work to complete and when it does, as the hard times pass and Joshua retires, Esperians indulge again in the luxury of ambition and greed in politics. Still though, for many centuries, the people of the land constrain the new generations of leaders with the question "How would Joshua handle things?"

Before that Menek goes to tie up some loose ends at the headquarter of the floating islands that made up the back line of the sturggle against Zerome.

What is happening on Zerome's home plane? He asks the coordinator of the assault on the machine god's home front.

Well most of the teleporter mages are back, as are most of the biologists, and some of the druids but..


Quite a few of them are staying to make sure the dead worlds are teemin' with life forever more. They're livin' in a real fungal paradise and don't want to leave

And so the balance between life and death shifts Menek says shaking his head Hopefully it is balance restored but who can say? Speaking of unbalanced, can anyone say what happened to Fleshbane?

I can.. can't detect him anywhere came the reply from Thronton.

Yeah cause he didn't go in space. He's in time came a laughing reply from underneath the table.

Time? Plaster? Menek asks the gnome.

Yeah, I'm always keeping a looksee on the timelines and Fleshbane's temporal signature has been bouncing around all over the place!

Menek grows concerned In... alternate timelines? What is he doing?

Only pattern I can see is he seems to be tracking Zerome's temporal signature real close

More Zeromes? In More timelines? Of course that cancer would seek to consume even parallel dimensions. I cannot imagine Fleshbane wanting to help its slaver! What is he doing?

The time obsessed gnome grins All I can say is that there's one less Zerome signature every time Fleshbane bounces to another one

Ah Menek's expression softens into a smile. He becomes a hero in the end. Maybe we'll build him a monument to remember him. then remembering the many times the xenoxice unit had threatened him he adds or maybe some sort of a plaque somewhere... a small one. He committed the right Xenocide at the end or something. Well that's everything. Keep the comms open on our comrades in Esperia and Zerome's former world and then go home everyone and celebrate. I will join you just as soon as the Esperian recovery is underway. I have people I am very eager to meet.

Even before that though, right after the other members of SAED leave, Menek goes to what was the Tomb and Milking Pen of the gods and humbly requests an audience with the Raven Queen and Arozora.

The two powerful gods grant his request, leaving the impromptu conference that had broken out between the formerly almost fully drained deities. Vecna and Asmodeus seemed to have left quite quickly when they realized their diminished state.

Do not count us as ungrateful for saving us and the entirey of the Astral Sea and all of existence in turn, devoted champion Zora says But there is much damage to heal and we must ask you to be brief so we can turn our fullest attention to that task

Of course Menek says bowing low Just two things, firstly, in the matter of Vecna and Asmodeus...

Say no more the Raven Queen cuts Menek off You have the gratitude of every one of the gods that was saved other than those two. And also the favour of the newest of the gods if I am not mistaken. Those two would have to work through many layers of divine protection to get to you.

Quite a neat balancing act Menek Aroz says musingly Balance is maintained, quite a feat considering the crisis the Astral Sea has gone through

Thank you my lord Menek says A final, more important matter, I seek to know what happened to..

Aylet and Jefred? Worthy mortals both of them, and served you more faithfully than you may know when the headquarters of SAED fell. The Raven Queen interrupted again All the souls absorbed by Zerome are free and I am devoting quite a bit of my energies to restoring them to where they should be. Those two were one of the first I returned to the Isle. They are fine. Should I return you there now faithful agent?

Menek tears up in relief and holds back a sob at the news No thank you my lady, I will make my own way back..

Very well

Zora steps up, dark skinned and fiery haired she bends down to come to eye level with Menek as Ratbreath flutters his wings to bask as much as possible in the divine radiance of the mysterious aspect of the divine being of knowledge. Always with more things to do, go then, clear up your loose ends, and know that you have my forgiveness. she touches Menek on the forehead accepting him as one of her devout and then turns to link arms with the Raven Queen to vanish back to the conference.

Aroz lingers. That is what you wanted? Forgiveness from us?

Menek ponders for a bit. The proximity to such divine beings and their praise was overwhelming but... it was not quite as overwhelming as he thought it should be. Thinking back it was positively muted compared to the first time he had met Aroz after his death.

Yes, it was. It is. It matters much. I wanted Zeilos' forgiveness as well, but that stopped after seeing what he did... what he became. I think... more than anything I want to forgive myself.

And you are not ready to do that with even Zora's blessing?

Almost my lord. For now I have some friends to meet after far too long. By your leave?

Aroz smiles and steps back We are more distant than most to our faithful than most gods Menek, but that is only because we have faith in those who have faith in us. That any worthy to worship us are worthy enough to find their own way. Go to your friends Menek Intart of Minae and I am certain that you will find your solace soon enough. I would expect no less of you.

Finally after he has ensured that Esperia will be alright Menek Plane Shifts himself back to the Isle of Enlightenment and even in the chaos of the returning Islanders Menek easily finds his two friends waiting for him. Even though the Age Resistance extract wore off long ago the sight of them gives Menek the strength to run to them, his rapier/walking stick forgotten as it slowly falls over onto the grey cobblestones of the Isle. Ratbreath squawks in alarm and takes off in a hovers as his witch throws himself at Jefred and Alyet; all of them laughing and crying at the same time.

And so, at long last, in the arms of his friends, Menek allows himself to relex.

One last thing.

On the continent of Minae, Arozan historians start discovering scattered fragments and records concerning odd events that seem to be connected to the esteemed advisor Menek Intart. It is a difficult task to find the suppressed knowledge as a few of them start parallel invesitgations on certain facts that seem out of place, but some obsession drives them on and brings them together to compare their notes and dig deeper. Coincidences and happenstance help them dig through even the most elaborates of misconceptions and obfuscations perpetrated by the devious Menek. As they do the truth of the terrible events at Zeilos' citadel come clear and it is this, even more than the discovery of the suppressed truth of the magical nature of alchemists or the histories that show St.Paut for the crackpot he was, that causes Menek's reputation to be destroyed and ensures that, instead of a hero, he is remembered for as long as Minae exists as the worst of villians. That it was Arozan researchers that discovered this and spread the word limits the backlash against the church of Aroz even as the worship of Zora comes roaring back.

Nothing lasts forever. Except the contentment that comes from a life either well lived or well atoned for. And with his atonement complete Menek finds his peace in his paradise. He rests.

And that wraps up another campaign.

I thought I might have more to add to finish things off, but after thinking about it, I think the five of you did a fine job tidying up all the loose ends.

This campaign was a struggle for me. It was way more difficult than the first one I ran; that's almost entirely my fault, because of all the experimental choices I made in setting it up. There were times that I wasn't sure it would even finish. I won't go into details because you were all here for the rough patches, but ultimately I am very glad we got through, and I'm thankful to all of you for sticking through it. And for those who didn't, I don't blame you at all for bowing out. No hard feelings there.

In the first game I ran, the running theme I wanted to convey (and, I think, was successful at) was the dichotomy of freedom versus subjugation. This time, I didn't have any particular themes in mind, at least none that were easily identifiable to me. I guess maybe one recurring theme that did emerge was the question of how to be responsible with power once you have it, but that came about more thanks to how you guys played your characters rather than due to anything I did.

I kind of feel pretentious trying to analyze my own stories so I'll just stop there. Thank you all for playing in my game. You all did most of the heavy lifting, and together we created a pretty cool story, I think. Maybe some day I'll be inspired to run another game, if we're still playing years from now (or whenever it strikes me). If I do, it will be way more planned out and less cavalier than this one.

I am looking forward to Mike's game and to stepping into a PC's shoes again.

See you guys in the next thread :)

Mike M

Nick N
Now that we&#8217;re finished, I just wanted to extend my gratitude to ThLunarian for running yet another game fully to completion, and everyone else for their contributions. We&#8217;re a little over the four year mark for when we first started doing this, and we&#8217;ve gotten through three campaigns in that time. They run for months and months and months, and I imagine they require an abundance of dedication to see them through to the end. I always have a blast playing with you guys, and even when the going gets rough from time to time, we still manage to come out the other end. It&#8217;s a credit to both KittenMaster and ThLunarian&#8217;s abilities to keep the game moving, and it&#8217;s a credit to all participants who contribute their own works to the effort to make it a compelling event that keeps me coming back day after day for years on end.

I know I&#8217;ve mentioned it in the past, but it was getting in on Quest For the Holy Relics that pushed me over the edge from &#8220;thinking about writing someday,&#8221; to &#8220;If I don&#8217;t have a new draft of this story every day, I&#8217;m slacking.&#8221; I&#8217;ve written two books (of varying quality), and somewhere in the neighborhood of 140K words in short stories since the start of 2013, and that&#8217;s not even counting the stuff I do for the games. I wanted to be a writer since I was a 4 years old, sitting in my dad&#8217;s lap and narrating stories that he would type out on his 1st gen Mac, and this was what got me in the game. And for that, I don&#8217;t think I can ever thank you guys enough.

That said, I hope to measure up to the previous campaigns with my own effort. If it goes well, I&#8217;ll have to get my name in the rotation again, because I have other stories I want to tell besides this next one. I&#8217;m definitely eager to see how your own styles of storytelling and character agency completely derail my meticulously crafted campaign, and how well I do at adapting on the fly : D

You guys da best.

Fleshbane was probably the least successful of the characters that I&#8217;ve played, at least for me. My IRL game character is evil and a blast to play, so I was hoping to get that same effect in the PbP game. It seems obvious in retrospect, but my IRL crew is more prone to screwball antics and ends up being more improv comedy than serious gaming, that&#8217;s what makes playing the bad guy fun. Fleshbane was just so one-note and hard to work with&#8230; I tried to give him some sort of arc where he grows as a character, but really he started out hating Zerome and ended up hating Zerome. He was just more boring than I had ever anticipated.

And unbeknownst to me, I really just ended up making Red Volcano from Young Justice. My first real attempt to make something that wasn&#8217;t inspired from other sources, and it ended up being more derivative than even Val (who I went into with the outright intention of modeling him after Locke Lemora). : P

I&#8217;ve got the new game ready to go, but I can refrain on posting the thread if anyone feels like they need some time to recharge their creative batteries. We still have some characters to be made anyway.


I already said on multiple occasions how much of a blast I had playing with you guys and I'm looking forward to the next campaign (no recharging needed here;) ).
You're still a good DM, thLunarian and you did a good job steering the ship to safety when the waters became rough, and I have a feeling Mike M will be a good DM too. I was too immature and too inexperienced for the DM role (as well as being unable to produce artwork fast enough for the game like I had originally planned, which constricted it), which led to a lot of problems and dumb impulsive decisions on my part. I still regret a lot of mistakes as a DM to this day, but a part of me still wants to try again just to try to do it differently.

Today isn't that day though. Tomorrow (figuratively), I'll be playing a new character (that I only now realized is kind of a mary sue) in a fresh game.
Yeah, the campaign was great overall, and I think you did a good job avoiding the choppy bits when faced with a bunch of directly conflicting player views on what constitutes fun. Both campaigns have been good fun, and since I haven't been able to play with my IRL group often due to trying to wrangle several schedules that don't line up well, they've both been a big part of keeping me sane through law school, and now bar prep. I look forward to the next one!

I know that feel Mike, your group sounds a lot like mine. Everything is antics and silliness, and yeah, that's what makes going evil fun. I went a little too antics heavy with Ciel at times, and when I decided to swap to Shulmor to rattle things less, he kind of wound up being a failed experiment at "hey, what would it be like if a BBEG was in the adventuring party?" Though he did confirm that I prefer less serious characters, so there's that. :p

I too don't need battery recharging and am ready to jump into the next campaign, though I won't really be able to make character sheets over the weekend since I'll be out of town and away from my computer. But hey, no rush!

Mike M

Nick N
Alright, that's a quorum for people ready to go. We're still in character creation phase and I'll need at least a little time to cook up relevant subplots, so we'll have some time before the game starts in earnest

In the meantime, it looks like reign.

Yuk yuk yuk.
The Jormungand rests under its weight following the aftermath of the battle. At the bridge, Satra's body hangs limp in his seat. Only the sounds of dying systems and faint routines remain conscious on the ship.

A cackled speaker buzzes a message with a muffled voice belong to Aldebaran, "Sir! Joshua informed me that he is fleeing with the girl. He told me that Delryn.. Delryn had gone mad, as if she were possessed."

A moment passes.



I'm really sad that I'm not joining the rest of you guys in the following campaign. Heck the fact that I took so long to post my ending thoughts shows that not being able to post from work anymore is really cutting into my ability to interact and would only drag the new game down. :(

Anyways I'm pretty happy overall with how Menek turned out. I kind of think of characters mechanically first and for gestalt the simplest thing to do is pick a stat and double down on it with two classes. Hella INT in this case as that is really great for Investigators and the only stat Witches care about. In terms of gameplay this was pretty damn good as Menek was basically an Investigator out of combat and a witch in it as hexes and spells were always a better use of his actions rather than a stab (His rapier was pretty sweet by the way). Because of him doing witch things in combat I was really able to load up on social/inspiration skills for the investigator side and... man.. I kinda feel bad actually as I think Menek ran poor Mako out of the building whenever it came to researching and that really should be a very bard thing to do. I liked how Menek and Mako got along by the way and missed the character. And Sybil too. By mid game Menek was like "All my friends are dropped out :|"

Since witch and investigator aren't very similar classes though in terms of theme I started thinking about what if the character was one thing in life and got the other side foisted on him/her in death and really that was the genesis of Menek and his diety and faith and familiar etc. (really happy with Ratbreath too).

In terms of Menek himself I was actually a bit conflicted on whether he was a LG or LE character since he thought he was being a good person but was actually pretty darn evil in some of what he did. As I explained to ThLunarian on PM I thought of Menek as basically being very similar to all those really smart and well intentioned people in the early 20th century who were just wonderful in every way except they bought into the terrible idea of eugenics. Sometimes being smart makes you more susceptible to being horrible because you can build a whole hell of a lot of mental justifications for your very bad ideas.

Also in keeping with the idea of faith and the Astral Sea, Menek was basically a full on zealot at the start of the game but he started getting that ugly aspect pounded out of him right from the opening scene. I think he grew up spiritually a lot over the course of the game pretty well and managed to hold on to his piety while losing the intolerance. Probably because he had a ton of crap happen to him over the course of the game! I think he's a fairly original take on the stuffy know it all. Let me know what characters he reminded you of though!

Sorry for being a part of the turbulence near the start of the game though. I've never played a P&P in real life so I can imagine that riffing off of each other and calling out shenanigans over a table as they happen is really different from PbP where there was really a lot of solo writing roleplay going in some very different directions.

And there was soo much writing! We all did a hell of a lot of world building during this game didn't we? I think we all needed a few thousand words each just to keep up with all the things that the characters had to deal with by the end and though that was hard I think it made the game as compelling as it was. I hope it was fun for lurkers to read too.

I think I might make a HeroForge mini for Menek. I'll post it here if I do decide to go for it.

Thanks for the game all. I'm going to go back to lurking just as I did with the Quest For the Holy Relics :)
((Yup, that's the way to do it. I wound up spiking CHA and DEX on both of mine. Now that I think about it, most of my characters end up going heavy on CHA...

Ooh, the bit on LE vs LG has me imagining what would have happened if Menek was on #TeamEvil. Now that would have been something. :p

Fwiw, I think the turbulence was inevitable. I was enjoying the in-character tension and search for ways to hary each other. I'm used to campaigns where the characters are catty bitches to each other and the players all have good fun with it, so it was never about taking it personally for me. Sorry that the fun part didn't translate. And once it clearly didn't, well, I was in talks with ThLunarian about making Shulmor right after FlickGate. XD

Yeah, so much writing. We all wound up with mini-novels by the end there.

I'm drawing a blank on characters Menek reminds me of, so there's a pass on originality there! Yeah, he was a good character, and I hope you have a good time lurking in this next campaign!))
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