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Nbots ACTIVATE! -- Crazy site selling repros of unreleases nes titles!


From the assembler forum..


So you're still interested in getting your hands on a reporduction cart. Great. As mentioned above, a donor cart is required to create the reproduction. Different reproductions use different donor carts. In most cases, I can easily find a donor cart in my part of the world (Toronto, Canada). But some games use donor carts that are not easily found (or I do not have access to ones at this time). Games that fall under this category are colored red. In this case, you must supply the donor cart in order to get a reproduction. Here's all you need to know:

* the cart will work in any NTSC USA/Canada NES system (since it has a legally licensed lockout chip)
* the cart will look the same as a commercially sold cart
* a professionally color printed label will be on the cart (matt texture sticker)
* FALL SPECIAL: If you supply the donor cart, your cost is 35$US per cart
* FALL SPECIAL: If I suppy the donor cart, your cost is 40$US per cart
* All carts are fully tested and shipped with working batteries (if applicable)

That stuff is hoof the hook! It's a pretty old technique, and it has been used several times on ebay by vicious scammers. What they are doing is that they use "donor carts" where they reflash the roms (or use new blank roms) and just rewrite a game compatible with the mapper (certain games use the same mapper technique to threat the game data, so if you wanted to rewrite excitebike (which i believe was mapper 0) , you would have to find another mapper0 cart (donkey kong), flash the roms to it, and boom you have a working excitebike

So what the guy is doing is reburning roms of unreleased games (shown here - earthbound NES, Robocop Vs Terminator, FF2 and FF3 (translated)) to new carts, slap a new label, and boom. You have a FF2 ENG cart. Pretty neat.

Of course, its plain piracy. But still, i think its pretty cool. You need to donate a compatible cart, and the guy will reflash the rom and slap a new label, for a kinda expensive price tho. The guy must be rackin in the good money tho.

Too bad some nefarious people will prolly try to produce a few earthbound carts and try to sell them on ebay, but any nes collector worth tis salt will know about those fake carts.

original thread: http://www.assemblergames.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=2280&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
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