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NCSoft's Horizon MMO May Be Subtitled Land of Salvation


Gold Member

For those who are totally out of the loop, in November 2022 a rumor surfaced claiming that NCSoft was working on an MMO based on the Horizon Zero Dawn franchise.

It's now 2023, almost 2024, and there's been no official announcement of this supposed project, but it looks like it could be revealed very soon, as NCSoft is already preparing something.

But on December 5th, NCSoft registered a domain for a new project, potentially the previously reported Horizon MMO, titledLAND OF SALVATIONThe domain, http://landofsalvation.ing, was registered on the same day as domains for NCSoft's already announced projects, such as http://projectg.ing, http://puzzupamitoi.ing (and http://puzzup.ing), and http://lll.ing (Project LLL).

I think this is a very clever use of the IP and choice of partner. I've long said Sony should look at other genres for some of their IP and with this on the way and GOW doing a decent job at a Roguelite, more of the same should be considered. There's been a bit of traction around a few 3rd party Japanese publishers working on Sony IP too.

Dr. Wilkinson

Gold Member
I feel like the value of Horizon is made possible by the talented team at Guerrilla. Giving the IP rights to an MMO team at an external partner does not fill me with a lot of confidence. It’s extremely difficult to break out with a hit in the MMO space. There’s only room for a few titles that actually have staying power, once the honeymoon phase is over. And it’s such a massive resource & time commitment. MMOs require like a decade+ at least just to remain competitive.
NCSoft means it's going to be a Korean grindfest like Black Desert where you'll only be able to progress by botting 24/7 to grind out your skills.

Not every game has to be for you. The Korean market is ripe for someone like Sony to make waves in.

I don't play racers but you don't see me bitching about them on forums.
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