Hey guys,
I've been searching the net for a good screen capture program, one that will take "print screens" of my desktop or whichever windows are open. Does anyone know any good low resource using program? I'm looking for one that will take pictures are certain intervals like every 3-4 seconds? and will save it in different format? Jpg/Bmp/Tif/PSD etc.
If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it.
I've been searching the net for a good screen capture program, one that will take "print screens" of my desktop or whichever windows are open. Does anyone know any good low resource using program? I'm looking for one that will take pictures are certain intervals like every 3-4 seconds? and will save it in different format? Jpg/Bmp/Tif/PSD etc.
If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it.