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Need Advice? Gitaroo Man or Not


Should I pick up the above? Its kind of like super rare; I just want to know what you guys thought of the gameplay..etc. I quite like the musically genre (rez/sc5/parappa). Gotta have a story or semblance of one though.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Go for it, awesome music game. I can't say the multiplayer is that great...but that might just be the people I've played against. It takes awhile to learn the system for Gitaroo-Man and my friends just didn't have any idea what to do.

It does have a story, but it isn't anything amazingly deep. I did like the final levels and the "believe in yourself!" theme of the game. I felt so good after beating the last song, but I still can't handle Master Mode. It can be very hard at times, many of the songs kicked my ass multiple times before I finally finished them. Especially the last two.

I find Gitaroo-Man a lot more fun than Space Channel 5, but that might just be me. Damn, that reminds me to pick up that Agetec Space Channel 5 double pack.


hyperbolically metafictive
definitely. it's my favorite character-based music game since the original parappa. the story's charming enough. it's pitched somewhere between parappa and anime. and the gameplay is nicely challenging. but the real draw for me is the music. which is eclectic and skilfully played and basically fucking brilliant. i particularly like the jazz fusion and flamenco numbers, but you also get metal and dub and drum + bass, and it all comes out remarkably well. this in contrast to the gratingly, self-consciously quirky music in lammy or parappa 2. some of the stages are beautifully choreographed as well.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
impirius said:
The real question is, where'd you find it? I love rhythm games but have yet to play Gitaroo Man.

I tried finding this game in early 2003, and I admit I was having some trouble. Lots of people on ebay wanted $49.99 or even more and I just couldn't commit to those prices. Then one day I was looking on half.com and like 3 copies popped up in brand new condition. To my surprise they were only $20. I got one and was very pleased. Perfect condition for both the box, manual, and disc. I would suggest looking on half.com again or possibly hoping the ebay prices dropped.

I still remember the day it came in the mail. It was a friday night, Gitaroo-Man was in the mailbox when I came home from school, I ordered a pizza and rocked out for hours.

Has anyone ever seen this game in a store? I've never seen it in person sitting on a shelf once, not even in 2002. Damn Koei, but I guess I'm part of the reasonthey didn't print the game more in 2002, I didn't pick up the game until the next year. :p


hyperbolically metafictive
for quite a long while it was <$20 new, more or less everywhere. i think i paid like $15 at gamestop. at some point best buy had it for $10, but i'd already bought the game by then.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Gitaroo Man is REALLY good. I generally don't care for music games, but I love it. If you see it, buy it.
I just picked it up recently for $15 used. Possibly the best $15 spent by man ever.

Lately I've been getting raped in the second level of Master Made. SO DAMN HARD.
Picked up a copy of this game today for a song (roughly $15AU). I didn't realise it was rare though. Yet to play it but from the movies I've watched on Gamespot it looks pretty funky. I doubt it will top Rez but for $15 I won't judge the game too harshly.


Grizzlyjin said:
Has anyone ever seen this game in a store?
Once when it first came out. I bought it a few weeks later online. And I saw it again at Circuit City for that $5 dollar sale, and picked up an extra copy.
Wintermute said:
I doubt it will top Rez but for $15 I won't judge the game too harshly.

They're not even the same genre, really. Rez expands your mind, but Gitaroo Man ... expands your heart. Gitaroo Man > Parappa! Gitaroo Man > Space Channel 5! Gitaroo Man is full of love.
Played a little bit of it today. So far it has been frustrating to come to grips with the controls. Having to use both the analogue stick and face buttons takes concentration. I don't know if it is because my controller has crapped out or if I just suck at these kind of game but I can't stay on beat for the life of me. The music is great, I just wish I was better at this kind of game.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I find it best to hold the controller with your left hand (thumb on analog) and using your fingers to push the face buttons (not holding the controller as you normally would). Makes it ton easier, and you're gonna need to have quick access to the face buttons if you want to get past level 1 in master play mode.

The game kicks ass and was totally worth my $9.99


So how far have people gotten in master mode?

I can't get past the first stage of it... but I really enjoy the increased challenge... except for the whole taking heaps more damage part. I could live without that.


... do it again and post vid-captures of them please! :p

I'd just like to see how hard/how much they change the levels are... seeing as I can't get past the first stage :(
Yes! Still best PS2 game ever!


yes buy it. I have it, I think, although I might have left it at work and someone nicked it. In which case I'll be really annoyed.
I gave up on Master Mode a long time ago; LV1 was easy but LV2 was insanely difficult. Given that I wanted to preserve my sanity for game development, I stuck to playing normal and earning 'A' or 'S' ranks. I don't really feel any need for achieving perfection in Gitaroo Man - it's just a great game that I can load up and play a few levels of.


Please sir, I can have a sequel?"
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