Yep, i have a couple of coconut crabs in my garden for the same reason.Pfft.. guns.. you Americans.
Down here in Aus we keep several of these buggers around the garden. I've had no burglaries yet.
I’d rather confront a madman with a gun.Pfft.. guns.. you Americans.
Down here in Aus we keep several of these buggers around the garden. I've had no burglaries yet.
I'd very likely be alerted to an invasion at least minutes prior to being face-to-face with someone, given other security mechanisms around my home; the plan is to be able to access the weapon in that time, lest there be no point of it.
How could your conclusion be "lack of foresight" without any of these details in my post? You can admit to not liking guns, but don't make baseless assumptions, please.
What kind of dog ?
After a lot of research I settled on the G45. First gun I’ve owned. Don’t go to the range much as costs quickly add up, and I’d like to take a course (did once back when I was 15 with my pops but that was decades ago), but am going to wait until this pandemic nonsense is done.
If you own a gun and you aren't an idiot, you should practice with it and know how to rack it. Yes it's heavy but most shotguns are.alright Joe. Hard to rack. Lots of recoil. Heavy. I'd suggest a 20 guage before a 12. I'd always suggest and AR!5 over those though. Especially if multiple people will want to use it. Nothing better than having a lot of rounds and adjustable stock.
It’s wrong to think that you or him know what other people need.If you own a gun and you aren't an idiot, you should practice with it and know how to rack it. Yes it's heavy but most shotguns are.
The point is for home defense a shotgun is enough. Hey just showing a shotgun will scare away most intruders. Just because Joe Biden didn't recommend a fucking AR or whatever the fuck gun the internet pushes as a necessity these days doesn't mean he is wrong.
Where is anyone getting a gun these days? All I see are "notify me when available."
I see. Your username makes a lot more sense now lolI'm not attacking you. When I said "the lack of foresight..." was a general statement. Not specific to you or your situation.
I firmly believe if you have one weapon (long range), you should supplement it with other weapons (short and mid range) for any number of scenarios should you be unable to get your primary weapon and be trained in the usage of them.
A bat(s), knives, escrima sticks, tonfas... just anything that can deal damage in key places around the house should the gun not be in reach. I'm deaf, so I don't have hearing when I'm sleep to warn me if someone breaks in. So if I feel the vibration, it's probably already too late to get my gun... So I'm going for the knife under my pillow or the one under the bed (which I'm trained in using).
If I get caught unawares while awake, I can get a throwing knife to buy me time to get my gun (I have several in the hallway).
And when I get married, she'll have training too in all of them (guns and knives).
I have PTSD and trauma of my home being broken into so I'm very much into our survival.
I see. Your username makes a lot more sense now lol
What kind of dog ?
The new plot of rambo sounding pretty juicy...I'm not attacking you. When I said "the lack of foresight..." was a general statement. Not specific to you or your situation.
I firmly believe if you have one weapon (long range), you should supplement it with other weapons (short and mid range) for any number of scenarios should you be unable to get your primary weapon and be trained in the usage of them.
A bat(s), knives, escrima sticks, tonfas... just anything that can deal damage in key places around the house should the gun not be in reach. I'm deaf, so I don't have hearing when I'm sleep to warn me if someone breaks in. So if I feel the vibration, it's probably already too late to get my gun... So I'm going for the knife under my pillow or the one under the bed (which I'm trained in using).
If I get caught unawares while awake, I can get a throwing knife to buy me time to get my gun (I have several in the hallway).
And when I get married, she'll have training too in all of them (guns and knives).
I have PTSD and trauma of my home being broken into so I'm very much into our survival.
The new plot of rambo sounding pretty juicy...
Do you really have a knife under your pillow?