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need pics of TOS's sequel


Namco announced a new Tales of for the Nintendo GameCube in the first quarter of this year. The rumored title is "Tales of Legendia" and will maybe be shown on the Spaceworld (when it comes).


Shiggy said:
Namco announced a new Tales of for the Nintendo GameCube in the first quarter of this year. The rumored title is "Tales of Legendia" and will maybe be shown on the Spaceworld (when it comes).
Why do people keep bringing up spaceworld? I have seen nothing that suggests Spaceworld will take place this year, why the hell would it?


Grubdog said:
Why do people keep bringing up spaceworld? I have seen nothing that suggests Spaceworld will take place this year, why the hell would it?

There is only the ECTS, the Games Convention and the Pokemon Festa.
I don't think that they present on a European or Pokemon festival the DS with the new name and the new design. Also they present the new GameCube hardware and Mario Party 6. Didn't Konami say, that they present this year a big GameCube project? But where?

Yes, they are working on Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Rebirth for the Playstation 2, but they announced a nes GameCube Tales of ... .
"but they announced a nes GameCube Tales of ... ."

They never announced a new GC one. They just registered 2 or 3 new Tales names and people assumed they were for a PS2, GC and GBA Tales. Ofcourse one is probably for a GC sequel, but it was never confirmed from what I remember.


Tales of - Nachfolger für Cube bestätigt

Wie am Sonntag gemeldet, ging das Gerücht um, Namco arbeite an einem weiteren Tales Of Spiel mit dem Titel Tales of Legendia für den GameCube.
Namco hat diese Meldung inzwischen bestätigt und wird wie erahnt auch neue GBA Connectivity Features enthalten. Das Spiel soll diesmal auch von Nintendo vertrieben werden und noch in diesem Jahr in Japan erscheinen.
Außerdem arbeite Namco an einem weiteren Teil der Serie für den GBA. Man kann davon ausgehen, dass auch dieser von Nintendo gepublisht wird und womöglich mit dem GameCube Spiel per GBA Connectivity komaptibel sein wird. Nähere Details sind noch nicht bekannt.


The new Tales of title should be on GameCube and Nintendo will publish it. There is a GBA connectivity and it will be released already this year in Japan. Namco also works on a new GBA Tales of game.

This was the official announcement.


The current if not slow official source, Teichan (Tales Channel), hasn't said a word. Current update is about the ToP OAV :p


john tv said:
I've never heard anything about a second GC Tales. I wouldn't be totally surprised, though.
if TOS is doing as well in the US as it sounds like it might be, it seems assured.
and i hope they make it 3D and it rox. TOS is so pretty and fun.

oh, yeah, fire everyone who works on your fucking stories tales studio THANKS


ferricide said:
oh, yeah, fire everyone who works on your fucking stories tales studio THANKS

Keep Inomata off the art staff too while you're at it-some of the people she made from Rebirth and Destiny II are embarrasing



belgurdo said:
Keep Inomata off the art staff too while you're at it-some of the people she made from Rebirth and Destiny II are embarrasing
i will second that. i am not an inomata fan. the cause is already lost for TOR though.
belgurdo said:
Keep Inomata off the art staff too while you're at it-some of the people she made from Rebirth and Destiny II are embarrasing


After ToD the character designs became pretty messy as a whole. Although there are some standout characters designs through each game even though they were as consistant as the first 2 games.

Li Mu Bai

ToyMachine228 said:
Didn't EGM just report that Namco is working on another Tales for the GameCube?

Yes they did TM, a fact many people here seem to be overlooking. (although this isn't an official verification) If TOS performs at least as well as FF:CC, (300k+) it would only stand to be a logical sales step. Especially if Nintendo steps up for the publishing, which I can't see them not doing.
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