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well i have found some extra time on my hands, and i am looking for some good books to pick up, all suggestions are welcome, i am partial to fantasy and science fiction, but what i am looking for is an intense drama like Vanilla sky(movie). one i just finnished is Brian greene ELEGANT UNIVERSE, excellent.


My favorites:

Slaughter House Five
Brave New World
The Godfather
Fahrenheit 451

You have probably read a lot of those...they are just my favorites.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
Willco said:
The Da Vinci Code.

2nd the Da Vinci Code, its fucking brilliant and the scary thing is how accurate most of the stuff in the book is. it got me thru my 12 flight from dublin to san francisco and im about 1/3 way thru the prequel "Angels and Demons" and that is also very very good so far, very much in the sam evain. Dan Brown must have done some amount of researching to come up with 2 books like that.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
the rum diaries
the fountainhead (best book eva)


Naked Pictures of Famous People, by Jon Stewart of Daily Show fame. Quite possibly the funniest book I've ever read.

Crashing the Party, by Ralph Nader. Anyone who is going to vote this year should be REQUIRED to read Ralph's account of his run for President in 2000. I just wish that he would have ran as the Green Candidate again instead of as Independent.


"A song for Lya" - Geroge R.R. Martin
from the author of "a song of ice and fire", this is a collection of his early short fantasy and sci fi stories.

"Neuromancer" - William Gibson
the book that singlehandedly gave birth to the cyberpunk genre.

"The curious incident of the dog in the nightime" - Mark Haddon
actually i'm reading it at the moment, it's very refreshing. a detective tale written from the perspective of an autistic teenager. its more than a mystery novel obviously.


Willco said:
The Da Vinci Code.

I just started reading this tonight, and its awesome. I am not that far, I just read the prologue and the first 2 chapters. I was so caught up that I wanted to read on, but I was in B&N and I didnt own the book yet, so when I purchase it, I will sit down and enjoy it thoroughly.


i'm reading Quicksilver by neal stephenson at the moment. really good so far.
also definitely check out Cryptonomicon and Snow Crash by him. good shit.

the foundation series by asimov is all good but try to read them in order.


Vibri said:
Da Vinci code has some nice ideas, but is not to be taken seriously. Its historical assumptions have been completely discredited.

Fun aiport fiction though.

HIS DARK MATERIALS trilogy is somewhere between Harry Potter, and LOTR. And IMO, better than both. Recently voted the UK's second greatest book of all time - pretty much entirely on word of mouth. Stunning stuff.


have you read "a song of ice and fire".

i'm planning to pick up some fantasy soon. Which one should i go for first?


Yep I have. It's pretty good, but not close to His Dark Materials.

LOTR was my favorite book of all until I read it. Just trust me. New Line already picked up the rights as their next big fantasy trilogy after LOTR. Read it before they start casting and your own mind's version is lost forever.


Vibri said:
Yep I have. It's pretty good, but not close to His Dark Materials.

LOTR was my favorite book of all until I read it. Just trust me. New Line already picked up the rights as their next big fantasy trilogy after LOTR. Read it before they start casting and your own mind's version is lost forever.

i'm sold. I'll pick it up within the next two weeks or so. Thanks :)
I'm only 350/1000 pages in but this book is my favorite one so far.

If you like fantasy, try this one. It's an anti-hero story. Highly recommended.


7imz said:
i'm sold. I'll pick it up within the next two weeks or so. Thanks :)

Bookmark this thread and come back to me when you've finished the last page of the last book.

Might change your life. :)


I read Fahrenheit 451 and The Da Vinci Code over the past week during my trip to Florida. Da Vinci is a nicely done thriller; what makes it special is the way Brown makes his centuries-old conspiracy believable by tying it to symbols that we're all familiar with. The twist and the payoff aren't anything to write home about, but the 'tidbits' about the Priory of Sion were very entertaining and more than enough to keep me going.

Fahrenheit 451 is wonderful. I can't do it justice. It's a frustrating book; I just wanted to shake it until all the characters inside finally came to their senses and saw their world the way Bradbury wants us to. As great as the story itself is, my favorite part was the "Coda" at the end in which Bradbury rails against people who publish edited versions of his and others' books.

My favorite books remain:
The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis
1984 - George Orwell

I'm looking forward to reading Good Omens; my girlfriend is a big Terry Pratchett fan, and if I like this one, I can swipe lots of his books from her.

Musashi Wins!

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: A Novel by Susanna Clarke.

Amazing book so far. Intelligent, funny and fantastical.

I think I'm the only person left who didn't enjoy The Da Vinci Code. :(
Scrow: Really? I couldn't put the book down.

I also suggest reading "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This book got me through my volunteer work term. It's a great book to read in relatively short sittings (ie. during lunch hours).


Queen of Denmark
Catch 22 is the funniest book I have ever read. Superb.

Also consider Anthony Burgess: not only his famous A Clockwork Orange, but also stuff like The Wanting Seed.

Finally, my favorite author: Charles Bukowski. Read Ham On Rye and be impressed. Post Office, too.
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