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Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN (comic book series) finally getting a TV show?

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Exclu: “The Sandman,” the Neil Gaiman-penned comic book series considered a seminal work in the medium, is in the early stages of being developed into a TV series.
Warner Bros. TV is in the midst of acquiring television rights from sister company DC Entertainment and is in talks with several writer-producers about adapting the 1990s series. At the top of the list is Eric Kripke, creator of the CW’s horror-tinged “Supernatural.”

“Sandman” told the tale of Morpheus, the Lord of the Dreaming, a deity who personifies dreams. The book began in the horror realm but quickly made its mark in fantasy and mythology as Gaiman introduced the Endless, a group of powerful brothers and sisters that includes Destiny, Death, Destruction, Despair, Desire and Delirium (as well as Dream).

The book helped establish DC’s Vertigo imprint and won several awards. It also was one of the few comics that segued from the comics crowd, entering the intellectual and art worlds and winning over a large non-comics-reading audience, particularly via a devoted female following.

A movie version of “Sandman” had been in development since the mid-’90s, with an early version involving Roger Avary. That cooled earlier in the decade, with the thinking that to the best way to tackle an adaptation is the TV route. At one point DC was in talks with HBO and James Mangold to develop a show without WBTV’s involvement, but that never coalesced.

Gaiman was not officially involved with the HBO attempt, though he and Mangold held several rounds of talks surrounding characters and story. The author is not involved in the latest development, though because it is early in the process, that could change.

Kripke has been described as interested in tackling an adaptation but cautious because the comic book has such a passionate following and is held in such high regard. It’s the kind of series where each production decision, from casting to script to design, would be scrutinized by devotees.

Still, Kripke managed to create and sustain “Supernatural,” which week in and week out deals with fantasy, mythological and horror elements. He also displayed a certain amount of creative integrity when he stuck to his guns by not returning as showrunner when the network renewed the series for a sixth season after he completed a planned five-season story line.

WBTV and WME, which reps Kripke, declined to comment.

I like Kripke, because I love Supernatural...but I don't like him with this at all. Since this is still pretty early, Gaiman isn't involved yet, I hope he gets in as EP. DC would like him to do that, I think.

Also, this shouldn't get made if it's not on HBO/Showtime/AMC.


jdogmoney said:
Hmm, interesting, interesting...what?


Well, that was quite early. Didn't even remotely get off the ground. How could he be involved in that? I think DC would love to have him in the mix (he's seemingly always consulted in Sandman stuff), and I think he'd like to do it too.


favouriteflavour said:
How will todays audiences handle the often vignette style of Sandman which nabandons it's protagonist for large lengths of time?

You mean standalone episodes? Like...easily?


Animated series plz

Neil said something on his blog once about the Batman TAS guys getting in contact with him about using Dream in an episode, but apparently DC nixed the idea since they were still at the 'Vertigo = seperate' stage.


Jintor said:
Animated series plz

Neil said something on his blog once about the Batman TAS guys getting in contact with him about using Dream in an episode, but apparently DC nixed the idea since they were still at the 'Vertigo = seperate' stage.

Animated? No thanks.

They were right. Sandman should absolutely be separate from the regular DC universe. Too bad they changed their minds recently. However, that's not on topic...


The main reason I feel is that they could do some really amazing things with animation that would be a right pain to do IRL


This would be one of the most expensive shows ever. There are essentially no reusable sets, all kinds of trippy special effects, and period costumes needed for single stories etc etc.

And this really isn't needed. The comic is amazing as it is.


ultron87 said:
This would be one of the most expensive shows ever. There are essentially no reusable sets, all kinds of trippy special effects, and period costumes needed for single stories etc etc.

And this really isn't needed. The comic is amazing as it is.
yes. Not everything has to be adapted for the screen.


ultron87 said:
This would be one of the most expensive shows ever. There are essentially no reusable sets, all kinds of trippy special effects, and period costumes needed for single stories etc etc.

And this really isn't needed. The comic is amazing as it is.

Also true. Sandman is one of the few universes where I feel very much like "IT'S DONE GUYS"

I do like seeing Endless cameos in other stuff though

Or even one more damnable adventures of Hob Gadling...


"Finally" would seem to imply that people have been sitting around waiting for this kind of adaptation to work.

I am not one of them, and I'm fairly sceptical of the whole concept.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i agree that this would either have to be:

-an insanely expensive HBO show

-an animated series

but at the end of the day the 4 absolute volumes treat me really well.


If they do it more of a House of Mysteries type thing with Cain and Abel bookending it and maybe some references to the Endless or Constantines or any of the other countless characters who stood out. (But only references)


DC Vertigo must have the most underused assortment of great comic material ever.

But yeah most of the graphic novels are either too violent or would be too expensive to get off the ground.



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Dabanton said:
DC Vertigo must have the most underused assortment of great comic material ever.

But yeah most of the graphic novels are either too violent or would be too expensive to get off the ground.


Nu-uh! Remember Constantine!?


Jintor said:
Neil said something on his blog once about the Batman TAS guys getting in contact with him about using Dream in an episode, but apparently DC nixed the idea since they were still at the 'Vertigo = seperate' stage.
I've only read the first six volumes, but didn't volume one already make it a part of the larger DC universe? Or was it a case of being a separate universe with shared characters? Out of the volume one cameos, Constantine was the one that made the most sense, but even that was pushing it.
favouriteflavour said:
How will todays audiences handle the often vignette style of Sandman which nabandons it's protagonist for large lengths of time?

Tons of shows do this. It's actually more uncommon to see a show stick with a single protagonist exclusively nowadays. Most juggle around numerous plot lines


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Dabanton said:
Now that's a book that would have been better served as a TV show rather than a film.

Constantine had almost nothing to do with Hellblazer. I'm just reading the books now, and besides some over-the-top 80s-ness of some of the stories and characters, the rest is pretty much timeless.


Roto13 said:
Make that Death: The High Cost of Living movie first.

I agree, Death is my favourite character in the Sandman Universe, and she's the one that would be easier to show in a real-life TV show or movie, since she's supposed to be down-to-earth and mainly "human" (her and Destruction, but he's a much less interesting character).
All the other Endless are more conceptual and whatever voice/behaviour/special effect you will give the actors, it won't be "right" because most of it is in the reader's imagination.
I doubt this will work. I've only read the first Sandman book but it definitely seems like something too big for regular tv. HBO might not be willing to commit enough cash to make it come alive properly.

but damn, I sure would love to see 24 Hours brought to life perfectly.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Slightly OT... but how do you pronounce Gaiman? A girl at the orthodontist was asking me today. I always thought it was pronounced Guymen (I'm guessing the e would be like those upside down ones you see).


I could see the show working as a cross between Tales From the Crypt and Twilight Zone where Dream is the narrator. Whether it'll work well......


Trojita said:
Slightly OT... but how do you pronounce Gaiman? A girl at the orthodontist was asking me today. I always thought it was pronounced Guymen (I'm guessing the e would be like those upside down ones you see).

That's how I do it, Guy-men.


Dresden said:
how did you guys feel about the way Sandman ended? I thought it was a 'fitting' end.

It's about as perfect an ending as any story gets. Kinda iffy on the final issue though.
I'm pretty sure it won't work, but I'd like how it goes nevertheless. Sandman is definitely the best comic book series I have ever read...


notjackbauer said:
On CW, with CW production values, aimed at a CW audience... no thanks.

I have to believe anyone involved (like, say, Geoff Johns over at DC, and Gaimen of course) wouldn't want to go that route. You'd have to be braindead not to see where this project should go.
Dresden said:
how did you guys feel about the way Sandman ended? I thought it was a 'fitting' end.
Heh, I just realised that it ended with a "and then I woke up ending". I liked it and loved the entire series though. Wasn't too fond of the last book, Endless Nights, though - it felt too 'experimental'.


Fail out bailed
There really isn't a way to do this show right IMO

I think the right person COULD do a show based on Death, but Dream's stories are too abstract in their charm. At Least Death is charming and pretty. You could write new material without pissing people off. Add Brian Singer for flavor and we're done! What TV audience wants to be confused as they watch dream mope and brood?
There is no way to honor it without gutting it. I could see an animated version being the best alternative, but... naw. Just do something else. (of sandman)

EDIT: Fpr the record I love how Sandman ended. Its one of the few huge multi-thread epics I've read that pays off in a satisfying way. I think LOST tried to borrow from them and failed. (I was okay with the way LOST ended, but it was no sandman)


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I basically have zero confidence in the idea of being able to even decently adapt the Sandman series to another medium, and surprisingly little interest in even seeing the attempt discussed let alone made.

And after seeing Plinkett's Star Trek review, I'd really love to see re-makes/re-imaginings in general given a rest. Fat chance of that though, I think we will have to literally hit some sort of 'We've remade everything possible' wall.


Trojita said:
Slightly OT... but how do you pronounce Gaiman? A girl at the orthodontist was asking me today. I always thought it was pronounced Guymen (I'm guessing the e would be like those upside down ones you see).
Account to his website, it's Gaym'n.

Mixed feelings about this. Would be awesome if done well, but that would be pretty much impossible.
PhoenixDark said:
I doubt this will work. I've only read the first Sandman book but it definitely seems like something too big for regular tv. HBO might not be willing to commit enough cash to make it come alive properly.

but damn, I sure would love to see 24 Hours brought to life perfectly.

The 1st book is probably the easiest thing to pull off, actually. What they should do is just make a dozen movies with Paul Thomas Anderson writing and directing and George Lucas producing/running the effects.


Can't imagine much of Sandman translating well without an insane production budget, I'd much prefer they go animated so they don't have to make any compromises.


Could work if they use the setting as a backdrop. No-way they can make a television series with dream as a lead character.


Servizio said:
I basically have zero confidence in the idea of being able to even decently adapt the Sandman series to another medium, and surprisingly little interest in even seeing the attempt discussed let alone made.

This. I've been purchasing the Absolute Sandman editions, and from what I've read so far (Chapter 51 or 52), I just can't imagine it translating to television, whether animated or live action.
Yeah, sure. Despair isn't pretty in any sense of the word and always has her titties hanging out. Film /that/.

HBO or one of the other cable channels could possibly handle this, and at least capture the spirit of the series. But CW? No way.
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