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Neo Contra.


Is there any solid impressions (E3, or some other gameshow sillyness, most of the info probably passed while I was "taking a GAF break")? The trailers look hot to me, just wondering how the 3D take actually holds up.

Shattered Soldier fucking rocked, but good lord did it beat my ass. I'm such a hack at shooters, but I've been itching to get back into them lately. Even if my talent has dropped at least a solid 1000% between when I was a kid and now.

On a side note, does anyone reading this have any thoughts on the Gradius V co-op? I was going to drop on it anyway, but if the co-op feels solid, I'll do so all the sooner.


hyperbolically metafictive
have you ever played shock troopers on the neo geo? neo contra is mechanically almost identical -- much the same controls, and a dash move that works just like shock troopers' roll. shock troopers is by far the best game in its genre, so this is a good thing. probably its real distinguishing feature is that your direction of fire locks when you hold down the fire button, so you can move around and hold your fire on a target gracefully. neo contra adds a couple little widgets, like a lock on shot for enemies that are on a different plane, and some perspective switches here and there. the design style is characteristic of the contra games since allien wars: lots of bosses and stupid/cool gimmicks. the e3 demo suggests it'll be much easier than shattered soldier. should be excellent.
drohne said:
have you ever played shock troopers on the neo geo? neo contra is mechanically almost identical -- much the same controls, and a dash move that works just like shock troopers' roll. shock troopers is by far the best game in its genre, so this is a good thing. probably its real distinguishing feature is that your direction of fire locks when you hold down the fire button, so you can move around and hold your fire on a target gracefully. neo contra adds a couple little widgets, like a lock on shot for enemies that are on a different plane, and some perspective switches here and there. the design style is characteristic of the contra games since allien wars: lots of bosses and stupid/cool gimmicks. the e3 demo suggests it'll be much easier than shattered soldier. should be excellent.

Hey drohne, Does Neo Contra have more "run-n-gun" action like the metal slug games? Shattered Soilder was a good game but there was a lack of "run n gun" action and more bosses battles.


I wish I was that hardcore, but no, thanks for the info though.

The difficulty wasn't too bad, not something I'd bitch about. Just took lots of practice for someone as vastly out of loop as myself.

I wish they had an inbetweener difficulty in Shattered Soldier, one that wasn't as hardcore as the 3 lives 3 continues bit which really beat my ass coming into the game and demanding on playing that mode.

But also not as bad as the 8 lives, 99 continues easy mode which just screamed "I'm a pussy".


hyperbolically metafictive
come to think of it, i don't remember whether neo contra locks your firing direction when you hold down the fire button, or whether you need to hold down one of the shoulder buttons to do so. in any case you can play it just like shock troopers.

and i'm sure references to the red star seem innocuous to those of us with review copies. but to the rest of us they're like a KNIFE covered in ACID being worked into an OPEN WOUND. ok, maybe more like a FINGER covered in SALIVA being worked into an OPEN EAR. but in any case: stop, meanie.

edit: it's still pretty boss-heavy, but i'd say there's slightly more run and gun than in shattered soldier or hard corps.


drohne said:
come to think of it, i don't remember whether neo contra locks your firing direction when you hold down the fire button, or whether you need to hold down one of the shoulder buttons to do so.

It's a two shoulder-button job, just like in the Re^H^H^H^H^Hsome other action games. One locks your gun, the other locks your movement.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Why didn't they just use a dual analog set up? Meaning, you control your movement with the left analog and you control your fire with the right one. This would leave R1 open for jumping/whatever and R2 open weapon select.

It just seems like such a waste. I've been waiting for a Smash TV-type control system that actually takes advantage of 360 degree movement for a long time.


hyperbolically metafictive
because the shock troopers controls are much better and simpler than the smash tv controls. i don't get the current mania for dual analog everything.


I don't really get why Acclaim can't release it.....bankruptcy doesn't mean that you're required to stop doing business, does it?


I never even got to try the Red Star demo. :(

Also, no one answered my Gradius V question. LAZY.
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