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NeoGAF Ban Review/Justice Project

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Hi folks. As NeoGAF gets back to a more healthy, grounded, rational place, I've been asked by several folks about their account status. We all know a big clusterfuck happened last October/November, but there's a lot that went down actively against the interests of the site and the community that the present sysadmins and I did not know about. Our old platform had terrible system logging and there was one shortfall in particular that ended up causing problems: permanent bans were on an unsortable list that couldn't be checked over expediently to see if something was amiss. We relied on manual ban recording by mods and admins and general communication, and I vetted those aspects and the non-broken temporary ban list in the admin panel, and referred to the very inefficient raw moderation/system logs when something seemed fishy.

Mods and admins are human. I select NeoGAF mods carefully, but sometimes they don't turn out to be good fits when they take on the role. And sometimes, it turns out, one will work in secret and lie to everyone and sabotage the forum in various ways if the opportunity presents and they get emotionally tilted. That happened.

In 2016 US election primaries season, it appears some bias entered the picture on the moderation team regarding pro-Hillary sentiment and anti-Bernie sentiment that ended up with many of our reasonable Bernie supporters banned under suspicious justification. A lot of this happened in the "PoliGAF" subcommunity thread, however, which was very active but not something I kept enough tabs on since it was more like a chat room at times. Throughout the 2016 election season, Republican/conservative leaning voices were shouted out and baited by the community itself and some members of the mod team into getting banned, in part because of the lead-up where the forum was turning bizarrely aggressive with its Hillary support after incubating in that PoliGAF community thread. NeoGAF became one of the top 5 referring urls in the world to HIllary's campaign website according to Vice News. This was...weird.

Then the election happened and Trump won. One of my ex-admins, bishoptl, got angry about election-related matters and actively sabotaged the forum. He logged his bans that were justifiable within the site rules, and generally gave people appropriate ban explanation messages in those cases. However, he also banned several hundred more people in quick succession, out of anger, for *not being angry enough* about the election. He didn't log these bans administratively, he generally told the users something along the lines of "fuck off" in the user-facing message, and he lied to me at every turn when I was mobilizing to find out what the hell was going on with Off-Topic that seemed to be depriving it of all maturity, reason, sense, and moderate opinion suddenly. Finally I saw something suspicious enough play out that I checked the system logs, and everything revealed itself plainly. We were descending into madness because all the sane people were being stealth banned en masse by bish. I reviewed approximately 100 of the stealth bans one by one and reversed ~90% of them per the actual rules governing the site. But discourse here was already falling apart and our old platform sucked for communicating with users during mod actions, so people started account suiciding after I reversed the bans -- rightfully pissed off about the unjust nature of them. It was all a mess and I focused on trying to be a voice of reason on GAF itself and get the mod team onto a more neutral page going forward instead of going through the remainder of the bish bans.

Anyway, fast forward to last October's big drama. Angry mobs aren't rational actors. The people tasked with calming down angry mobs in a non-violent, just manner....well, sometimes they spray the crowd with rubber bullets and concussion grenades instead. Recently it's come to light that at least one of our ex-moderators mass stealth banned reasonable voices during the October drama who were saying nothing inappropriate and just arguing for a bit of calm. This changed my perception of events, too; it sank my heart to see my community apparently so willing to burn this place to the ground and say horrible, untrue things. But...a lot of the reasonable people were being actively silenced by rogue moderation. This came as quite a shock, but made sense immediately when I found out who it was. It also explained why about 75% of my PMs were supportive and yet it seemed like everyone on the forum itself was screaming for death and destruction. This was not a coincidence.

After that, too, we had an overstressed skeleton crew here and I knew there had been bad actors in the mix during everything, since private conversations under NDA had been leaked and so forth, so I brought in pro contractors for a while to moderate the forum while we regrouped and got some much needed rest. They weren't, shall we say, big on nuance or critical thinking. They were more following a simple flowchart and using a sledgehammer, so a lot of people got permed for relatively benign things and I don't know that it actually helped matters any in retrospect.

Way too many people lost their accounts unjustly. I apologize for my part in it. It was a difficult time and we didn't have great tools on the old-ass platform to detect foul play, and besides that the political circus in the United States introduced significant bias into the site moderation here.

I've pulled the rest of bishtoptl's post-election permanent bans, and the permanent bans performed by the ex-mod who stealth banned over 100 regulars simply for not participating in the witch hunt going on last October (sigh, what a wretched way to be), as well as a big chunk of the October/November permanent bans site-wide that were not performed up to our typical standards. I will review each ban personally, one by one, and reverse them as appropriate.

If you or someone you know has been banned unjustly, especially if it was around the time of the October 2017 drama or the post-election drama around Trump/Hillary time, or any other politically charged time like that, care will be taken to ensure fairness to you, so feel free to disclose it to me. I have a list of several hundred accounts from the known saboteur mods I will begin reviewing now and update with the results in here. If you would like your account reviewed and don't currently have NeoGAF posting access, email support@neogaf.com with Ban Review Request in the title and your account name in the body and I will add it to my list. Or tweet N NeoGAF with the same info.

If you ended up re-registering already and have a second account in good standing here that replaced your banned account, no worries, we're not going to punish for punishment's sake. Just mention it in this thread or PM me if you'd prefer discretion, note what your old account name was and anything you'd like to note about the circumstances, and I'll review your situation personally. In many cases I will be able to restore your old account and merge it with your new account so that you retain everything new and get your old account and post history reintegrated, too.

If you foamed at the mouth and said some stuff in all caps that wasn't very pleasant around drama-central, well, maybe PM me with some words about it. Time has passed and it was an intense situation where a lot of people were behaving irrationally. Some folks I've know on here for a long time participated in unfortunate, hurtful behavior. I'll tackle all that case by case too and I will hear everyone out. No guarantees in those cases, 'course.

We had at least a couple aggressively malicious actors internally that drastically changed outcomes at key moments in NeoGAF's recent history. Hundreds of bad bans happened directly against the policies and interests of the site and community. Things are chill here again and operating as intended and people are starting to want their accounts back. Time to undo some damage. Sorry for the mess, but let's get housekeeping.
I remember reading this and realizing that a strong political interest was present on NeoGAF that didn't necessarily reflect the wishes of the owners or the users. When a gaming forum is one of the top five referrers... let that sink in... there's something going on.

I did have an old account. I got banned because I mouthed off about a garbage article about a gaming-related topic. I doubt it was politically-driven since I kept quiet on those sort of topics:

I think we've heard enough about how you feel about games journalism

Thanks for offering a general amnesty as well as being up-front about the situation and the current state of the forum. I feel much more comfortable participating here than I did over the past several years.


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Damn, I had no idea shit got that bad...and to hear it was Bish really sucks, too.

Transparency like this is super appreciated.

I haven't seen any sketchy bannings really going on since I've been active again, so at least for now things seem to be on the up and up.

Maybe the 2020 election will bring the crazy again, but with the right staff I believe you guys got this.


Thanks for your continued work to get NeoGAF back on track! It feels pretty bad when you get banned for just having a different opinion. I remember the madness last year and tried to keep quiet on certain topics for the most part.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
If anyone is curious, this is the original investigation I performed after finding out about the bish incident, with my original notes on the mod forum. The notes weren't meant for public consumption and use a lot of shorthand and aren't PR-ready, but I will present an excerpt of the overturned bans in its original form since I got a lot of "holy shit..." responses from our new mods when they saw it. Note that I performed this review in December 2016 and did so conservatively and only overturned bans that I saw clear reason to that would benefit the forum, so....yeah. I ended up only tackling the temp bans and not the perms at the time. I will be going back and tackling all the perms along with the perms from the October drama last year and anything else that comes up, as mentioned. Anyhow, have a look. My notes during the review are in (parentheses) and bish's original message to the user is in [brackets].

#1 Dec 6, 2016
I've just stayed up all night going through bish's tempbans, and have determined his bans to be largely baseless, and just about all are completely ignoring protocol, many not afaik recorded in the ban record.

Of the 103 bish tempbans I've investigated so far, I've upheld 16 (many of these users should likely be permed, as noted), and lifted *87*. There are many more to go and I will get through them all one by one.

I have found no issues with the bans performed by the rest of the mod team. Bish's bans however have been unilaterally, systematically undermining the core discussion on the site to a profound degree. In light of this, I've had to let him go. It is a sad day. I don't know how many of these are unrecorded, so I am going to record them here as I go through them and highlight pertinent issues and judgments transparently.

#2 Dec 6, 2016

J-Rzez bishoptl 11-06-2016 30 Days 12-06-2016, ~09:00 PM 0 Days, 18 Hours [Lift Ban] [That false equivalency tho]

YuriLowell bishoptl 11-24-2016 14 Days 12-08-2016, ~06:00 PM 2 Days, 15 Hours [Lift Ban] [Troll elsewhere]

MulderYuffie bishoptl 12-01-2016 7 Days 12-08-2016, ~10:00 PM 2 Days, 19 Hours [Lift Ban] [driveby shitpost]

Wafflecakes bishoptl 11-08-2016 30 Days 12-08-2016, ~10:00 PM 2 Days, 19 Hours [Lift Ban] [The fuck is wrong with you]

FieryBalrog bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~02:00 AM 2 Days, 23 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=223760687&postcount=26397]
(lifted; ???)

joms5 bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~02:00 AM 2 Days, 23 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=223751235&postcount=24771]
(lifted; ??????????)

ButchCat bishoptl 11-25-2016 14 Days 12-09-2016, ~11:00 AM 3 Days, 8 Hours [Lift Ban] [driveby shitpost]
(lifted; ban appears sony biased)

kavanf1 bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~08:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223876989]
(lifted; ban for "not a monolith" and accurately describing the insane echo chamber that off-topic currently is. basically what I've been saying)

Zen_Arcade bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~08:00 PM 3 Days, 16 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877124]
(lifted; the *fuck* is this ban for?)

Bumblebeetuna bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?p=223891257#post223891257]
(lifted; banned for rejecting bold-text reductive hatred)

darkace bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877565]
(lifted; banned for saying the left doesn't have a monopoly on morality or truth and the world is a complex place)

foodtaster bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877190]
(lifted; banned for...???? not voting for hillary enthusiastically enough?)

GalacticToast bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877886]
(lifted; banned for...??? ??? that's not even lack of personal empathy, maybe some mild cynicism about society after seeing trump elected)

jellies_two bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223889739]
(lifted; banned for saying he hates social media because of proliferation of fake news (but posted in the hate crimes thread, where, in fact, many of the items shared on social media immediately following the election ended up being fraudulent...some 1000 actual hate crimes were reported in the week following the election though. hate crimes real, thing with guy covered in "blood" from being attacked et al that took social media by storm, et al, not real. caring about facts is important and not racist or handwaving, especially in this dystopian fake news era)

LosDaddie bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877226]
(lifted; banned for "not a monolith" political strategy post)

Ri'Orius bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223894518]
(lifted; banned for accurately describing why people other than the KKK voted for trump)

Nipo bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877235]
(lifted; banned for suggesting that political parties in the united states court white people to win elections (lol?))

spiderman123 bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223889919]
(lifted; banned for trump voters are not a monolith of racists)

USC-fan bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223893999]
(lifted; banned for describing the motivations of republicans)

whalleywhat bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~09:00 PM 3 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=223877748]
(lifted; banned for calling out the partisan echo-chamber)

ThreePiMatt bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~10:00 PM 3 Days, 18 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]

Darryl bishoptl 11-09-2016 30 Days 12-09-2016, ~11:00 PM 3 Days, 19 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]
(lifted; banned for telling people demonizing impoverished rural america subjected to unemployment, drug addiction, and hopelessness they're lacking empathy)

benjipwns bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [This shit you're doing? It's creating more work for me. I don't like that.]
(lifted; banned for...speaking?)

FiggyCal bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [Irony is a fickle mistress.]

Miles Quaritch bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [We don't victim blame in cop threads and we're not doing it here. Unless additional info comes out, you're out of line.]
(lifted; banned for "victim blaming." I don't see any victim blaming?)

nkarafo bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]
(lifted; banned for condemning mob violence?)

NutJobJim bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [Britain is fine? No handwaving today.]
(lifted; nothing of the sort found in post history, just an acknowledgement of how bad brexit & trump are and and a desire to move forward. insane ban reason)

SgtCobra bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [The election is over. No need to dogwhistle.]
(lifted; banned for condemning mob violence)

T.O.P bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [The election is over. No need to dogwhistle.]
(lifted; poster is from Italy, doesn't know shit about American dogwhistling)

ZombAid82 bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~11:00 AM 4 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [brilliant insight, thank you]
(lifted; poster is German and ESL and being shit on with a condescending ban for having mild English language issues)

Ahasverus bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~12:00 PM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]

Tak3n bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~12:00 PM 4 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [Guess what we're not doing today.]
(upheld; ban statement is unclear, but poster should be investigated for possible perm)

Dosia bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~02:00 PM 4 Days, 9 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]
(lifted; banned for identifying partisan echo chamber, saying he voted for obama x2 and would never vote for trump but his wife's family did for their reasons....? that's bannable?)

Mr Cola bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~02:00 PM 4 Days, 9 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]
(lifted; banned for.......................???????????)

TheWorthyEdge bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~02:00 PM 4 Days, 9 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today.]
(lifted; banned for speaking to Trump supporters like human beings)

Auto_aim1 bishoptl 11-10-2016 30 Days 12-10-2016, ~10:00 PM 4 Days, 17 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=224033073&postcount=169]
(lifted; misinformed soros conspiracy crap, but does not seem like an alt-right troll, just someone misinformed by fake news like the majority of Americans. may warrant further investigation into alt-right ties)

Mithos bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~11:00 AM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [Feel like backseat modding? Join the grey names that you seem to have missed in that thread.]

Soph bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~11:00 AM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [Nobody gives a shit about your racist traditions and this ain't the week for handwaving.]
(lifted; banned for thoughtful, reasonable post on NL's dumbass blackface tradition. not banworthy in the least)

TheBanditKing bishoptl 11-29-2016 30 Days 12-29-2016, ~01:00 PM 23 Days, 8 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever.]

xZoneHunter bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~11:00 AM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever.]

Beartruck bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224219862]

benjammin bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221500]

blackjaw bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224220246]

Drackhorn bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224219115]

harz-marz bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221806]

LordKasual bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224220549]

Nose Master bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221344]

PhilipDoesMatter bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221389]

udivision bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224220207]

Vince DiCola bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~12:00 PM 6 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221887]

AfroDust bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~01:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224222187]

Intel_89 bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~01:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224223192]

Jito bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~01:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224222397]

NinjamicWZ bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~01:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221626]

pretty done bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~01:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224221956]

whyman bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~01:00 PM 6 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224222535]

Agent X bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~02:00 PM 6 Days, 8 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224229678]

Dot50Cal bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~02:00 PM 6 Days, 8 Hours [Lift Ban] ["economic anxiety" < racism sexism homophobia]

Sushen bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~02:00 PM 6 Days, 8 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224228175]

Alkastelca bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~03:00 PM 6 Days, 9 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224233743]

EdgeXL bishoptl 11-12-2016 30 Days 12-12-2016, ~03:00 PM 6 Days, 9 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=224234232]

ViolentP bishoptl 12-05-2016 7 Days 12-12-2016, ~03:00 PM 6 Days, 9 Hours [Lift Ban] [When you come back, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the forced hetero representation of Nate/Elena in UC4]

stuminus3 bishoptl 11-14-2016 30 Days 12-14-2016, ~12:00 PM 8 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [This is the stupidest form of self promotion I have ever seen, and I have. seen. some. shit.]
(upheld; bizarre self-tweet image grab in place of a regular post)

TRega bishoptl 11-14-2016 30 Days 12-14-2016, ~12:00 PM 8 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [Whining about Anita? Really?]
(lifted; doesn't appear to be a GGer, just an anti-censorship libertarian. anita is not immune from criticism)

ultrazilla bishoptl 11-14-2016 30 Days 12-14-2016, ~12:00 PM 8 Days, 5 Hours [Lift Ban] [thread whining]
(upheld; thread was relevant to gaming side, though I sympathize with wanting to avoid the vibe on off-topic seeping over to gaming)

Majik bishoptl 11-14-2016 30 Days 12-14-2016, ~02:00 PM 8 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever.]

zaccheus bishoptl 11-14-2016 30 Days 12-14-2016, ~03:00 PM 8 Days, 8 Hours [Lift Ban] [The Byrd/KKK talking point has been thoroughly debunked, yet posters like you insist on bringing it up. Curious.]

Freeman bishoptl 11-14-2016 30 Days 12-14-2016, ~05:00 PM 8 Days, 10 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving now. Or ever.]

HiiiLife bishoptl 11-15-2016 30 Days 12-15-2016, ~01:00 PM 9 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [driveby shitpost]
(upheld; lots of zero content posts on this account, but only banned for attacking playstation? perm candidate)

UFO bishoptl 11-15-2016 30 Days 12-15-2016, ~11:00 PM 9 Days, 16 Hours [Lift Ban] [you dumbass http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=224486421&postcount=359]
(upheld; does not appear to be posting in good faith)

Coffee Dog bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~11:00 AM 10 Days, 4 Hours [Lift Ban] [I'm not going to call you an asshole, because that could potentially solidify assholish behaviour and I don't want to do that.]

captainnapalm bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~12:00 PM 10 Days, 5 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever.]

beast786 bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~02:00 PM 10 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever.]

prag16 bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~02:00 PM 10 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [Hivemind crack]

Xav bishoptl 09-16-2016 92 Days 12-16-2016, ~02:00 PM 10 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [Don't take offense to this ban!]
(upheld; attempted to inappropriately minimize other member's n-blast)

Yoritomo bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~02:00 PM 10 Days, 7 Hours [Lift Ban] [NO handwaving today. Or ever.]
(lifted; the guy's fucking quoting the ToS, jesus christ)

Euphoria14 bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~05:00 PM 10 Days, 10 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today. Or ever.]

Fliesen bishoptl 12-02-2016 14 Days 12-16-2016, ~06:00 PM 10 Days, 11 Hours [Lift Ban] ["just because you're black"? In a 24 hour period filled with dumb statements, this one stands as king. Kudos, I guess]
(lifted; response to godwin invocation. poster seems benign and substantive overall)

RealityCheque bishoptl 09-16-2016 92 Days 12-16-2016, ~06:00 PM 10 Days, 11 Hours [Lift Ban] [Your concern is misplaced]

Hypnotoad bishoptl 11-16-2016 30 Days 12-16-2016, ~09:00 PM 10 Days, 14 Hours [Lift Ban] [Love it or leave it, hippie]
(lifted; ?????)

NewGame bishoptl 11-17-2016 30 Days 12-17-2016, ~11:00 AM 11 Days, 4 Hours [Lift Ban] [Protip: When you employ a strawman, expect your work to go up in flames]

Pie and Beans bishoptl 11-17-2016 30 Days 12-17-2016, ~11:00 AM 11 Days, 4 Hours [Lift Ban] [That probably didn't work out as intended, fam.]
(lifted; banned for agreeing with Jon Stewart -- and me -- in same thread where I made the policy announcement...)

sunofsam bishoptl 11-17-2016 30 Days 12-17-2016, ~11:00 AM 11 Days, 4 Hours [Lift Ban] [driveby shitpost]
(lifted; should Canadians really have to take personal responsibility for institutionalized racism in the United States by punishment of ban?)

Xisiqomelir bishoptl 11-17-2016 30 Days 12-17-2016, ~11:00 AM 11 Days, 4 Hours [Lift Ban] [No handwaving today, plus that track record? Perm warning for next offense.]
(lifted; not banworthy or deserving of perm warning)

TrumanBurbank bishoptl 11-17-2016 30 Days 12-17-2016, ~12:00 PM 11 Days, 5 Hours [Lift Ban] [r/BanstickInAction]
(upheld; random shitpost)

Hex bishoptl 11-17-2016 30 Days 12-17-2016, ~01:00 PM 11 Days, 6 Hours [Lift Ban] [driveby shitpost]
(lifted; not at all a driveby shitpost?)

Archie bishoptl 10-18-2016 62 Days 12-18-2016, ~11:00 AM 12 Days, 4 Hours [Lift Ban] [Weird how that dismissiveness got you dismissed.]
(lifted; thread is just about the game announcement, not specifically about social issues, and Lime is attempting to politicize every possible issue on NeoGAF, so being dismissive toward him for doing so doesn't seem too out of line)

Just a taste of what I did behind the scenes to try to undo the damage at the time. I didn't do nearly enough and I didn't tackle the permbans since I got tilted by people coming back to account suicide after I reversed their bans. I'm gonna go hard in the paint now and get some proper justice done.
I was banned for victim blaming, during the time when Phil Fish got hacked. I might have said he deserved it because of the shit he was spewing and generalizing a whole group of people, however, I did also say that expect trouble when you talk a lot of shit on the internet. Got like 2 week ban. Lol. I saw the era ban site and I saw some victim blaming bans going around. So it looks like that problem is no longer present here.
This is great to hear. My real account was permabanned after I made the mistake of asking a question in a gamersgate thread (The exact same thread as Dirk's post above me was in) to try to get up to speed on the current events. My banned message said something along the lines that my intentions may have been good, but too many misogynists were faking ignorance to push their agenda, so better safe than sorry.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This is great to hear. My real account was permabanned after I made the mistake of asking a question in a gamersgate thread (The exact same thread as Dirk's post above me was in) to try to get up to speed on the current events. My banned message said something along the lines that my intentions may have been good, but too many misogynists were faking ignorance to push their agenda, so better safe than sorry.

Can you please let me know what the account name was haha, privately if you'd prefer. I'll review it and can restore your old account and merge it with your new one etc. per the OP if everything checks out. If not I won't hold it against you w/ your new account for coming forward. Thanks.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I absolutely like the transparency on this, but really Evilore, you don't have to write a book about the past every time. I know that you moved on by your own account, but let that also reflect in these posts of transparency.

Furthermore: Bish has an ERA account. He does not use it often but he has one. I am not so sure if it is really needed to constantly name him as the sole culprit for all these bannings, both during Gaffoctober, or prior. Just seems a bit much on the personal agenda. Especially since he can read these posts.

That being said, ill make sure a few ERAgoers see this and take acknowledgement of this. Thanks for the heads up Evil!
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I did have an old account. I got banned because I mouthed off about a garbage article about a gaming-related topic. I doubt it was politically-driven since I kept quiet on those sort of topics:


Damn getting banned for being sensible and saying that games journalism is fucking atrocious, which everyone with a pulse knows, in a gaming board is horrifying. GAF have come a really long way since then, which is pretty nice.
Shoulda kept the Obi-Wan avatar 😂😂😂


Fingerlickin' Good!
I always wondered how gaf became such an extreme SJW ultra left hangout, as that did not seem to be reflected in Evilore’s posts. I’m glad it has been cleaned up now. The other site where they went is absolutely bonkers. The mods there will ban you if you say you don’t want to date transgender people for being ‘bigoted’


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I absolutely like the transparency on this, but really Evilore, you don't have to write a book about the past every time. I know that you moved on by your own account, but let that also reflect in these posts of transparency.

Furthermore: Bish has an ERA account. He does not use it often but he has one. I am not so sure if it is really needed to constantly name him as the sole culprit for all these bannings, both during Gaffoctober, or prior. Just seems a bit much on the personal agenda. Especially since he can read these posts.

That being said, ill make sure a few ERAgoers see this and take acknowledgement of this. Thanks for the heads up Evil!

He's welcome to read these posts. It was a betrayal of trust and an active deception on his part. He lied to me directly over and over again while he was sabotaging the site. He admitted to it when confronted, but did nothing to address it and happily bounced to ERA after helping to set up the conditions that led to ERA's formation. Is that supposed to be some reason to go soft on him? I think not.

Not everyone follows things closely or knows what happened back then. A lot of people who were hit by these bans don't. Hence the context. It's not for you, it's for them. Thanks.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I always wondered how gaf became such an extreme SJW ultra left hangout, as that did not seem to be reflected in Evilore’s posts. I’m glad it has been cleaned up now. The other site where they went is absolutely bonkers. The mods there will ban you if you say you don’t want to date transgender people for being ‘bigoted’
We have this for that: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/off-...ont-make-it-personal-keep-it-in-here.1462647/:)

He's welcome to read these posts. It was a betrayal of trust and an active deception on his part. He lied to me directly over and over again while he was sabotaging the site. He admitted to it when confronted, but did nothing to address it and happily bounced to ERA after helping to set up the conditions that led to ERA's formation. Is that supposed to be some reason to go soft on him? I think not.
But Evil, it has been 8 months since then. You have, at lengths, posted multiple times about this event. At some point, you gotta let go of the spite sir.
I understand that you are still upset over this (and clearly so), and you obviously have that right to be, but, please, do not remain stuck in that mindset. After all, that is how ERA ultimately was born, and that is how some staff of ERA is current heading towards to.

Not everyone follows things closely or knows what happened back then. A lot of people who were hit by these bans don't. Hence the context. It's not for you, it's for them. Thanks.
That seems a bit easy to say. A lot of your post is perfectly valid but interspersed i can totally read the spite coming off of it.
Not going to tell you to rephrase it obviously or whatever, but some personal mentions could due without them. Your message will still be equally valid and transparent, but it then does not come across as if you still have an axe to burn, 8 months later.

If anything, the fact Bish hardly posts at ERA should provide you a hint on how Gaffoctober was recieved upon him.
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Fox Mulder

great post as usual but do We really wanna let a lot of those cucks back here? I enjoy the pleasant browsing experience the way it is now :(

And it can stay that way with more posters without mods favoring one side like the old gaf. Both sides should be able to have discussions.

Era was founded to continue the insane moderation and eco chamber and lots of people love that. Others may be walking around on egg shells. I'm liberal and got banned a week for "rationalizing racial profiling" because I didn't jump on the fuck all white people train that's taken off there. I asked for a perm ban and left.
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Great work. Honestly I think this alongside everything you've done these past few months redeems every bad thing this site once was and the poor behavior of moderation at the time. You're doing and have some wonderful work with the site and while the fiasco that split this site apart was terrible, I think in a way it could be described as a blessing in disguise having granted you the freedom and hindsight to right the problems this site once had. Thank you Evillore.

On another note, I think I was once temp banned by bishoptl with "Nope, not today" as his ban reason lol. It was one of the bans overturned way back when I think.
I appreciate the transparency and the course correction but it's such a shame this situation went on for so long. We used to have a great community here before things went off the rails.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Suggestion: unban everyone.

Seems like it would be less work.
We have this for that: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/off-...ont-make-it-personal-keep-it-in-here.1462647/:)


But Evil, it has been 8 months since then. You have, at lengths, posted multiple times about this event. At some point, you gotta let go of the spite sir.
I understand that you are still upset over this (and clearly so), and you obviously have that right to be, but, please, do not remain stuck in that mindset. After all, that is how ERA ultimately was born, and that is how some staff of ERA is current heading towards to.

That seems a bit easy to say. A lot of your post is perfectly valid but interspersed i can totally read the spite coming off of it.
Not going to tell you to rephrase it obviously or whatever, but some personal mentions could due without them. Your message will still be equally valid and transparent, but it then does not come across as if you still have an axe to burn, 8 months later.

If anything, the fact Bish hardly posts at ERA should provide you a hint on how Gaffoctober was recieved upon him.

I'll "let go" when the rest of the ban reviews are complete, since they're not complete. I'm invigorated recently, as you'll notice if you read the rest of the OP, because of recent findings that a "friend" was actively suppressing moderate voices last October under false pretenses after specifically volunteering to help during the crisis situation. That was far worse and far more malicious than anything Bish did post-election. I forgive Bish. I've known Bish since I was 14 years old. He had his reasons and made mistakes and harmed the site, but I believe the motives he described to me when I confronted him with the truth. It is what it is and we had to part ways. This is not about fomenting a witch hunt against him. It's about cleaning up.

You're interrupting. You're attempting to psychoanalyze someone and you are not up for the task. Stop interrupting and let's get back to business. Thanks.
We have this for that: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/off-...ont-make-it-personal-keep-it-in-here.1462647/:)


But Evil, it has been 8 months since then. You have, at lengths, posted multiple times about this event. At some point, you gotta let go of the spite sir.
I understand that you are still upset over this (and clearly so), and you obviously have that right to be, but, please, do not remain stuck in that mindset. After all, that is how ERA ultimately was born, and that is how some staff of ERA is current heading towards to.

That seems a bit easy to say. A lot of your post is perfectly valid but interspersed i can totally read the spite coming off of it.
Not going to tell you to rephrase it obviously or whatever, but some personal mentions could due without them. Your message will still be equally valid and transparent, but it then does not come across as if you still have an axe to burn, 8 months later.

If anything, the fact Bish hardly posts at ERA should provide you a hint on how Gaffoctober was recieved upon him.

I'd like some clarity on that spoiler. He hardly posts at all anywhere not just since the election, but also, he's got a comic book/gaming gig going on. Not sure what you mean about how it was received?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just been brought to attention by a user that all of our temp bans in progress when we performed our migration in January look like they may have turned permanent unintentionally. This is part of why we were taking so long on our migration planning last year, hah. More to fix. Be sure to contact via the methods described in the OP and we'll work on getting it all sorted out. Sorry for the trouble.


I'll "let go" when the rest of the ban reviews are complete, since they're not complete. I'm invigorated recently, as you'll notice if you read the rest of the OP, because of recent findings that a "friend" was actively suppressing moderate voices last October under false pretenses after specifically volunteering to help during the crisis situation. That was far worse and far more malicious than anything Bish did post-election. I forgive Bish. I've known Bish since I was 14 years old. He had his reasons and made mistakes and harmed the site, but I believe the motives he described to me when I confronted him with the truth. It is what it is and we had to part ways. This is not about fomenting a witch hunt against him. It's about cleaning up.

You're interrupting. You're attempting to psychoanalyze someone and you are not up for the task. Stop interrupting and let's get back to business. Thanks.

who's the "friend"


I had an 11 year old account. Was banned in the "punch a Nazi" thread ( https://www.neogaf.com/threads/arti...ant-you-to-know.1373832/page-2#post-236771574)for saying that calling everyone they didn't agree with Nazis and advocating violence against so called Nazis was a bad thing. For confronting them with their hate driven politics and saying it was bullshit the suppression of ideas. It went against everything neogaf had once stood for.

Well they didn't ban me right there, a bunch of mods got on platforms and lead a hate mob on me including being doxxed in the thread.

The next day I think when I posted support for Trump again in another thread and boom perma.

Pretty sure it was bethsada who got me "posting in bad faith/enjoy posting elsewhere".
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
who's the "friend"

I'd rather not disclose any further details on that front until I complete the review process of their bans. There's sufficient evidence that they were acting maliciously but the scope of the damage done isn't clear yet.
I had an 11 year old account. Was banned in the "punch a Nazi" thread for saying that calling everyone they didn't agree with Nazis and advocating violence against so called Nazis was a bad thing. For confronting them with their hate driven politics and saying it was bullshit the suppression of ideas. It went against everything neogaf had once stood for.

Well they didn't ban me right there, a bunch of mods got on platforms and lead a hate mob on me including being doxxed in the thread.

The next day I think when I posted support for Trump again in another thread and boom perma.

Pretty sure it was bethsada who got me "posting in bad faith/enjoy posting elsewhere".

Please mention your original account name or PM it to me and I'll look into it. As mentioned I can restore your original account and/or merge it with your current one so that you have a combined post history with preferred account name and the legacy of your neogaf participation here etc. If the original ban was inappropriate (and it probably was), we'll get you fixed up.
Really cool to see you going through this.

There were some wild, wild times during that 1-year span. It literally felt like the site was going crazy, and now it makes a little more sense how it got to that place.

It was to the point where I'd just avoid OT for the most part because it was so insular and negative. I kind of chalked it up to being a place with so many people it just got out of control, but it does appear that it was guided to that point by nefarious means. It seems a lot nicer now, obviously slower, but rebuilding has to start somewhere.

As an aside, I upgraded my own forums from VB 3.8 something to XenForo over the last holidays and oh my god it's so nice to have a functional forum software again. It's like a miracle. I am sure you've felt some of that.

Looking forward to seeing what else you have planned, glad to be back (Never was banned, but took a break for a while after all this nonsense).


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I'll "let go" when the rest of the ban reviews are complete, since they're not complete. I'm invigorated recently, as you'll notice if you read the rest of the OP, because of recent findings that a "friend" was actively suppressing moderate voices last October under false pretenses after specifically volunteering to help during the crisis situation. That was far worse and far more malicious than anything Bish did post-election. I forgive Bish. I've known Bish since I was 14 years old. He had his reasons and made mistakes and harmed the site, but I believe the motives he described to me when I confronted him with the truth. It is what it is and we had to part ways. This is not about fomenting a witch hunt against him. It's about cleaning up.
Alright, that's good to know. Should be in the OP! Also like the details in your later post!

You're interrupting. You're attempting to psychoanalyze someone and you are not up for the task. Stop interrupting and let's get back to business. Thanks.
That's not really what i was doing, i was just throwing in a supporting/advising (what have you) comment for your being, nothing more. No need for that tone, Evil. Lets indeed get back to the topic, no harm intended!

I'd like some clarity on that spoiler. He hardly posts at all anywhere not just since the election, but also, he's got a comic book/gaming gig going on. Not sure what you mean about how it was received?
Well clearly since Bish is now without power, clearly it has little use for him to express himself. The few posts that i did encounter highlight how much he misses that.

That he has other endeavours ofcourse allow him to focus more on that, without a doubt.

Gotta say though, Bish really liked writing original ban reasons :/


I'd rather not disclose any further details on that front until I complete the review process of their bans. There's sufficient evidence that they were acting maliciously but the scope of the damage done isn't clear yet.

Please mention your original account name or PM it to me and I'll look into it. As mentioned I can restore your original account and/or merge it with your current one so that you have a combined post history with preferred account name and the legacy of your neogaf participation here etc. If the original ban was inappropriate (and it probably was), we'll get you fixed up.

I was everyones favorite Sony MVP Bamelin


I'll "let go" when the rest of the ban reviews are complete, since they're not complete. I'm invigorated recently, as you'll notice if you read the rest of the OP, because of recent findings that a "friend" was actively suppressing moderate voices last October under false pretenses after specifically volunteering to help during the crisis situation. That was far worse and far more malicious than anything Bish did post-election. I forgive Bish. I've known Bish since I was 14 years old. He had his reasons and made mistakes and harmed the site, but I believe the motives he described to me when I confronted him with the truth. It is what it is and we had to part ways. This is not about fomenting a witch hunt against him. It's about cleaning up.

You're interrupting. You're attempting to psychoanalyze someone and you are not up for the task. Stop interrupting and let's get back to business. Thanks.

You quoted me but didn't respond to my brilliant advice!



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
You quoted me but didn't respond to my brilliant advice!


Hah, my bad. TBH, full amnesty for 2017 bans might indeed be the way to go overall, but far from all bans were bullshit that year, and this way I can talk to folks one-on-one a bit and get on the same page, take ownership of what happened, see all the mistakes that played out individually, etc., rather than just pressing a button and shrugging.


There's a repository where you can see which posts prompted a ban and what the message was?

How do you consult that?


I absolutely like the transparency on this, but really Evilore, you don't have to write a book about the past every time. I know that you moved on by your own account, but let that also reflect in these posts of transparency.

Furthermore: Bish has an ERA account. He does not use it often but he has one. I am not so sure if it is really needed to constantly name him as the sole culprit for all these bannings, both during Gaffoctober, or prior. Just seems a bit much on the personal agenda. Especially since he can read these posts.

That being said, ill make sure a few ERAgoers see this and take acknowledgement of this. Thanks for the heads up Evil!
I agree, but I also strongly disagree if that makes sense. People like Bish absolutely need to embrace self reflection and have a mirror placed squarely in front of them. People like him/her have pushed away voters like me, who voted for Obama.

It's never good to keep bringing up past events, certainly not ones that may have affected one directly, but the insane polarization that has unfolded in the left, where it has become extreme, needs to have light shed on it. I've always considered myself a moderate Democrat, or moderate Republican. Sitting in the center isle taking what I believe is the best from both parties.

I can't do that anymore. There is no moderate democratic party anymore, or they have been overrun with extremists who seem like they want to upend the applecart on every single issue.

The worst part of it is that they want total, and complete obedience or it becomes a circus. That is not America. That is not civil discourse. That is not what I grew up with and I absolutely refuse to accept the insanity that has become the democratic party.

It's almost dead to me, and until people like Bish realize exactly what they have done, in pushing away the majority, I absolutely will not listen to them. This thread is needed to bring more folks back into the fold of reason, and actual discussion.

So if Bish is reading this;

Self reflection is important. Understand why Trump is president, 33 of 50 governors are Republican, and Congress is controlled by Republicans. The extremism of the left has driven away the center, and your responsible.

Asking questions in an attempt to understand or learn should be rewarded with civil, and educated discussion, not a ban. This type of attitude spills over into every day life with speakers at university's around the nation getting shouted down.

This thread is a great way for rational people to get an inside look into the mind of someone who purely wants to silence those who have a different outlook/opinion. This is what an unchecked echo chamber can, and will create.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
There's a repository where you can see which posts prompted a ban and what the message was?

How do you consult that?

1) raw system logs of what mod/admin banned whom and what user-facing reason was given, if any
2) official, compulsory ban record for mods/admins to log their bans in afterwards
3) complete post history of neogaf since 2004 for me to reference manually for each user in question
4) My personal judgment applied hopefully in a non-shitty way

Simple enough with sufficient effort.

Several requests sorted out already, btw. Finding out really useful information about various circumstances too and who was making bad calls, or technical glitches per the last post. Don't hesitate to PM me or send a support email etc. I'll sort you out.


1) raw system logs of what mod/admin banned whom and what user-facing reason was given, if any
2) official, compulsory ban record for mods/admins to log their bans in afterwards
3) complete post history of neogaf since 2004 for me to reference manually for each user in question
4) My personal judgment applied hopefully in a non-shitty way

Simple enough with sufficient effort.

Several requests sorted out already, btw. Finding out really useful information about various circumstances too and who was making bad calls, or technical glitches per the last post. Don't hesitate to PM me or send a support email etc. I'll sort you out.

No, I meant for a normal user. I understand the misunderstanding, it sounded like a direct question.

Was asking because someone above was able to pinpoint a banned post and the message that came with it.
Alright, that's good to know. Should be in the OP! Also like the details in your later post!

That's not really what i was doing, i was just throwing in a supporting/advising (what have you) comment for your being, nothing more. No need for that tone, Evil. Lets indeed get back to the topic, no harm intended!

Well clearly since Bish is now without power, clearly it has little use for him to express himself. The few posts that i did encounter highlight how much he misses that.

That he has other endeavours ofcourse allow him to focus more on that, without a doubt.

Gotta say though, Bish really liked writing original ban reasons :/

He was famous for bans. Had his own animated gifs and everything.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
EviLore EviLore maybe I missed the answer but...

You doing this by yourself or is the staff helping? Seems like a lot to do.

By myself. Gromph Gromph pulled the logs from the vb3 database archives, the mod team is doing their day to day moderation (and quite well), Palliasso Palliasso is working on a fun new feature we're about to deploy for everyone, and I have a design team working on a big polish and presentation round with a lot more features coming too. This part is my specialty. :goog_geek:

He was famous for bans. Had his own animated gifs and everything.

One of the animated gifs made for him hit the front page of Reddit, even. It was pretty cool. But everything went to hell after the election.
By myself. Gromph Gromph pulled the logs from the vb3 database archives, the mod team is doing their day to day moderation (and quite well), Palliasso Palliasso is working on a fun new feature we're about to deploy for everyone, and I have a design team working on a big polish and presentation round with a lot more features coming too. This part is my specialty. :goog_geek:
Should Gaf pick up your Red Bull tab lol
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