...Says an old poster printed on a dot matrix printer back at my parents' place. It was always next to the computer, and by age 5 I knew what it meant.
In this particular case, I'm in the midst of researching new mobiles, because my contract is up in a few months and I need to decide whether I'm staying, going, and which phones do what I need them to do.
(I'm thinking RAZR if I go Cingular, E815 if I stay with Verizon. I'm through with LG and their phones that feel like they're made from the cheapest plastic on Earth.)
And like fucking clockwork, my fully-charged phone from last night flashed the "Please Charge!" message at me today. Odd, that. No missed calls that might have made the ringer go off several times or anything. I'm telling you, it KNOWS that it's headed for the dreaded Drawer of Misfit Gizmos.
So anyway, this kind of shit ever happen to you? A printer actually commits suicide the night before a paper's due? A computer grind to a screeching halt right before a big tournament or in the middle of an important project after days - no, WEEKS - of flawless activity? Your car die right before a big date?
In this particular case, I'm in the midst of researching new mobiles, because my contract is up in a few months and I need to decide whether I'm staying, going, and which phones do what I need them to do.
(I'm thinking RAZR if I go Cingular, E815 if I stay with Verizon. I'm through with LG and their phones that feel like they're made from the cheapest plastic on Earth.)
And like fucking clockwork, my fully-charged phone from last night flashed the "Please Charge!" message at me today. Odd, that. No missed calls that might have made the ringer go off several times or anything. I'm telling you, it KNOWS that it's headed for the dreaded Drawer of Misfit Gizmos.
So anyway, this kind of shit ever happen to you? A printer actually commits suicide the night before a paper's due? A computer grind to a screeching halt right before a big tournament or in the middle of an important project after days - no, WEEKS - of flawless activity? Your car die right before a big date?