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Never thought I'd have to ask this: Win98 + WinXP on same HDD?

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There's a PC with Windows 98 already installed, is there a way to add Win XP for a dual OS confirguation without removing the existing Win98? And there's only 1 hard disk.
Che said:
Partition Magic to partition your HDD. Then install XP on a different partition. Done.

Yeah that was the first thought that came to my head, but how would I go about choosing which one to boot at startup? I'm not sure if the bios allows selecting which drive to boot first, I'll have to check.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I know it can be done... but it is really not worth the trouble or hassle... drivers alone would be a nightare.. do one or the other... he'll have to understand =)


98 SE ROCKS...

I still use it and although there are little annoyances here and there, it's a very, very stable OS...

I don't even encounter problems with viruses and stuff like that even though we've had it forever, the only thing problematic is the spyware...


98 really, really sucks.. if only because its FUGLY.

And calling 9x stable is.. well... a joke.


well, mine still going very well, even though it's been through loads of programs, tons of file sharing programs like Kazaa, LimeWire, Napster, etc...

also, my bro and dad download a bunch of uneccessary programs and stuff, so I have to do a lot of keeping things in order, but things chug along just fine...

it's been through so much I'm surprised there has never been a serious problem...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
efralope said:
well, mine still going very well, even though it's been through loads of programs, tons of file sharing programs like Kazaa, LimeWire, Napster, etc...

also, my bro and dad download a bunch of uneccessary programs and stuff, so I have to do a lot of keeping things in order, but things chug along just fine...

it's been through so much I'm surprised there has never been a serious problem...

98 se by its lonesome isn't a bad OS.. however from a operations standpoint it is far from stable (however outside of XP it is MS' finest OS)

But the real problem is having it exisit with XP on the same Hard drive, using the same hardware... not that it can't be done... just is it worth the bother?


Blackace said:
98 se by its lonesome isn't a bad OS.. however from a operations standpoint it is far from stable (however outside of XP it is MS' finest OS)
Um.. Windows 2000? 2k is 10x better than 98


actually, I haven't really used XP all that much, so maybe I'm missing a lot...

that said, on my brothers laptop, it originally had ME which was just a mess and kept messing up, so eventually I cleared the drive and installed 2000 and it's been as good if not better than 98... one thing is that I've never had virus problems with 98 but have with 2000...

the only thing is that I find getting to some options a bit more complicated and not as user-friendly, but other than that it's great, and in fact 2000 has been a much better experience for me than XP (which I use at school labs), very stable as well...

that said, 98 SE and 2000 (the two I use, one in the family comp. the other on the laptop) work really well, although I'm sure when I finish building my own comp I'll go with XP...
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