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New Animal Crossing DS details



Nintendo today revealed some new details about the Japanese version of Animal Crossing DS, known in Japan under the tentative name of Doubutsu no Mori DS.

Only a few details have been revealed on the game. You'll once again find yourself living in a village, taking up residence in your very own home. The game looks like one would expect of an Animal Crossing game, with a similar color palette and those trademark balloon-headed characters. Nintendo has even managed to keep the 3D perspective in the move to the portable.
Animal Crossing represents the perfect chance for Nintendo to show off the NDS's trademark features, and it seems like Nintendo will be doing just that. The WiFi functionality of the system will let as many as four players play together, walking around in the same village. Players will be able to chat using the touch screen and show off their own rooms. The touch screen is also used for menu selection, which should make for a fast interface.

With so few details available on Animal Crossing DS, we expect it to be a ways off from release. We hope to get a closer glimpse shortly, though, so stay tuned to IGNDS.



Society said:
Local Area.

Well, I ask because if it's using the DS WiFi transmitter and not the short-range, Bluetooth-esque transmitter, there's no reason why it shouldn't be online. I mean, if Nintendo wanted to keep the players in the same room, why use WiFi?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
xsarien said:
Well, I ask because if it's using the DS WiFi transmitter and not the short-range, Bluetooth-esque transmitter, there's no reason why it shouldn't be online. I mean, if Nintendo wanted to keep the players in the same room, why use WiFi?

i remember Mr. M once mentioned that the game was originally meant to be online. instead, they added the whole train station thing since they had decided not to support online for the cube.


Maybe its not just local? Its not being released for a few months after all.

Have there been any updates to the warp pipe mystery recently? Wasnt it supposed to be revealed this month (or next)?


Didn't you guys hear? Nintendo hired the genius of warp pipe to interconnect all DS machines into a nintendoweb that will overtake the internet by january 1st! Wi Fi , Wi Shmy.


Society said:
So no one will be using Pictochat? Need to be in the same 'room' for that.
Uh, no, why the hell would I do that?

If I used PictoChat, it'd be to doodle with someone else, not to chat.
Sriram said:
Wasnt there a train station in the n64 version? Come to think of it, I guess it wouldve had no use.
On the GCN version you can either go to a town in the other memory card slot, or transfer your character to another memory card, so you could trade towns with someone temporarily and keep your character around and whatnot. You could probably do the same with the N64 version and a memory pak.


Last time I heard, all of the NDS' launch games utilize nintendo's proprietary wireless protocol.

This the only game that nintendo confirmed the use of wifi
One thing that's always concerned me since this was announced was the multiplayer. How are they going to be able to do multiplayer towns when the game can be played without the wireless function on? Mainly, if Player A shares a town with Player B. Then while Player A is at school, Player B chops down all apple trees while Player A is gone, how does Player A end up seeing those chopped down trees? There's nothing recording that progress and the only solution would be syncing, but even from there things can become massively troublesome (say you play seperately for months, or you sell apples to Tom Nook but the other player had chopped them down much earlier than that).

Well, you could say that ACDS had no same village multiplayer at all. This is a possibility, each game could have their own town and only other players can visit... but this takes out a lot of the fun that AC brought to players. My favorite part of the game was the interaction with my sister when she was playing. How I could leave messages for her and whatnot. And now the DS is providing some sort of real time multiplayer.

The only major solution I see is that town data is saved online and constantly streamed. You can have your offline towns, but they're going to be under restrictions you can only get with being online. Maybe I'm totally offbase here, and someone has a better solution, but I'm really out of ideas.

EDIT: Err, I'm an idiot. I guess you could just share that one cartridge and that's how it would work. Like all the other AC games. You just won't have anything going in real time. Real time is just limited to visitors then. Or this is done via the wireless game sharing thing. I'm so confused.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I wish your character was an animal! I would love to create my own animal based on responses to a questionnaire! A MONKEY HEAD WITH A SNAKE BODY!!!!!!!!

Also it suxor in animal crossing when you can join into sports fair activities etc..
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