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New ATI drivers are out


Wait, I'm confused. The release notes to the 4.8s indicate that OpenGL performance has been significantly improved...but I thought that the 4.9 version of the Catalysts was going to have the totally rewritten OpenGL drivers.

Did they incorporate the OpenGL DLL from the 4.9beta into the 4.8 final, or is this a different enhancement? I'd like to upgrade my drivers to anticipate Doom 3 (whenever I get around to buying it), but I'd like to do it ONCE since I hate dealing with driver issue crap.
Stupid question, what's the best way too install these dirvers. Do I un-install the old ones first then install the new drivers (in safe mode)?. Or do I just double click and go? I have never heard a straight answer on this subject.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I take the new drivers and install them.

So far it has not been too bad.

Best performance = re-install XP and install the new drivers at that point.


The subject of the beta 4.9 and official 4.8 have been touched upon by the person named 'Catalyst Maker' on the Rage3D forums. He helps with the creation of the catalyst drivers. He said the 4.9 beta are more up to date than the official 4.8. They just didn't have to go through the WHQL certification yet. So if you want the most up to date drivers, go with the beta 4.9s. If you want the most up to date certified drivers, stick with the official 4.8. I'm gonna stick with beta 4.9s for now until the official 4.9 drivers are released next month.

Link to beta 4.9:


Kon Tiki


Right there. :p

So should I stay with the 4.9s for Doom 3 (the only game I play right now), or use the 4.8 final?


I'd stick with the 4.9B.

It has a faster OPENGL driver. At least from what I've read from various posts at the rage3d board.


Mrbob said:
The subject of the beta 4.9 and official 4.8 have been touched upon by the person named 'Catalyst Maker' on the Rage3D forums. He helps with the creation of the catalyst drivers. He said the 4.9 beta are more up to date than the official 4.8. They just didn't have to go through the WHQL certification yet. So if you want the most up to date drivers, go with the beta 4.9s. If you want the most up to date certified drivers, stick with the official 4.8. I'm gonna stick with beta 4.9s for now until the official 4.9 drivers are released next month.

Link to beta 4.9:

Awesome -- thanks for the info! Since I haven't sprung for Doom 3 yet, I'll just hold off until the official Catalyst 4.9s. My gaming time doesn't permit me to go after D3 anyway -- still playing the hell out of UT2k4...and believe it or not, playing the original Zelda for the first time on GBA.
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