Now Peter Thiels Lawyer Wants to Silence Reporting on Trumps Hair
Gawker got a letter from Charles Harder -- who represented the Hulkster against Gawker -- threatening action over their recent article on Trump's hair.
Harder tried to claim copyright (??) on the letter to prevent Gawker from publishing it; they've disputed that claim and embedded a copy of the letter annotated with their answer to his complaints.
The Gawker piece goes on to cast aspersions against Peter Thiel over his involvement with Harder, while acknowledging that they don't have any way to know the specifics of that relationship beyond the Hulk case. Gawker outline several other pretty suspicious legal actions taken against them by Harder.
Setting aside the righteousness of the Hulk case, it seems likely that this Charles Harder is implementing a vendetta against Gawker. I don't know how it ends except with Gawker "dead".
Gawker got a letter from Charles Harder -- who represented the Hulkster against Gawker -- threatening action over their recent article on Trump's hair.
in case you missed that article: said:Feinbergs articlewhich drew potential connections between Trump and the work of a $60,000-a-pop hair-extension company called Ivari Internationalstill went over rather well, drawing praise from staffers at the Times, the Wall Street Journal, and The Atlantic; and at least three winners of the Pulitzer Prize.
Harder's complaint said:Charles J. Harder, sent Gawker a letter on behalf of Ivari Internationals owner and namesake, Edward Ivari, in which Harder claims that Feinbergs story was false and defamatory, invaded Ivaris privacy, intentionally inflicted emotional distress, and committed tortious interference with Ivaris business relations. Harder enumerates 19 different purportedly defamatory statementsalmost all of which were drawn from several publicly available lawsuits filed against Ivari. [...]
Harder goes on to threaten legal action over the story: Your actions expose you to substantial monetary damages and punitive damages.
Gawker's answer said:These claims are, on their face, ridiculous. For instance, one of the defamatory statements Gawker published, according to Harder, is this: Whats more, Ivaris New York location is inside Trump Toweron the private floor reserved for Donald Trumps own office. Harder omits, of course, the sources on which this assertion was based: Ivaris own brochure, an archived version of his web site, and multiple advertisements Ivari placed in New York Magazine, all of which specified his New York address as being on the 25th floor of the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Furthermore, he didnt even quote the article correctly. Heres what Feinberg actually wrote (emphasis mine): Whats more, Ivaris New York location was inside Trump Toweron the private floor reserved for Donald Trumps own office.
The second set of defamatory statements, Harder claims, were taken from a lawsuit filed against Mr. Ivari by Alicia Roachthat is, an official judicial proceeding, the publication of which is protected by New York States fair report privilege:
Harder tried to claim copyright (??) on the letter to prevent Gawker from publishing it; they've disputed that claim and embedded a copy of the letter annotated with their answer to his complaints.
The Gawker piece goes on to cast aspersions against Peter Thiel over his involvement with Harder, while acknowledging that they don't have any way to know the specifics of that relationship beyond the Hulk case. Gawker outline several other pretty suspicious legal actions taken against them by Harder.
Setting aside the righteousness of the Hulk case, it seems likely that this Charles Harder is implementing a vendetta against Gawker. I don't know how it ends except with Gawker "dead".