Maybe too small for you but these guys sell a 16x10:
As far as blue heroes, yeah I mean any mono deck right now is tough (except maybe blue villain which is T1.5/2) and that's one of the tougher ones. If you want to play Blue though why not just go for something like Lukebar, which is at core a ton of blue but also can bring in some red help to fill in the gaps?
As to removal yeah right now I'm actually playing an almost insane amount of removal in my Han/Rey deck and it's been working out. Nice thing is I can even play fringe cards like Daring Escape (1x, underrated imo) because Han gets the shield off the Ambush so it pushes the card into playable territory (for me at least). Don't neglect what you think might be middling/costly removal! Like Anticipate, Mind Trick, etc. You won't use them every game but they can hit really big a good amount of the time. The only real condition to those going off is money, but they can hit way bigger than just an Electroshock or w/e. That's why I have 1x Daring Escape and 2x Negotiate in my deck, b/c you
think Electroshock is this all-powerful thing but realistically there are a lot of sticky situations it can't get you out of, especially against Blue actually. I've definitely 2x Daring Escaped someone and pretty much ruined their game. This is even more true now that people are running cards like Fight Dirty that just check number of dice and not even result. Just get that junk off the board.