The box has like a million cards and a ton of boards, which makes up a lot of the space.Saw some Gloomhaven. Not sure what justifies that big box but maybe folks were just in the early stages of the game. I'm watching this one closely.
The box has like a million cards and a ton of boards, which makes up a lot of the space.Saw some Gloomhaven. Not sure what justifies that big box but maybe folks were just in the early stages of the game. I'm watching this one closely.
Thanks, I'm very interested in the game but there's almost no info about it on the web and the generic name makes it impossible to find.
So for the few people who've played level 99's battlecon how does exceed compare? From what I can tell battlecon is to streetfighter what exceed is to guilty gear/blazblue. I was waiting for this move to be done and tax return to pick up and try battlecon, but at $160 for both full seasons exceed seems like the easier game to jump into.
I gave in and backed Dinosaur Island. This will be pretty much my first Kickstarter so hoping it goes well. Pretty excited about it.
I gave in and backed Dinosaur Island. This will be pretty much my first Kickstarter so hoping it goes well. Pretty excited about it.
It does look fun. It may be my most anticipated game of 2017 currently right up there with Charterstone.
Looking at the new $450k goal of 19 more end game cards is pretty amazing. Hopefully they get it.
me too and they didn't have any problems making it to 450k with 7 hours to go it might even make it to 500k
Congrats on Dinosaur Island, St00ge. I'm in for a Deluxe Edition.
Man, I just broke open Star Wars Rebellion and it is impressive. I love the two-part board ala War of the Ring. I wonder if War of the Ring's board is bigger though.
Ooo, the Zen Bin insert looks noice. I was thinking about getting one and I do like the looks of that.Great game and I highly recommend this insert if you play it a lot (or even if you just pull it out on occasion)
I personally enjoy Race for the Galaxy (a general tableau-building game that works with 2 players) and 7 Wonders Duel (a version of 7 Wonders specific to 2 players) a lot more than Jaipur.I just wanted to pop my head in and thank all the lovely people here for their recommendations. I have acquired Star Realms, Schotten Totten, and added Jaipur and the Jack the Ripper stand-alone Sherlock Holmes expansion to my wish list.
I played Star Wars yesterday with my wife. Such a fun game.Congrats on Dinosaur Island, St00ge. I'm in for a Deluxe Edition.
Man, I just broke open Star Wars Rebellion and it is impressive. I love the two-part board ala War of the Ring. I wonder if War of the Ring's board is bigger though.
Also, I'll be in Tokyo for Game Market in May if anyone wants to meet up!
Great game and I highly recommend this insert if you play it a lot (or even if you just pull it out on occasion)
Where do these come from?
I looked 'em up last night and saw that MinMarket has them in-stock, but I don't particularly need to place any $100 orders right now.Those are Zen Bin inserts, I think. You can buy them here, at least when they are in stock. Not a bad price if they work well.
Great game and I highly recommend this insert if you play it a lot (or even if you just pull it out on occasion)
I've been looking at all of the pictures I can find of it and the trays seem to have deep enough walls that nothing should fall out. The poster you are addressing can answer better, since he actually owns it. Their website says they are can be stored vertically or horizontally using their product; the two Empire trays go in the bottom of the box, one of the halves of the board then goes on top of those, the two rebel boards go on top of that, and then the other half of the board sits on top of those with the rulebooks. The trays are supposed to kind of attach into or rest into the tray above them. It seems like it should still be protective of the components when stored sideways, but again, the poster you asked should have the best answer regarding it.Whatif you turn it on its side?
TIME Stories 3 player, what are people's thoughts on it?
Whatif you turn it on its side?
Ito my surprise I found A Study In Emerald to be very enjoyable. It took a little bit to wrap my head around the end game scoring and condition. I have the 2nd edition and really do not see why they went and made all the changes.
So CMON have released the rulebook for Rising Sun and I was wondering how people think it fares? I've heard about that people were really enjoying Blood Rage but I got enough Vikings in my life that I thought a Eastern theme would be nicer. So I've put down a dollar on Rising Sun just to be kept in the loop for now and wouldn't loose much if I decided to pull out.
Any thoughts?
So CMON have released the rulebook for Rising Sun and I was wondering how people think it fares? I've heard about that people were really enjoying Blood Rage but I got enough Vikings in my life that I thought a Eastern theme would be nicer. So I've put down a dollar on Rising Sun just to be kept in the loop for now and wouldn't loose much if I decided to pull out.
Any thoughts?
So CMON have released the rulebook for Rising Sun and I was wondering how people think it fares? I've heard about that people were really enjoying Blood Rage but I got enough Vikings in my life that I thought a Eastern theme would be nicer. So I've put down a dollar on Rising Sun just to be kept in the loop for now and wouldn't loose much if I decided to pull out.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for the input. Was mostly looking at it for the Blood Rage hype but since I can pass up on it safely I can just focus on backing the new Aeon's End game instead.
I think Rising Sun looks okay... not great. I will probably keep my base pledge but forget the add-ons. I don't think that they are worth it and I worry that too many monsters and clans, etc. won't be too balanced anyway.
It is amazing that some people think that this game is the second coming or something seeing the posts on BGG. Hey, I like Eric Lang's games but I didn't think that Blood Rage was that great after multiple plays. I also thought that the Others was mediocre. But, some people seem to have quite the faith that Eric Lang can't put out a bad game (I think Chaos in the Old World was his best game and that was a great game).
I think Rising Sun looks okay... not great. I will probably keep my base pledge but forget the add-ons. I don't think that they are worth it and I worry that too many monsters and clans, etc. won't be too balanced anyway.
It is amazing that some people think that this game is the second coming or something seeing the posts on BGG. Hey, I like Eric Lang's games but I didn't think that Blood Rage was that great after multiple plays. I also thought that the Others was mediocre. But, some people seem to have quite the faith that Eric Lang can't put out a bad game (I think Chaos in the Old World was his best game and that was a great game).
I feel like Eric is a pretty good example of how just being really open and pretty gregarious can get you a lot of cred with gamers. He's probably the biggest name in game design right now and I don't think his catalog comes anywhere close to justifying that when you look purely at the games. I don't know if it's over-design or under-design or what but his games are just always really similarly mediocre to me. Even lighter stuff like Bloodborne, which I sort of like, just doesn't feel really tight and clean like something from a master like Bauza or Feld. He's just clearly a level below the masters imo (and that might even be generous) but he's definitely got a cult of personality around him and his games. That said it's not anything that bothers me like the weirdly toxic cult of personality around Sirlin and a few others, so more power to him and the thousands of people who love his games.
I'm going to have to do a ton of research on it between now and then. I know it is the current hotness, and I tend to get sucked up into 'the hotness,' but every time I look at it I find myself thinking that the character designs are bad. Me not being able to get into the character art and designs seems like a big deal for a game like that.For anyone interested, the Gloomhaven reprint kickstarter will launch at noon EDT, April 4.
I guess I can understand that, but the only time you even see the character design is if you look at the player mat (which is technically unnecessary if you track HP/EXP another way) or if you look at the mini (which is so small as to make details hard to see).I'm going to have to do a ton of research on it between now and then. I know it is the current hotness, and I tend to get sucked up into 'the hotness,' but every time I look at it I find myself thinking that the character designs are bad. Me not being able to get into the character art and designs seems like a big deal for a game like that.
For anyone interested, the Gloomhaven reprint kickstarter will launch at noon EDT, April 4.
I think Rising Sun looks okay... not great. I will probably keep my base pledge but forget the add-ons. I don't think that they are worth it and I worry that too many monsters and clans, etc. won't be too balanced anyway.
It is amazing that some people think that this game is the second coming or something seeing the posts on BGG. Hey, I like Eric Lang's games but I didn't think that Blood Rage was that great after multiple plays. I also thought that the Others was mediocre. But, some people seem to have quite the faith that Eric Lang can't put out a bad game (I think Chaos in the Old World was his best game and that was a great game).
Anything CMON puts out is hyped to hell and back as the next coming, even before the rules are even out. They can crap in a box but it's gonna sell because of all the cool minis included with that poop.
Lang does ok games, hes had a couple really good games, but for the most part hes a "safe bet" for making a decent game, but he is so over hyped as some kind of design god. Rising Sun just seems boring, it's essentially rules taken from other similar games, with some extra rules tossed on to make it seem thematic, but it's just gonna make the game heavier/slower. Doesn't feel like a ton of effort was put into this at all.
You can have a bunch of characters jump in and out since all scenarios scale to the average party level.I'm definitely curious about Gloomhaven, just not sure if I would be able to get it to the table consistently. In the campaign can players jump in and out, or would there characters just fall behind?
Seconded. I prefer Imperial to Imperial 2030 but you can't go wrong with either game.PSA
Not sure when it happened, but apparently Imperial and Imperial 2030 are reprinted and available at major game retailers at a reasonable, regular-boardgame prices. I guess it's been up for a while?
I strongly recommend you check out these excellent, time-tested games before they go OOP again.
Seconded. I prefer Imperial to Imperial 2030 but you can't go wrong with either game.