Just some all-around lame news in this thread on BGG:
FFG lost the GW license, only for it to go to Devil Pig Games? The only thing I know from them is Heroes of Normandie. I really wanted Heroes of Normandie when it first came out but the amount of errors and errata made me stay away. I am pretty sure recent printings of the game fixed a lot of problems but at this point I'll only pick it up if I find someone selling their collection on the cheap. It was nice going through FFG when I needed a replacement part or something too; going through Devil Pig in France is going to make things more frustrating, especially with their history regarding the Normandie errata.
Additionally in that thread was mention of Warhammer Quest and how the property belongs to GW but the rights to the game belong with FFG. A designer who used to be with FFG appeared and said that he and his brother actually have those game rights and that the Warhammer Quest: ACG will live on as... Epic Awful Fantasy, which will be released through Kickstarter under Awful Fantasy Games. I mean, when I started reading that guy's post, I didn't get my hopes up that WQ:ACG was going to see more content in any way, but I thought we might get something with a comparable setting. Instead it will live on as a comedy game filled with jokes, spoofs, and satire.