Picked up a few more things because why not. Lazer Ryders, Dread Draw, and Century Golem Edition.
Honestly, my surprise game of the show is a TCG. Not technically a board game, I know, but I'm going to talk about it briefly anyway. It's called Lightseekers, and kind of (pretty much) apes Skylanders art style. There is also a F2P game that is an arpg set in the same world. But don't let things fool you like I almost did. It's a surprisingly easy to grasp but mechanically deep game. There are no resources in the traditional sense. There are some combo cards that require you to shuffle cards with the appropriate symbols from your hand back into your deck, but that's the extent of resources. The meat of the game is in the card rotating mechanic. At the beginning of your turn, cards in your playing field rotate clockwise. If there is a symbol with a number in the top right once it rotates, you do the cards effects, generally based on the number. If there isn't anything once it rotates, it's discarded. This is compulsory, and don't confuse it with tapping. It goes around on a full circle, if there are symbols in every corner. So you end up building combo machines like, "if I wait to play this card a turn, this card I have in play will be rotated twice, which means it will do double damage when it rotates once." That's a simple example, but gets your head in the right place. I've mostly sworn off of collectible games, but this game really impressed me.